Christmas pt2 'F*ck you'

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‼️TW- talks of sexual assault and mentions of rape

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‼️TW- talks of sexual assault and mentions of rape. All done in therapy so there is healing taking place!! 🥹❤️‼️

*You pull up to the therapy office. Bucky is getting Ben out of the car and he is not happy. Bucky sees your car and waves over his shoulder and then points to Ben and then you. He mouths*
Bucky- all yours
*You smile and shake your head as you park. The kids wake up and grab their bags and head into the office.*
Y/N- remember to be quiet. Get your homework out, okay?
*They all agree and head inside and up the stairs. You walk I've rot a sleepy Ben in Bucky's arms*
Bucky- he was napping, hard. He was not happy when I woke him up and then he fell asleep again on the way here... so he was not happy with me yet again. But we had a good afternoon other than that! *You smile and take Ben. He whines and snuggles up to you.*
Y/N- hi bubba. Did you have a good day with daddy?!
Ben- mmammmaaa
Y/N- I know, I'm right here. *You kiss his head and rub his back.*
Bucky- I told you-
Y/N- I know, I know. *You kiss him and walk inside* what did you do today?
*Bucky takes your bag and holds it as you two walk inside.*
Bucky- what didn't we do?! We had a nap and then a snack. Then we watched Bluey and cocomelon, then we had Mac and cheese for lunch with some puffs and green beans. He had a bottle and I had a beer. He then napped until I woke him up to come here.
*You nod and tickle Ben*
Y/N- did you have fun with Daddy?! Huh?! *He laughs and then goes back to pouting. Bucky laughs*
Bucky- wow, he really does look just like you, the sad eyes and everything- *You nudge him in the rubs and he laughs. He kisses your head and then holds the door to help you inside.*

