Christmas pt5 My Sweet Boy

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#teampalletcleanser 😏🥰

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#teampalletcleanser 😏🥰

*The kids get their pizza and snacks and get settled on the floor for their movie. Lilly and Alex sit on the couch behind all the kids. Grant and Sarah share one ottoman and James, Anthony, and Joshua share another. The girls all sit on the floor with Matthew who is in his little booster seat. You and Nat keep Samuel and Ben in the kitchen in their highchairs as they eat.*
Winnie- mama? Can we watch frozen?
Grant- ugh no! Please no!
*lilly smiles and Alex tries to not laugh. You walk over and calm Grants worries.*
Y/N- y'all are gonna watch the cartoon version of the Grinch. Okay?!
Kids- okay!
*You turn it on and head back to the kitchen where Bucky is feeding Ben.*
Bucky- come on bud... you love your green beans!
Ben- mmmmamma
*Bucky sighs and looks up at you*
Bucky- you're up!
*You roll your eyes and smile. You sit with Ben and he eats right away. Bucky grumbles and gets your pizza and his. Samuel eats his food fast and wants her to hold him and she happily obliges.*
Nat- come here bud, let's get you clean up and then I'll snuggle you all you want, okay? Go with Daddy. *Steve takes him upstairs and gives him a quick bath and gets him in his pjs. Ben eats and then wants his nightly bottle.*
Y/N- Bucky is there any milk in the fridge?
Bucky- let me see, *He checks* no, I'll grab some out of the deep freezer.
Y/N- okay, thanks.
*You send Ben up with Bucky to get a quick bath and then he brings him back down so you can nurse him. Nat doesn't mind and none of the kids are looking back at you, Steve's still upstairs so there is no worry that someone will see something they shouldn't. Ben sweetly lays there in your arms and clings to your chest as he gets sleepier and sleepier. Steve brings Samuel back downstairs and gives him to Nat to give him his bottle. Steve sees you but literally couldn't care less. You and Nat laugh, Bucky grabs you cover and drapes it over you. Thankfully Ben leaves it on this time, the darkness helps him fall asleep. You give bucky a sweet kiss and then peer down at Ben. Nat holds Samuel and he drinks his bottle as he watches her. You look at them both*
Y/N- was it hard?
*Nat looks up*
Nat- what?
Y/N- when he stopped nursing. Was it- *You look down at Ben and get a little teary eyed when thinking about it.* I'm not ready for it to be over, Nat. And I know neither were you- *you hold Ben's little hand and squeeze, he wraps his little hand around your fingers.*
Nat- yeah, it was hard. Even when it's something you choose, it's gonna be hard. When you close a whole chapter of your life there is gonna be some pain when remembering all the things you'll never have again. *You wipe a tear* when we gave you all of Samuels old baby clothes he grew out of, I cried all day. Knowing I'll never have another little baby, it was hard. That there won't be anymore first words or first steps or first teeth. All the baby "firsts" are done in our family... that was a hard thing to come to grips with. And not just biological kids, we decided that we are done with any kids. With the addition of Joshua and Matthew, it's like our family is whole, the missing pieces are finally here. So I closed that chapter by choice this time, *She gently smiles* well, sorta. *she takes your hand and squeezes it* but even though your babies years will soon be over, your family is entering anew stage of life and that, That is exciting. *You let the tears fall and you nod*
Y/N- thank you, Nat
Nat- you're welcome, y/n.
*Bruce walks into the room and waves you down. You catch Bucky's attention where he's sitting on the couch and point to Bruce. He walks over and talks to him. He smiles and thanks him and then Bucky comes to talk to you. Bucky whispers to you*
Bucky- he said it will work. He may still be little and a little fragile but his immune system would be like ours... theoretically of course. *You nod and then smile*
Y/N- thats amazing *You look over at Nat. She is walking upstairs to put a sleeping Samuel to Bed.*
Bucky- when are you gonna tell them?
Y/N- soon, maybe Christmas. *Bucky smiles and kisses your temple and then sits with you while Ben finishes nursing. Once he's done Bucky takes him upstairs for you and lays him down. He brings the monitor back down with him.*
Y/N- and I didn't even have to remind you?! *You take the monitor* my hero! *He rolls his eyes and laughs.*
Bucky- yeah yeah

