How Far Our Parenting Has Come

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‼️New Seb photos🫠🤤🤭😏‼️

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‼️New Seb photos🫠🤤🤭😏‼️

*The trip is over before you know it but you make sure to soak up every moment you have.*
Bucky- mmhmm we- *He chuckles against your lips* we have to get *He kisses you again* going. Our check out is at 10. *He gives your ass a gentle spank and you smirk.*
Y/N- I slipped the manager an extra nights room rate for us to have a check out whenever we felt like. *You bite your lip as you lean in and kiss him again. Flipping all the way over and straddling his waist.* I just want one more morning of uninterrupted morning sex. *You kiss him and start to circle your hips. Bucky moans against your lips and nods. He grabs your ass and pulls you down harder, dragging your clothed center across his boxer briefs.*
Bucky- What are we waiting for then? *He teases as he slips his hands down the back of your panties. Bucky growls as he flips you over, pinning you beneath him. He rips off your underwear and your shirt before he attacks your neck and chest in open mouth kisses. Sucking, licking and biting anywhere his mouth lands as he grinds against you.* let's make the most of this late checkout.

*Two hours later you are finally cleaned up, packed, and in the care headed home. Bucky's hand rest on your inner thigh and he draws circle with his thumb as he drives down the tree lined highway.*
Bucky- do you think the kids obeyed?
Y/N- ehh *You laugh* I think they did their best. As long as no one ended up pregnant then we are good. *You Joke and Bucky looks over at you. He teasingly rubs your stomach and you laugh and push his hand back where it was on your thigh.* down boy, not anytime soon. *Bucky laughs and nods. The rest of the way home you sleep as Bucky hums along to the radio. When he parks at the compound you slowly stretch and climb out of the car as Ben runs out to meet you.*
Ben- I'm so happy you are back!! They were all driving me crazy!!
*You laugh and pull Ben into a big hug*
Y/N- did you get to hang out with Alex? Or Carson and Everly? *Ben starts to get shy*
Ben- I don't know them, and they aren't like Grant or Winnie. And sometimes it's all too loud. *Ben hugs you tighter and your heart breaks a little.*
Y/N- oh Benji
*Before you can say anything the rest of the kids come walking out to meet you two.*
Winnie- hey mama *She takes your bag and gives you a hug.*
Grant- we obeyed every rule! *He smiles, Jonnie comes up behind him and bumps his shoulder.*
Jonnie- yeah, except for the ones you broke!
*He pulls her into a head lock and she laughs and gently punches his stomach to get free. As they wrestle Alex comes up and hugs you. Ben moves behind you and hides. Your 10 year old, shy and hiding. You don't know what to do. You hug Alex and then pull Ben back to your side and rub his back.*
Alex- did you enjoy your trip?
*Bucky laughs and pats his shoulder*
Bucky- yeah we did, now let's get inside. I'm sure Uncle Steve has burned dinner by now. *The all laugh and follow Bucky inside. You hang back with Ben. Bucky looks over his shoulder as he holds the door and ushers each kid back in. He sees you and you motion to the backyard. He smiles and salutes you as he shuts the front door.*
Ben- where are we going?
Y/N- I'm gonna show you a little secret, how does that sound? *He nods and you put your arm around his shoulders as you walk back into the woods to Bucky's "hide out". It has a little reading bench and a bookshelf. There is a basket of blankets and a little fridge with snacks. A little light in the ceiling lights up the whole shed. It's got a space heater for when it's cold and the windows open with a fan on the windowsill for the summer. It's perfect.*
Ben- isn't this dad's? *He points to the shed.*
Y/N- yeah but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we used it. Come on. *You lead him inside and sit on the bench. You leave the door open and you can see out of the shed, through the woods and to the compound.* if you ever feel like the house is too loud or too scary, or just too much, you can come out here. I'll get daddy to bring some legos and books out here for you to keep in here for when you need them. You can come out here and rest, my only rule is the door has to remain open. That way I can see you from the compound. Okay? *You look down at Ben and he smiles and nods.*
Ben- okay, thank you mama. *He fidgets a little* you sure dad won't mind?
*You kiss Ben's head and then pet his hair.*
Y/N- I'm sure, Benji. He might join you for time to time. *Ben laughs.* but he won't mind. We want you to feel comfortable and safe. If that means you need a place away from all the crazy sometimes, so be it. *Ben nods and hugs you.*
Ben- will you still have time for me? Now that Alex and the girls are here? *Your heart breaks as you look at him, teary eyed.*
Y/N- oh Ben, I will always have time for you. I know the others coming back was sudden and you didn't expect it. And maybe we should have prepared you better. But it will be okay and you will always, always be my baby. *You kiss his head against and he sniffles.*
Ben- okay mama.
Y/N- look at me, Ben. *He does* I love you, sweet boy. And so does your daddy. Nothing and no one could ever change that. *He nods.* how about this? Every Sunday me and you come out here and we spend some time together just us. Maybe daddy can come too, if we let him of course. *Ben laughs* we can build legos or read a book together. Or you can just tell me about your new invention ideas. Whatever you want, for an hour and a half it'll be "Ben time" what do you think?
*Ben thinks for a minute and then smiles and nods*
Ben- I'd like that mama, and yeah Dad can join too. I think that would be fun. *You smile and pull him into a hug. You then wipe the tears from his face and he laughs and pulls away from your fussing.* can we start now? Like today?
*You nod and pull out your phone*
Y/N- you bet *You call Bucky* hey, bring Ben's legos and come on out to the shed.
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- weird request but okay.
Y/N- they are for Ben and tell the kids not to bother the three of us for the next hour and a half. Okay? *Bucky lightly laughs and agrees.*
Daddy's bringing your legos. *You tell Ben as you hang up.*

