Grumpy Gills

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*The day goes on*Y/N- hey Tony? Tony- yes Chai?*You smile and so does he* Y/N- I've done some thinking Tony- this should be good

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*The day goes on*
Y/N- hey Tony?
Tony- yes Chai?
*You smile and so does he*
Y/N- I've done some thinking
Tony- this should be good. *You roll your eyes and he laughs*
Y/N- what would it take to go back?
Tony- honestly? Nothing really. Just type in the date and there you go.
Y/N- would there be an negative effects on our time?
Tony- who knows... is this for you or Barnes?
Y/N- well I am Barnes so.. *He fake laughs and you answer* it's a little bit of both. He misses it but I'd also love to see a little corner of his life, before- well, everything.
*Tony nods*
Tony- I understand, it's doable if that's what you want. But it comes with its own dangers.
Y/N- I know but this will mean a lot to him.
Tony- okay, tell me when and I'll make it happen.
*You nod and hug Tony. He is a little taken aback but he smiles and hugs you back.*
Y/N- you know Morgan is really lucky to have you as a dad. *Tony smiles and agrees. You laugh*
Tony- in all seriousness, I know what you mean. Some people didn't get that lucky. *He looks at you and you are suddenly emotional. You try not to cry. Stupid period. You agree and nod*
Y/N- yeah..
Tony- y/n, I know you're grown and all- but I hope you know that if you ever need anything, I'm here for you. *You smile and give him another hug. This time he hugs you back instantly.* I'm sorry you had such a shitty dad. *You hug him tighter*
Y/N- me too.
*You go and find Bucky later. He is helping Sam with Charlie*
Bucky- Yep just like that- perfect! *He high-fives him* expert diaper change! *You just watch, Winnie comes running in, it seems she scraped her knee and needs kisses. He gives her what she needs and then she's on her way. Grant comes running in and he asks a million questions, each one more complicated then the last. But Bucky answers every one. Odette comes stomping in, mad at someone and yelling. Bucky calms her down and handles the situation which really wasn't a big deal and she eventually realizes that. Jonnie wants cuddles so she just climbs in his lap, not asking, just doing. Kneeing him in the stomach as she does and her hair hitting his face, he just holds her close. Elizabeth walks in reading and sits next to him while he reads. She asks him questions about her book and he answers to the best of his ability. Every child with their own needs, each one more dramatic and needy than the last. Yet Bucky doesn't break or yell. He is calm and sees their feelings for what they are; valid, personal. He helps them calm down and see if it's a big deal or a little deal. And then sends them on their way once they are okay. He's not always perfect but moments like these he's damn close. About an hour later he will probably be yelling at Grant for disobeying but right now he is doing some A plus parenting and it's just amazing.*
Y/N- okay kids, it's time to get ready for dinner.
*The run upstairs and you stop Bucky.* you, Mr. Barnes, are amazing. Thank you for not being a shitty dad.
*Bucky laughs and kisses you.*
Bucky- I'm sure you'll tell me all about that phrase later. *You nod and Bucky kisses you again.*

*The kids eat and then head straight to bath and then bed. They all fight over the shower so you have to play referee.*
Y/N- Okay Winnie and Odette go use mine. Daddy is in there bathing Ben. Jonnie and Elizabeth you stay in here and shower. Grant go to yours.
Grant- I need dad's shampoo, it makes my hair shiny. *You smile and grab Bucky's shampoo for him. He runs off to his bathroom. His hair has gotten longer as well. Not as long as Bucky's but long. You never really had to cut it because it didn't grow for a while. He had a full head of hair when he was born and it grew with him till about 3 then it slowed down, a lot. He got it trimmed a little when he was two but it never needed a full cut. You were actually worried, but it recently started growing like crazy so your worries went away. You'll have to take him to get it cut soon*
Bucky- did he take my shampoo?
*You laugh and smile. You turn around and see Ben, all bundled up in Bucky's arms.*
Y/N- that he did! You can go fight him for it while I take my sweet boy. *You kiss him and he smiles. You get Ben dressed and you nurse him in the living room while Bucky reads the kids a chapter out of the Chronicles of Narnia. They all start yawning and Bucky calls it a night.*
Jonnie- But what about Lucy?!
*She rubs her eyes*
Bucky- we will read some more tomorrow. *He ushers her to bed. He gets everyone else tucked in and they all fall asleep, completely exhausted from the trip and then their sleepover last night. You burp Ben and get him down in his crib, making sure the monitor is on as you slip out of the room. You lock the main door and walk in the room. You find Bucky already in the shower. You gently smile as you watch him, mesmerized by him. He turns around and sees you as he shuts off the water. He smiles and beckons you over with his finger.*
Y/N- you're all wet
*He doesn't say a word, he just ties up his wet hair
And flips the water back on, he leans against the shower wall and watches as you walk closer. You slowly strip off your clothes and forget for a moment that you're on your period.*
Bucky- let's get you clean up, huh?
*He wraps you in his arms and pulls you close as he kisses you. You quietly moan against his mouth and rub your hands down his muscular back.*
Y/N- I love you, Bucky. *The moment of forgetting your period passes as you have a huge cramp, like back labor type of cramp. Bucky can tell and he just rubs your back as you breath through it. Bucky grabs the soap and starts to lather you up, all down your arms and chest. He spends some time on your breast, massaging the places he can tell are sore. He rubs and massages your lower stomach and ass. He rubs a hand between your legs making sure you're clean. He kisses your temple as he rubs your back and then rinses you off. He turns off the water and dries you off. He gets a clean towel and lays it on the bed before he picks you up and lays you down on it. He brushes his hair and then ties it back again, the way he ties it you know what's about to happen. God you love this man.*
Bucky- I love you, y/n. And you're in pain and there is a way for me to help you. *He lays between your legs and spreads them open. He proceeds to eat you out, slowly and sensually. Causing more tension but the release will make it all better. You forget your cramps and the pain that comes with this every month, all you can think about is Bucky's tongue and the magic he is creating.*
Y/N- oh Bucky! *You arch and your hands shoot between your legs, grabbing into his hair. He smirks and keeps going. He drags you over the edge time and time again. When he sits up he immediately goes and washes off his face and uses some mouth wash as you just float back down to earth.*
Bucky- Mmhmm how was that? *He kisses you, minty fresh.*
Y/N- so good
*He smiles and pulls you into his arms.*
Bucky- how about we get cleaned up and then head off to bed, huh?
*You start to protest*
Y/N- No- I owe you-
Bucky- all you owe me is this pretty little body pressed against mine while we sleep, that's it. *He kisses your nose and you pout a little. You really really want to make him feel just as special as you've felt these past few days.*
Bucky- come on grumpy gills!

‼️What do y'all think... go back or create a fake 40's?! 🤔🫢🥰‼️

‼️A Blurry, recent picture for you all!‼️

‼️A Blurry, recent picture for you all!‼️

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