Mixed Bag Of Emotions

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‼️Mentions of puberty‼️

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‼️Mentions of puberty‼️

*The day goes on and Winnie lays around the suite. She eventually gets up and gets a shower before dinner. You are downstairs cooking when Nat walks in.*
Nat- hey! What did I miss today?
*You turn off the stove and turn around to tell her everything.*
Nat- well first off I didn't think I'd be fighting a 12 year old tomorrow but Nora better learn to fight real fast. *You laugh* also, poor Winnie. I hardly remover my first one and then well you know what happened after that. Once the stones made me whole again I used birth control that stopped it. Now I don't have any of those parts anymore so I've never really experienced it. Hopefully you'll be around to help Sarah with whatever questions or advice she needs.
Y/N- oh Nat, you will lol be great! You won't need me. *You smile* but I will be there if you feel like you do.
Nat- Thanks for taking Sarah out for the day. I hate that Nora made Eli not Invite her but I'm glad she got to spend it with people who wanted to be with her and made the day special.
Y/N- of course! It's what Aunts and godmothers are for! *You smile. You hear a little shuffle behind you and you turn around. You see Grant grabbing an apple for a snack but he looks sad.* Grant? What's wrong bud?
*Grant shrugs*
Grant- I- I didn't know the Eli didn't invite her because of Nora. I wouldn't have gone either if I had known.
Y/N- oh Grant-
Nat- hey, it's okay, Grant. Sarah is okay now and she's happy you had fun. She didn't expect you to miss out on the fun, she just wished she could have been there. I'm sure she will be next time.
*Grant nods and takes his apple before he leaves the room. Steve walks in the kitchen*
Y/N- thank you *You say to Nat*
Nat- you're welcome. *Steve sits with Nat at the kitchen island.* now tell me about this Angie girl. *She smirks at Steve and he shrugs*
Steve- I know nothing about her.
*You laugh and tell them all you know about her, which is very little.*
Nat- So do you think Winnie was embarrassed because of her period starting, Thor's girlfriend, or Thor seeing that she bled through her pants and his girlfriend is the one that caught it?
Y/N- all of the above. *You sigh* a part of me wants to tell her to just get over the crush but the other part of me wants to smack Thor for bringing these women home.
*Nat laughs*
Steve- I mean can you blame him?! *You and Nat roll your eyes* He knows what's in store for him in the coming years and he doesn't want to wait till she's 19 to have sex again. So he's dating some meaningless women in the meantime to fill the desire. But they don't mean anything. They will not be sitting on Thunder's Throne.
*You laugh*
Y/N- when you say it like that it sounds gross.
Steve- well I didn't mean it to *Nat and you laugh* you know they get married and have at least one kid. These women mean nothing. I know that doesn't help Winnie one bit but maybe it will help you on not getting assault charges.
*You laugh*
Y/N- like Thor would ever press charges on me.
*Steve laughs and Nat shrugs*
Nat- he might not but Angie seems like the type to.
*You agree and go back to cooking.*

Y/N- Grant, go tell Winnie that dinner is ready and she needs to join us.
*You sit down and get situated while Tony comes walking in with Pepper.*
Tony- I don't miss those days. Do you remember Morgan's? She was screaming and yelling how she was dying- I feel for them.
*Pepper pats his shoulder and pushes him to sit. She looks at you*
Pepper- sorry, he's an idiot.
*You laugh and Tony shrugs*
Y/N- just no one mention it or look at her any different, okay?
*Everyone agrees. Thor walks in*
Thor- what's everyone agreeing to?
*You look at Bucky and he stands up to meet Thor*
Bucky- Umm Winnie and her- well-
Thor- ahhh yes. *He nods*
Bucky- actually, maybe you should sit down with Kate and Peter tonight. Maybe don't let her really see you.
*Thor looks confused*
Thor- why would I need to hide from her?
*Bucky shakes his head.*
Bucky- look I didn't tell you this and you didn't hear it from me. Okay?! *Thor nods*
She's embarrassed that you were there and saw it all and that Angie was the one to help her out. *Thor still doesn't quite get it. Bucky sighs* she's got a crush on you, Thor.
Thor- I'm well aware. *Bucky is taken aback.* I still don't get why she should be embarrassed, it's normal! And natural. Back home there is a festival for this kind of thing-
Tony- you have a menstrual festival? *Tony asks*
Thor- well no, but fertility, coming of age, all that kind of stuff, yes! It's celebrated because the women is coming of age.
*You groan and walk over to him*
Y/N- well here on earth and especially America women have been made to be embarrassed and shamed about it. *Thor goes to cut you off but you stop him.* I'm not saying it's right, it's not! It's horrible that girls feel that way about something so natural and normal. But that's just the way it is. So please sit at the other end of the table and keep your head down for a few days, please?
Thor- fine, but I want to speak to whoever established such horrible treatment of women in this country. *You smile and pat his shoulder. You then point to Bucky and Steve*
Y/N- talk to their generation. *You sit down, Bucky and Steve point between each other and look at little confused. You kiss Bucky's cheek and start to ear as Winnie comes downstairs.*
Bucky- Hey Winnie boo! Come join us. *He pulls out the chair next to him. She walks over and slumps into the chair*
Y/N- eat up, you need it.
*Winnie sighs*
Winnie- I guess bleeding all day does that to you. Makes you hungry. *You nod*
Y/N- you have no idea. *She slightly smiles and starts to eat.*

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