A Sex Filled Day

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*A week later**You wake up to sweet kisses on your neck and a warm body moving down yours

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*A week later*
*You wake up to sweet kisses on your neck and a warm body moving down yours.*
Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky?
*He hums in response as he moves under the covers. You giggle as you feel his his metal and real fingers slip under your panties and pull them down.*
Y/N- Bucky? *Another hum* we have a busy morning, I have to get up in *You look at the alarm clock* 10 minutes to help fix Winnie's hair-
Bucky- then you better stop talking and get in the mood. *He winks* we've only got 10 minutes.
*You smile and lay back. He kisses your hips and down your thighs. You lightly hum as he presses a kiss against your center and then starts to eat you out. You let out a little gasp and run your fingers through his hair. He holds onto your thighs and moans against you as you arch off the bed. You finish about as quickly as Bucky started.*
Y/N- t-that w-wasss Mmhm wow
*Bucky smirks and kisses up your body. He captures your lips and a dirty, wet kiss and you melt.*
Bucky- Mmhmm all done and you still have *He looks at the clock* 5 minutes to spare. *He winks and you kiss him.*
Y/N- I'll return the favor tonight.
*Bucky smirks again and kisses you as he hums.*
Bucky- here's to, hopefully, a sex filled day *He says against your lips as he gives you a kiss*
Bucky- Happy Valentine's Day, y/n.
Y/N- Happy Valentine's Day, Bucky.
*He pulls you up and you quickly get clean up and dressed. You get the kids up and you curl Winnie's hair for her before you head downstairs to start breakfast. You set out each kids Valentine gifts last night so you wouldn't be rushed this morning. Each kid is happy to see their little gift on the couch as they pack their book bags for school.*

Y/N- come on kids! And don't forget to grab your Valentines for your classes!
*The triplets come running downstairs*
Jonnie- do I have to fill them all out?!
Y/N- at least put your name on them all.
Elizabeth- but the pens are all the way upstairs *She groans*
Odette- we will be the only ones with Fun-dip valentines, mom. I don't think we need to write our names-
Bucky- listen to your mom and put your name on the cards. *He kisses each of their heads as he passes by. He digs a sharpie out of the junk drawer and tosses it to Elizabeth.* get to writing, they need to be done before you leave.
*She sighs and starts writing. Grant and Winnie comes walking in and they both look cute. Grant is wearing a cute button up and jeans. Winnie has on a cute dress and tights.*
Bucky- well you two look ready for the valentines party today!
*Winnie smiles and twirls in her dress as she twists her curls. Grant blushes*
Winnie- we have a dance during school today! It's gonna be so much fun!
*Bucky looks at you*
Bucky- a dance, huh?! Well you know Winnie boo that any boy who dances with you has to answer to me. *He flexes his metal arm and move sit around a little. Winnie rolls her eyes*
Winnie- No one is scared of you anymore, dad. You're a hero! *She smiles and kisses his cheek as she grabs her breakfast.*
Y/N- Grant? *You whisper and he looks at you* I have that thing you asked for. *You smile and he blushes even more.*
Grant- mom! *He says hushed as he flicks his eyes to Winnie. Who isn't even looking.*
Y/N- oh she won't tell Sarah. *You hand him the card and gift. He takes them both and shoves them in his bag.*
Bucky- it's really sweet what you asked for-
Grant- Dad! *He says it the same way and looks around. Bucky just smiles and pats his back.*
Bucky- go eat your breakfast. *Bucky shoos you away from the stove with kisses and a firm slap to your ass.* you go sit down while I make your Valentine's breakfast. *You smile and wink as you go sit down with the kids and wait for whatever's Bucky is making you*
Bucky- a pancake for my pancake *He kisses your head. You smile and look down at what he has made. It's a red velvet pancake with cream cheese icing and it's shaped like a heart. They're a strawberries cut into little hearts along with banana slices. He then set down a big pink smoothie right in front of you and set a vase of Lilly's and Daisies on the table. You look back at him and he has the biggest smile on his face. He kisses your cheek and whispers*
Bucky- there's more but I'll have to give it to you later. *He winks and you blush*
Jonnie- mama? Why is your face all red??
*You clear your throat and look at her*
Y/N- I'm just feeling really loved.
*Winnie and Grant look at each other and then back down at their plates.*
Bucky- where is Ben?
Y/N- he is running laps in the gym with Matthew.
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- Umm why? He's gotta get ready to leave.
Y/N- Matthew and Ben decided to jump down the stairs today, like from the top step to the bottom. Steve caught them before I could say anything and took them to get their energy out. *Bucky gives you a look* Ben's excuse was he had too much energy and that's why he jumped. Matthew said that was his problem too.
*Bucky nods and laughs. Ben comes walking in sweaty and tired.*
Ben- mama do I have to go to school??
Y/N- yes, now go with daddy and get cleaned up and dressed.

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