*You walk up the stairs and Bucky opens the door to the office. All the kids are working on their homework. Everly walks out of her office*
Everly- hello, who would like to be first today?
*The girls all fight o er who goes first. You finally send Winnie in first and then go in order of the girls. Winnie is fine and talks about school and boys. Elizabeth, Odette, and Jonnie all talk about each other and what they want to be when they grow up. Carson talks about her nightmares and some progress is made. She agrees to turn her nightlight on and hug her stuffed animal while she tries to go back to sleep before getting up and walking around. Everly talks about how she misses a stuffie she had back home. It was her favorite and it was give to her by Bucky and Nat, before it went bad.*
Everly- I wish I could get it back. *She wipes a tear and the therapist Everly asks if she can tell you and Bucky and Nat about the toy, she agrees.*
Therapist Everly- the way she describes it is a little lamb. It's soft and has button eyes. Weighted feet and hands but a plush body. It was her favorite.
Y/N- okay, thank you for telling us.
Bucky- yeah we will see what we can do.
Therapist Everly- it may help.
*You nod and look back at your sweet girl. She sits back on the couch and plays with one of the stuffed animals there.*
Therapist Everly- okay, Alex, you ready?
Alex- yeah *He stands up and hands his phone to you. He then sets his bag down next to Bucky and walks into the office. She shuts the door and they start their session. He has a full hour where the others have half and hour.*
Everly- so, have you thought about what we talked about?
Alex- yeah... and my dads here just in case I want to go through with it. I just don't want him to-
*Alex starts to cry*
Everly- remember, your father won't hear a word you say and even if he does he will know it's not directed towards him.
*Alex nods*
Alex- can we wait a bit though? I- I don't want to do it yet.
Everly- absolutely, how about you tell me about school. How's it going?
Alex- good. Everyone keeps asking me what happened to Miss Annie. And of course I don't want to talk about and I legally can't. They all knew that I was her "favorite" so they are trying to get information out of me.
Everly- I'm so sorry Alex... how does that make you feel?
Alex- shitty. It makes me feels shitty. All my friends kinda know because I told them so they try to keep people from asking but they can't stop everyone.
Everly- is there anyone you talk to about it? That you trust completely to tell everything to?
Alex- besides you?
*Everly smiles and nods*
Everly- yes, besides me.
Alex- Lilly. But that's because she apart of it all.
Everly- and what do you mean by that?
*He sighs*
Alex- Annie threatened Lilly. Told her to stay away and to keep her distance from me. She kept Lilly out of the plays and never had us rehearse together. She would give her bad grades if she saw Lilly talking to me.
Everly- and what would she do to you? *Alex shifts and crosses his arms*
Alex- Thats when she started sending the videos and pictures.. when she asked for some in return.
Everly- and you sent them.
Alex- yes, one. She then used that.
Everly- you've never mentioned that. *She slowly starts to write.* care to explain?
*Alex holds on to his shirt tight.*
Alex- she showed Lillie the photo and told her to stay away from me. That I 'obviously didn't want her' and that I needed a 'real women' to make me... *He trails off*
Everly- you only have to finish that sentence if you want to.
*Alex nods and sits forward*
Alex- in the picture I was- Umm well I had- I'd been thinking about...
Everly- you were masturbating. *She says with an even tone and a straight face. Alex blushes and looks at the floor as he nods*
Alex- Umm ye-yeah.. I was. She used that to say I didn't want Lilly because she had never gotten a picture like that from me. Funny enough *Alex felt bold so he just told the whole truth* I was thinking about Lilly during the picture. *Everly nodded and wrote some stuff down.* wait you're not writing that down are you?! Don't tell my parents please?!
Everly- I won't tell your parents unless I feel they need to know for your well being. *Alex nods*
Alex- I just... I don't want them to know I was doing that.
Everly- do you feel uncomfortable talking to them about sex?
Alex- yes... I didn't use to. Before all this they were super chill, now anything to do with sex they get really weird about it. Like they think I'm gonna break down or cry.
Everly- and why do you think that is?
Alex- because of what happened and what almost happened. *Everly motions for him to continue.*
You know about my parents and their super abilities right? *She nods* so you know about my Aunt Wanda, right? *She nods* she saw an alternate future for me where I was almost... well Annie tried to... you know.
Everly- I don't and for clarity reasons I need you to say it. We can wait till you're ready but this is apart of your healing is admitting what happened to you and what could have happened but didn't.
Alex- she groomed me in this reality and sexually assaulted me by sending me photos of herself naked. In the alternate reality she- she almost raped me. *He takes a deep breath and then hides his face in his hands. Everly offers a reassuring pat on the shoulder and then he sits up.*
Everly- but she didn't. That's what's important to remember. She took some of your innocence, yes. But you still have some power, she didn't take everything. *Alex nods and wipes a tear.* now does it make sense as to why your parents are so "weird" about sex now. They are aware what almost happened and so are you. They don't know how you feel about it all so they want to protect and not trigger you.
Alex- I'm fine though. I which people would stop treating me like a baby. It's not the first time my innocents has been ruined. It was long gone the minute I heard my original dad rape my original mom and smack her around for not sucking his dick correctly. I can handle the realities of being groomed.
*Everly is very calm as she sits forward and she gently says*
Everly- but you shouldn't have to handle it, Alex. It should have never been something you 'had to handle'. So it's okay to be mad, or hurt. You don't have to be so strong about it all the time.
*Alex's jaw is clenched. It's slowly relaxes as tears pool in his eyes.*
Alex- I was so stupid... I should have run or told someone sooner- it just felt nice to be wanted.
*Everly nods*
Everly- I understand, but you get how that wasn't her place?
*He nods and wipes a tear*
Alex- yeah, I do.
Everly- your parents are acting so weird about it with you because you haven't expressed how you feel about it to them. Not since it first happened. They don't want to hurt you further or bring up something you've already gotten passed, do you understand?
*He nods*
Alex- yeah... *He takes a deep breath* I think I'm ready.

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