No Time For Fooling Around

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*Thankfully Grant doesn't get sick again

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*Thankfully Grant doesn't get sick again. He sleeps through the night and when he wakes up he feels much better.*
Y/N- you sure you feel okay?
Grant- yeah, honest!
*You look at Bucky. He nods and looks at Grant.*
Bucky- fine, you can go running with Uncle Steve. *Grant cheers and runs to the door. Sarah slips down the stairs and joins them as the leave the house. You look at Bucky and laugh.*
Y/N- so he was actually worried about missing time with Sarah, not his run with Steve.
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- looks like it!
*You shake your head and he kisses your cheek.*
Y/N- anyway, Nat and Steve will be leaving at 6 for dinner. She said they may spend the night at their hide away-
Bucky- really?? Even after Gerald and Karen tried to have us arrest and slightly informed that I had taken you against your will?? They really want to go back there? *You laugh as Bucky recaps your eventful night. You pull him close and rub his chest.*
Y/N- yes, even after all that. *You kiss him* Sarah will sleep with Winnie and the boys we will split between Grant and Ben.
*He nods*
Bucky- yes ma'am
*You smile and he kisses you*
Bucky- okay, I am off to train with the triplets.
Y/N- okay, be nice!
Bucky- I'm always nice *He smiles. The girls go running by*
Y/N- I was talking to the girls *You smirk and he laughs and nods*

*You spend some time with Winnie, especially after the day she had yesterday.*
Y/N- hey, how are you?
Winnie- I'm okay.
Y/N- really okay? Or just for show okay? *You narrow your gaze and tease her till she smiles and then leans her head against your shoulder.*
Winnie- I'm still a little sad about what happened yesterday.
Y/N- you wanna talk?
Winnie- I'm just sad that the first boy I've liked since- *She stops herself and then blushes and looks away. You smile and rub her back.* I'm just sad that I have to go back to school and see all the boys drool over her.
Y/N- Winnie? Those boys are stupid. And I really mean that. Right now all they can think about is- well- *You think for a minute*
Winnie- boobs *Winnie says. You laugh cause she's right.*
Y/N- yeah. They don't understand that all of that and I mean ALL of that physical stuff will fade one day and what really matters is what's in her. *You poke her heart and chest.* that makes you who you are and that is what one day, a man will love about you.
Winnie- so I'm not pretty?
Y/N- you are gorgeous! And those boys will see that one day. *You think for a moment and you decide to take a risk.* and you know what, what I said about looks fading, you know what's amazing about you?
Winnie- what?
Y/N- yours won't fade- well at least not for a while! Look at me! I'm pushing 40 and how old do I look?!
*Winnie giggles*
Winnie- like 30 maybe.
Y/N- exactly! So you are gorgeous and you will have a leg up on all those girls, especially once you grow into your body.
Winnie- what does that mean?
Y/N- Umm I'll tell you when you're older, just know, you are gonna break some hearts and capture a really special one. *You kiss her head and she smiles.*
Winnie- okay mama. *She sits there for a moment.* can I brag about how I'll be young and beautiful forever?
*You laugh*
Y/N- No because I want you to make friends and be a nice girl. Besides humility is really pretty!
*Winnie rolls her eyes.*
Winnie- I guess.
*You lightly laugh and give her a hug*
Y/N- I love you Winnie boo
Winnie- I love you too mama

*You find Bucky later as he is running out of the gym. He honest to gif looks scared a little.*
Y/N- Bucky?!
Bucky- when they work together they are scary!
*You laugh and peak in the gym. The triplets are all laughing and swinging on the ropes of the boxing ring.*
Y/N- I told you girls to play nice.
Odette- we did mama!
Elizabeth- yeah, with each other!
Jonnie- oh did you mean be nice to daddy?!? *The all giggle at their joke and you laugh. Bucky looks at you and then smiles. He faces the girls*
Y/N- Bucky! No! *He looks at you again* they are kids and they are just playing.
*Bucky grunts and looks back at the girls. They come running and hang on Bucky, kissing his cheek and giggling.*
Jonnie- sorry daddy!
Odette- don't go Winter Soldier on us!
Elizabeth- yeah we don't want to embarrass him too!
*They giggle and run away. Bucky looks at you and you rub his chest.*
Y/N- remember-
Bucky- if they are old enough to throw insults then they are old enough to catch these hands-
Y/N- Bucky Barnes! *You say as you laugh* go shower and I'll handle the 3 amigos.
*Bucky grumbles as you kiss him.*
Bucky- wait shower? Why?
Y/N- cause I think Winnie needs a daddy date. She's questioning her worth-
Bucky- say no more *He raises his hand and then kisses you.* wait but you'll be by yourself with all the kids.
Y/N- Yep. *You smile and kiss him*
Bucky- honestly your confidence is so sexy *He smirks and goes to kiss you. You push on his chest and he pouts.*
Y/N- Nope tonight is for Nat and Steve, so no time for fooling around for us. *You pat his cheek and head upstairs. He playfully growls and chases after you. He catches you and pushes you up against the door to your suite. He kisses you neck as you giggle.*
Bucky- there is always time for fooling around. *You giggle and he kisses you. You feel a hand pat your ass and it's not Bucky's. You gasp and look down and see Ben.*
Ben- mommy? What's "fooling around?"
*Bucky stammers and laughs. You glare at him and then look down at your sweet boy.*
Y/N- it's a grown up game
Ben- okay! *He runs off. Bucky laughs and you spank him.*
Y/N- that's enough outta you. Go shower!
Bucky- yes ma'am. *He kisses you and whispers.* I'm gonna think of you while I'm getting all clean. *You hum.*
Y/N- have some dirty thoughts for me. *You tease. Bucky gasps at your playfulness after you just shut him down. You smile and push him into the room and close the door before going to find the kids.*

‼️Thank you for your patience!! I love you all! I've been sick and I'm finally feeling better! ‼️

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