Sometimes I Miss It

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*Bucky gets the kids to sleep while you get Ben ready

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*Bucky gets the kids to sleep while you get Ben ready. You get him all snuggled up and in his little crib.*
Y/N- good night Bubba, I promise we will wake up this time. *You kiss his head and lay him down as Bucky walks in. He looks over at you but he doesn't say a word. He just quietly walks over, takes your hand and leads you to the bed. He lays you down and you two lay in each other's arms as he kisses you. You both fall asleep while holding each other.*

Bucky- Mmhmm baby *He kisses your shoulder to wake you up*
Y/N- Mmhmm 5 more minutes
Bucky- sorry baby, the little ones already stirring and I hear the kids jumping around and laughing. *You groan and sit up. You look at Bucky and he gives you a kiss*
Y/N- okay, last day! We've got this!
Bucky- Yup, come on baby.
*You get up and get Ben as Bucky gets the big kids. He gets them dressed and ready and then gets himself ready. You get ready and then get ready to go.*
Y/N- okay, y'all ready?
Grant- yes! Hollywood studios today, right?!
Bucky- Yup and then universal!
*The kids cheer and head out the door. The drive isn't bad and you are in the park pretty quickly. The kids ride slinky-dog-dash over and over. You and Bucky take turns with the kids on Rise of the resistance and smugglers run. Grant torments a storm trooper but it's ends up being all in good fun. The girls want Bucky to get a picture with Darth Vader so he sucks it up and does it. He crosses his arms and stares down the camera, the guy in the suit does that too. It actually turns out pretty good.*

*Grant is the only one y'all enough to ride most of the rides so he and Bucky go ride Rockin' roller coaster and Tower of terror. They meet back with you as the girls dance on Main Street to the old timey music. You idea them and just smile as you hold a sleeping Ben.*
Bucky- hey baby *He sneaks behind you and kisses your cheek. He kisses Ben's head and then sits next to you*
Y/N- how was it?
Grant- amazing!! I thought I was gonna throw up but I didn't!
Y/N- well good!
*He goes and dances with the girls. Bucky laughs and watches. He then turns to you and smiles*
Bucky- I'm glad we did this, y/n. And as crazy as it's been I wouldn't have it any other way. *He smiles and you lean over and kiss him.*
Y/N- I love you, Bucky. *He whispers it back against your lips*
Grant- oh mom! Also Dad screamed while on both rides! Like a girl!
Bucky- it was not like a girl- it was a manly scream, okay. The screaming like a girl was you!
*He teases as he jumps up and tickles Grant. You put Ben back in his seat and buckle him in. Bucky sees his opportunity and takes it. He takes your hand and pulls you into his arms. Grant and the girls circle around Ben to make sure he's okay while they watch. Bucky dances with you while some old 40's music plays. Bucky looks so nostalgic, you play with his hair at the nape of his neck and sweetly smile.*
Y/N- what's on your mind, Bucky?
Bucky- there are very few times I wish to go back.. because I know going back and changing the past would change this *He motions to you and the kids.* but I do wish you could have experienced it with me, just a little. Like pick up our life here and just move it back. Have our family and our life but in a time that was simpler.
*You smile and kiss him*
Bucky- sometimes I miss it, that is until I look in your eyes or see our kids, then I just want you all to experience it. I hold so little in common with the world now, I just want my world *He rubs your face and you know he is talking about you and the kids* to know it wasn't all bad back then. There were times that it was dreamy, like this. *He spins you around and a tear falls down. He kisses it away and you two dance a little more.*
Bucky- okay, who's hungry?!
*The kids all cheer and Bucky takes the stroller with Ben and heads to the 50's diner. As you hang back. You make a call.*
Y/N- hey Nat! I need you to get Steve and do me a favor, like a big one.

*The kids eat as you nurse and then you eat. You all get ready to leave and head to universal. The kids ride every ride they can and meet every character they can. They find it funny that they are meeting the "fake" avengers when they know the real ones.*
Jonnie- my uncle is the real Captain America and you're not him. *She walks away and you apologize to the  guy wearing the outfit. He laughs and says it's fine. He then asks for a picture with a Bucky. In all it is a good day and when you get back to the hotel room the kids crash. They quickly get bathed and then they pass out, Ben too! You get to packing and quickly so you can get to bed as well. You get a text from Nat*

Nat- Done! Well, you have two options per Tony and Steve. Build a whole replica or go for real. They said think about it and then let them know!
*You answer back*
Y/N- Will do!!

‼️Sorry I was MIA! I was sick and super busy. I was still posting on TT because I had already made those parts and just had to post them! But I'm back and doing better! I didn't post and update to let y'all know what's going on because I didn't want to waste a chapter on singing like that! 🥰 To repay your patience I am blessing you with more pictures, some I've never seen before! Lol! Enjoy!!‼️

 I was still posting on TT because I had already made those parts and just had to post them! But I'm back and doing better! I didn't post and update to let y'all know what's going on because I didn't want to waste a chapter on singing like that! �...

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