Whatever You Want

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*You get upstairs and in bed, you notice it has gotten extremely cloudy outside and it looks to be sleeting at the moment

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*You get upstairs and in bed, you notice it has gotten extremely cloudy outside and it looks to be sleeting at the moment.*
Y/N- good ole upstate New York February *You mumble. You are tucked in and ready for your nap, when you hear all the kids come running in the suite and yelling.*
Grant- No Dad said I could have the TV first so I could play video games
Winnie- but we want to watch a movie!
Jonnie- yeah!
Elizabeth- leave me out of this, I'm going to read in my room.
Odette- Grant go to Alex's room and play video games
Grant- you know we aren't allowed in there-
Ben- stop yelling!! I'm trying to nap!!
*He slams his bedroom door. You try to ignore them, they can bother Bucky if they need something.*
Winnie- mom!!
Grant- mom!!
Ben- mama!! *He is crying* make them stop!?!
*You could cry, you are so tired. You start to get up when you hear Bucky walk into the suite and shut the main door.*
Bucky- I told all of you to come up here and get ready for quiet time! Why are you screaming so loud that I can hear you from the kitchen.
Grant- I was trying-
Bucky- that was a rhetorical question. Go to your rooms, you don't come out or bother mom until 3:30, understand? *They all day yes sir and head off.* Hey wait! *Bucky calls after them and they all stop. He pulls them all into a group hug* I love you all, I don't like yelling, you know that, so stop making me yell please. *They all smile and agree before they head to their rooms.*
Bucky- come on Benji, I'll get you tucked in.
Ben- I want mama
Bucky- I know, so do I. But we will have to settle for each other cause mama is asleep.
*Ben sighs*
Ben- okay.
*Bucky and Ben head to his room and Bucky gets him down for a nap. He doesn't usually take one but when he is really tired he likes to. You sigh and stare at the ceiling. Bucky being fatherly is your weakness*
Y/N- shit *You mutter as you feel an ache start to build between your legs.* No y/n. Get it together. You are sleeping, not fucking!
*You angrily flip over on your stomach and begrudgingly go to sleep.*

*You wake up to the feeling of Bucky's metal arm wrapped around your waist and his face buried in your neck, his lips soft against your skin. He feels so warm and his breathing is such a comfort. You reach for the remote that opens the ceiling, you open the sky light and smile as you watch the snow fall, it slowly drifting you back to sleep. You wake up again to a little foot kicking you in the back.*
Y/N- Ben? 
*You look at the clock by the bed, you've only been asleep for maybe an hour at best. You should still have another hour and a half at least. You turn over and hold Ben in your arms, Bucky holds Ben and you as he is fast asleep. You smile and hum.*
Y/N- Mmhmm my boys. Just missing Little Wolf.
*You hear Bucky hum in agreement and you lightly laugh. You are determined to get your nap so you close your eyes once more.

*The next time you wake up you see it is completely dark outside. You shoot up out of bed and look around. The clock says 8pm, Bucky and Ben are gone*
Y/N- Bucky?!?
*Bucky walks out of the bathroom and he looks worried*
Bucky- you okay? What's going on?
Y/N- I missed the whole afternoon!?!
*Bucky nods and then smiles*
Bucky- I just let you sleep after you kicked me when I tried to wake you the first time.
Y/N- ugh well now I'm gonna be up all night- I'm starving and need dinner- are the kids in bed?!
Bucky- yes the kids are in bed. I told them you didn't feel good and not to bother you. That will explain the shrine they set up outside the door. *You laugh as Bucky walks over and pulls you into his arm.* I didn't eat either because I wanted to eat with you, so I'm gonna head down and get cooking, what do you want?
Y/N- mhmm surprise me
*Bucky laughs and nods*
Bucky- and as for being up all night, *He smirks and bites his lip* well baby girl we can be up all night together or I can work my magic and make you real tired. You'll pass right out. *He looks at you lips and then meets your gaze.* whatever you want. *He kisses you and then heads out the door.* wear your sexy little pajamas. *He smirks back at you* you know the ones. *He winks*

*You smile and sigh, this man will be the death of you. You head to the closet and find exactly what Bucky was talking about. An old t-shirt of his, his boxer briefs, some of your knee high socks, and throwing your hair up in a bun. You head downstairs and Bucky turns around to see you. He blushes and then smirks.*
Bucky- you look so sexy *He kisses you deeply and you moan against his lips.*
Y/N- Mmhmm What's for dinner?
Bucky- pizza. It's already in the oven. *He palms over your ass* you're gonna help me make some cookies while we wait. How does that sound? *He teasingly nibbles on your nose, cheek, lips, as he dotes on you for a moment.*
Y/N- like these might be dirty cookies *You giggle and smirk. Bucky nods*
Bucky- oh yeah, all kinds of health codes are about to be broken in this kitchen. *Bucky clicks his phone on and presses some buttons, you hear the cameras power off. Blushing and pulling him close you whisper against his lips.*
Y/N- well then, let's have some dirty fun.
Bucky- whatever you want, Baby girl

‼️New Seb photos!! 🥰😏🤭‼️

‼️New Seb photos!! 🥰😏🤭‼️

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‼️This AI stuff is getting out of hand and I am ssssooooo not for it in any shape or form

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‼️This AI stuff is getting out of hand and I am ssssooooo not for it in any shape or form.... But also this made me 😭🥹🥰❤️🫠‼️

 But also this made me 😭🥹🥰❤️🫠‼️

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