*The kids finish earrings n's the movie ends*
Grant- can we watch another one?
*You put on Elf and they all get cozy again. Lilly and Alex seem to be scooting closer and closer throughout the movie. You aren't going to bust them on it but you definitely keep an eye on them. You didn't realize that who you should have been watching was Grant and Sarah.*
Grant- what are you doing? *He asks as she lays her head on his shoulder*
Sarah- I'm sleepy, can I lay my head here?
*She asks so innocently. Grant Blushes and nods. She lays her head on his shoulder and then wraps her arms around his.*
Bucky- sees as he walks into the room and he just laughs and looks at you. You shrug and he just lets them be. He's not hurting anyone. Steve comes in and sees them, he groans and walks to the couch and sits down. He calls Sarah's name and she looks up and smiles.*
Steve- come here SarBear... I need some Sarah snuggles. *She hops right up and climbs into his lap and snuggles up with him. Grant just sits there alone and hugs his knees up to his chest as he watches the movie. It makes you really sad and you're about to go sit with him until Matthew climbs up next to him and hugs him like Sarah was. Grant smiles and hugs him back and they watch the movie. You look at Nat and Bucky and Nat looks like she's about to cry.*
Nat- stop! Are they gonna be like Bucky and Steve?!?
Y/N- maybe! *Your heart just melts at the cuteness.*

*A little while later Alex and Lilly stand up and walk over to you 3, Steve is asleep on the couch with Sarah still in his arms.*
Alex- I was gonna show her where the bathroom was.
Bucky- okay, just use the one right down the hall please. *He nods and they walk down the hall and disappear.*

Lilly- this place is huge! *She says as she looks down the hall and around the corner* do you get lost?
Alex- Umm at first I did *He laughs*
*She nods and looks around. She leans against the wall and Alex walks closer to her.*
Lilly- how are you, Alex? You know, with everything.
Alex- I'm okay, I'm still shaken up when I think about what Annie did. But I'm glad it wasn't worse. *Lilly nods and Alex takes her hand* I wish she'd never caught us, Lilly. If she hadn't none of this would have happened.
Lilly- you don't know that, Alex. We can't blame ourselves for the choices she made.
*Alex nods and looks down at Lilly, his gaze flicking to her lips and then back to her eyes.*
Alex- it wasn't even a good kiss that she interrupted. *Alex gently smiles*
Lilly- yeah, you bit me when she slammed the door open. And not in the fun way.  *Alex blushes* sorry, I shouldn't of been so forward
Alex- it's okay, *He smiles* look I really like you, Lilly. And if it's okay with your parents I'd like to take you out on a real date.
Lilly- I'd really like that *She says quietly, she leans in to him and he presses his lips to hers. It's sweet and chaste.*

*Grant gets up and  heads down the hall to the bathroom, he sees Alex and Lilly. He hears him say 'I really like you' and then he kisses her. Grant gets an idea. He walks back into the living room and catches Sarah's attention, he waves for her to follow him.*
Grant- maybe if I tell her the same thing Alex did and so what Alex did Sarah won't leave me alone anymore. *He says to himself.*
Sarah- what? *Sarah asks as she walks up to him. He pulls her around the corner*
Grant- I like you *He then grabs her arms and pushes his face against hers. It's not really a kiss their lips don't even touch really.*

*Steve notices that Sarah is gone when he wakes up. He gets up to stretch and use the bathroom, as he turns the corner he is greeted by a horrid sight. His daughter being kissed. Doesn't matter that he likes Grant and doesn't matter that he has his blessing years from now, right now she is his little girl and he won't stand for this.*
Steve- Grant Buchanan Barnes and Sarah Natalia y/n Rogers! Get over here, now!
*The booming sound of Steve's voice scares everyone. You three shoot yo from your chairs and run around the corner. Alex and Lilly slip back in the room and the kids stop watching the movie to look behind them at what's happening.*
Steve- care to explain this?!
*Grant isn't even scared because he doesn't even realize that what he did was 'wrong' at least in Steve's eyes.*
Grant- Sarah always plays with others or leaves me to sit with other people. I thought if I did what Alex just did to his grind Lilly then maybe Sarah wouldn't leave me alone anymore.
Y/N- and what did Alex and Lilly just do?
Grant- this! *He turns to Sarah again and he says* I like you *And then he kisses her again. You gasp and so does Steve. He gently pulls Sarah away and sends her to sit with Winnie. You pull Grant close and Bucky steps between you and Grant and Steve.*
Bucky- okay clam down Steve. What are you gonna do? Punch my kid?
*Steve sighs and then looks at Grant*
Steve- no more kissing, understand me?
Grant- yes sir... but what did I do wrong? Is it wrong what I just did? Mama and daddy do it all the time. So do you  and aunt Nat. What's so wrong about it?
*You 4 look at each other and sigh*
Y/N- oh Grant, my sweet boy.

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