Show Me Yours

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*You get everyone ready and head out the door

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*You get everyone ready and head out the door. Today was Epcot so you didn't feel you needed to leave super early. There aren't tons of rides so you felt you could take a slower day and just see everything. The kids ride the Frozen ride over and over. Bucky takes the kids on soarin as you nurse Ben and then you take Grant and Winnie on Test track as Bucky gets the girls a snack.*
Bucky- well?! Was it fun?!
*Grant smiles and nods*
Grant- yeah!! It was so much fun!
Winnie- it went so fast!!
*You catch up to them and Bucky pulls you in for a kiss*
Bucky- have fun?
Y/N- yeah, haven't sped away in a car in a long time. *You smirk and Bucky laughs and winks*
Grant- hey dad can we do mission space?!
Bucky- sure bud, Winnie I don't think your tall enough so how about you help mama get set up for lunch
Winnie- okay
*She walks back to you while Bucky and Grant race to the line. She pouts a little and you pull her close.*
Y/N- when daddy gets back how about you ask him to go on the frozen ride with you again?
*Winnie nods and you smile*

*Bucky and Grant wait in line for the ride. It's long and they are just talking. Grant gets quiet and then gets a serious look on his face.*
Grant- hey dad?
Bucky- yeah
Grant- I have a question. *He looks shy now*
Bucky- shoot, Little Wolf
Grant- Umm I've been wondering this for awhile, since school ended, I just haven't been able to ask cause the girls are always around.
*Bucky has a feeling this ain't going to be a "can I have some ice cream" type of question.*
Bucky- what's up bud?
Grant- what's a boner?
*Bucky has died, he's died. This can't be happening, not now, not at Disney, not here with tons of people around, not while Grant's still 8! He clears his throat*
Bucky- Umm what-
Grant- I asked, what's a- *Bucky covers his mouth and looks around for a moment. He then crouches down and speaks to Grant.*
Bucky- I heard what you said bud. I'm just confused as to why you are asking.
Grant- well... you know that mean kid at school
Bucky- Derek? Yes.
Grant- he made fun of me on the last day of school and he said I had one.
*Bucky is trying to keep it together. He is not one to shy away from talking about sex, ever! But with his kid and in the line for a ride at Disney!?! Bucky takes a deep breath and moves Grant out of line.*
Grant- but we were gonna ride mission space.
Bucky- it's okay, I feel like I'm already in space! *He smiles and laughs. Grant does too. Bucky gets Grant a drink and he heads back to you.*
Winnie- Daddy daddy! Come ride frozen with me, please?!
Bucky- I will Winnie boo! I just need to talk to mommy and then Grant. But I promise we will. *He kisses her head and she sits back. Bucky whispers to you*
Bucky- Grant asked what a boner was!
Y/N- What?!?
Bucky- yeah, I've got to talk to him about what it is and how it's normal and stuff-
Y/N- here?!? In Disney?!
Bucky- yeah! I don't want him to think it's something to be ashamed of and I fear if we push it off and say "we will talk later" then that's what he will think.
Y/N- okay, you've got this? All by yourself?
Bucky- not at all but we don't really have a choice.
*He takes Grant off to the side, a quiet little area where no one else is around.*
Bucky- okay Grant, tell me what happened?
Grant- I was excited about the last day of school and our summer vacations when he just laughed at me and pointed to my pants. He said "Grant has a boner, what a freak"
*Bucky's never wanted to deck a kid more then he does right now*
Bucky- okay, then what happened?
Grant- everyone just looked at me. I felt really embarrassed, I looked at where he pointed but I didn't see what he was talking about. None of the other kids did either and we just went back to playing and ignored him. It kinda hurt my feelings though.
*Bucky nods and take a deep breath.*
Bucky- okay well Derek is an asshole and you can even tell him that your dad, the White Wolf said so-
Grant- I can't cuss
Bucky- you can to tell Derek he is an asshole. Anyway, having one of those doesn't make you a freak. It makes you normal, bud. It just means your body is working the way it's suppose to.
*Grant nods and looks at Bucky. Bucky hopes and begs that Grant doesn't ask the question he is probably thinking now.*
Grant- okay... do you have them? *Yup, that question. How to even answer this?*
Bucky- Umm y-yeah, yup. I do.
*Grant nods*
Grant- but like... what is it?
Bucky- Umm well- I can't - how about this, you don't need to worry about what they are until you have one, how about that.
Grant- but how will I know when I have one?
Bucky- it's when your body does something for the first time that it's never done before.
Grant- oh! *He nods and thinks for a minute.* has your body done it before? *He asks so innocently. Laughs and nods*
Bucky- more times then you know. *Grant nods*
Grant- I'm sorry if I made you feel weird, dad-
Bucky- No, Grant look at me. *He does* You can always come to me or your mom about this type of stuff. You're getting to the age where these questions will come up and we want you to be able to ask us about it. Okay?
*He nods and Bucky hugs him*
Grant- why would Derek call me something like that?
Bucky- because he's a asshole
*Grant laughs and Bucky just hugs him tighter before they come back to join you*

*The kids eat lunch as Bucky fills you in on what happened*
Y/N- okay, so you didn't tell him anything?
Bucky- No, not yet. I just want him to still be innocent for a bit.
Y/N- I know
*The Bucky buys more stuff for the girls so you spoil your boys. Bucky goes on Frozen ever after with Winnie... again. She loves it and he's just happy that Winnie is happy. Y'all head back to the room before dinner.*
Bucky- we didn't have an attendant today.
Y/N- I know, I wonder if that was because the attendance was low
Bucky -maybe

*You get dinner ordered up to the room as Bucky bathes the kids. They are so tired, it's going to be an early night. Which means it will be a late night for you and Bucky. You get their meals settled as they get dressed and they pig out. They eat every bit and they are asking for more. Once they are done you sit down and read them a story while Bucky gets some Ben snuggle in.*
Winnie- mommy? *She asks sleepily* is Daddy your Prince Charming. *You had been reading Cinderella, you lightly laugh and nod*
Y/N- yeah Winnie boo, he is.
Winnie- I want a Prince Charming one day.
*You smile and kiss her head as you tuck her in. They are all asleep in a matter of minutes.*

*Bucky bathes Ben and he talks to him a little while he does. You watch and just swoon over Bucky.*
Bucky- come on bubba, let's get you dried off and all ready for bed.
*Ben whines and Bucky gets him dressed and ready for bed quickly. You nurse him and then Bucky burps him. You then swaddle him and Bucky lays him down. He is still in the room with you two but it's fine cause he is only 2 months old.*

*You walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. You climb in and as the water washes over your body you feel two hands around your waist. Once metal, one real. He hums in your ear and kisses your neck*
Bucky- I'll show you mine if you show me yours. *you smile and laughs. You kiss him and he slowly pushes you against the wall.*
Y/N- Mmhmm I love you baby
Bucky- I love you too *He kisses you* now focus, we have a mouse to disappoint. *He smirks and you laugh*

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