Ten Uninterrupted Minutes

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*Alex is sitting in the backseat as Grant drives and Sarah sits next to him

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*Alex is sitting in the backseat as Grant drives and Sarah sits next to him.*
Alex- so... am I just suppose to be quiet like a bodyguard or?
*Sarah laughs and turns around to look at Alex*
Sarah- No, of course not! Tell us, how is Lilly?
*Alex smiles as he lightly laughs.*
Alex- she's good. The time in Wakanda really helped her. She's still adjusting to her new life though. Her younger siblings are now her age or older than her- she watched them grow up, watched her whole life age and change while she stayed the same- she's just got a lot to adjust to. *Sarah notices the change in Alex, she leans forward and bumps his knee with her hand.*
Sarah- hey, I know that "Barnes worry face", and there is no need to worry. *Alex nods and sighs.
Alex- I guess I'm just worried she's gonna regret it all.
*Grant looks at him through the rearview*
Grant- what? Regret freezing herself in time so she doesn't die? *Alex laughs to himself*
Alex- well when you put it like that-
Grant- look, Alex, what happened was unfair and it sucks. You shouldn't have had to go back in time and Lilly should never had been in danger in the first place. But it happened. If she regretted any of that, she would have asked shuri to let her age appropriately the minute her treatment was done.
*Alex meets his eyes*
Alex- what do you mean?
*Grant stops at a red light and turns around to look at Alex*
Grant- her treatment was done 5 years ago. Shuri kept her and her family in Wakanda to keep them safe and to monitor her age freeze. If she had regretted you, I think she would have continued to age and wouldn't have given you the time of day when you came back. But she did. Yes, it's gonna take some adjusting, just like it will take time for you to adjust to me being your big brother now. *Grant smiles and Alex laughs* don't worry, Alex. It's gonna be okay. *Alex nods and then past Grant on the shoulder.*
Alex- thanks man.
Grant- anytime, little bro!
*Alex shakes his head as he chuckles under his breath. He reads the text from Lilly that just came through, "I love you, goodnight." He smiles and quickly writes back. "Love you too, Lilly. Sleep well." Alex tucks his phone away and watches the road as Grant drives, he only has the urge to grab the wheel from him three times.*

*The movie ended 15 minutes ago, Grant said he would meet Alex by the car. He was gonna wait on Sarah while she slipped into the restroom. Alex looks at his watch and sighs. To get home on time they needed to leave right that minute and even then they would need to hit every green light.*
Alex- come on! *Alex groans as he reaches for his phone. He snaps a picture of him waiting by the locked car and sends it to you and Bucky. He writes. "I was good and was at the car with plenty of time to make it home. This is not on me." You laugh and show Bucky who laughs and quickly writes back. "Go to the back of the building and yell at them to stop sucking face and get in the damn car." Alex groans and goes where Bucky directed him. Sure enough, there's Grant with Sarah. She's wrapped up in his arms and pressed against the dirty wall as they make out. Alex is stunned for a moment but seeing Sarah's hands trail south he quickly snaps back to attention.*
Alex- Hey! *He screams, Sarah jumps but Grant just smiles and pulls away from the wall, bringing Sarah with him.* Lets go! At this point we are all gonna be in trouble. How strict is this curfew anyway?!
*Grant pulls back and Alex can see that they both have pretty swollen lips, "how long were they going at it?!" Alex wonders, then he quickly pushes that thought from his mind.*
Grant- don't worry, we will be home at 10pm on the dot. *He saunters back to the car with Sarah in tow. Alex shakes his head as he follows along.* And it depends on if mom is with him while they wait and how late we are. *Alex rolls his eyes.*
Alex- Anyway the whole point of me being here was to make sure no one saw you two and noticed you. How was I supposed to do that when you sneak off?!
Grant- no one saw us-
Alex- you hope! You have no idea who saw you two.
Grant- I would have heard anyone walking up to us. That's why I wasn't scared when you screamed. I heard your heartbeat pounding as you rounded the corner and I heard your breath sputter when you saw us. *Grant smiles as he pulls out of the parking lot.* no one saw us, well except you.
*Alex rolls his eyes and Sarah blushes.*

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