*Bucky shows up about 10 minutes later with a bag full of snacks and Ben's box of Legos.*
Bucky- so what are we building?! I'm thinking a full recreation of Helm's Deep. Bucky sits down and Ben laughs and nods.*
Ben- yeah! Let's do it!
*Bucky pulls up a picture on his phone and they get to work. You take a minute and watch them work together, Ben sticks out his tongue just a bit when he's really concentrating and Bucky furrows his brow as he tries to make the pieces fit together. You ruffle Ben's hair as you lean closer.*
Y/N- okay, let me in here! *You tease as you start to put lives together as well. You three don't talk about anything important, all you do is build a lego city and laugh about it. Ben's mood turns around and he is the happiest kid just getting to spend time with you and Bucky. When you finally look at your phone you see that it's been two hours. You look at Bucky and he winks.*
Bucky- alright bud, how about we clean this up and head inside. I think dinner is ready and then it's gonna be bedtime soon.
*Ben's face falls, he was having so much fun with just you two that he kinda forgot it had to end.*
Ben- okay, *He starts to pack up the Legos and then he stops.* but we will do this next week, right?
*You pull him into a hug and kiss his head.*
Y/N- you bet.

*Ben takes his Legos back up to his room and you wait in the kitchen with Bucky for dinner. Alex walks in first and sits next to you.*
Alex- so why the 2 hour Lego build in the shed? *He smiles and laughs. You look around, wanting to make sure Ben or the others aren't around.*
Y/N- well, Ben is a little more shy than the rest of you. And you three coming back has, well-
Bucky- it's rocked his world and not in the good way. *Alex nods and looks between you two*
Alex- is it something we did? Can we fix it?
*You reassure him*
Y/N- no Alex, it wasn't anything you did. We promise.
Bucky- yeah, he's just a little shy about you three being back. It'll take some time but he will warm up to you.
*Alex nods*
Alex- anything I can do to help get on his good side?
*You look at Bucky and he smiles.*
Bucky- sincerity, he is really good at knowing when people are faking interest. He loves Building things and anything tech. So you two will honestly get along really well once he sees you're trustworthy.
*Alex nods*
Alex- thanks, some good advice. *the rest of the kids comes running down stairs. Grant runs up to you.*
Grant- so since you and Dad are back can me and Sarah go to the movies? *You look at Bucky and you both just laugh*
Bucky- sure but you have to be home by 10 and not a minute later. Or else we will be coming to find you. *Bucky smiles and Grant nods. He starts to walk away and Bucky calls after him.* you have to take Jonnie as well! *Grant groans*
Grant- seriously?!
*You smile*
Y/N- yup! *Jonnie groans*
Jonnie- why me?!
*Bucky laughs and pulls her into a hug*
Bucky- because you're the last in the rotation.
*Alex laughs and looks at Grant*
Alex- they give you a chaperone rotation?
*Grant Rolls his eyes*
Grant- if you must know it's for our safety. *Grant crosses his arms* we recently had a scare with someone coming after us so mom and dad think it's best if we aren't alone. *Alex nods and looks at you*
Alex- I wouldn't mind going, if that's okay?
Jonnie- fine by me! *She yells as she heads back to the kitchen table for dinner.*
Bucky- sure I don't see why not. But you can't bring Lilly. The whole point is that the extra person is there to watch the crowds.
Alex- got it, *He looks at Grant* let me go get my wallet.

*They take your car and promise to be back before curfew. Bucky laughs as he waves goodbye, throwing an arm over your shoulder.*
Bucky- they are definitely missing curfew.
*You laugh*
Y/N- yup! Can't wait to show Alex how far our parenting has come. *Bucky laughs and kisses you before you walk back in the house.*

‼️Also I found this on Insta and it so cute I just had to share!! Bucky and Grant! Or Winnie, or any of his children really! 🥹 Just the silver arm instead of the black and gold one.‼️


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