See What Happens

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‼️I mean

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‼️I mean.... 😍🥰😏😉😋‼️

*You play with his hair as he kisses you. He moves his hands down your body and down the back of your thighs. He lifts you into his arms and braces you against the wall. He does all this while kissing down your neck and massaging your thighs. Light sounds of pleasure fall from your lips, the quietest moan, the softest gasp as he nibble your neck and jaw. He smiles against your skin and then looks up at you.*
Bucky- you okay if I take this slow?
*You nod and then smile*
Y/N- yes, I am very okay with that
*He smiles as he leans in to kiss you, he whispers*
Bucky- good
*He kisses you, and even though you've been married to this man for almost 10 years and with him for much longer, you get butterflies in your stomach as he kisses you. He takes your breath away and makes you desperate, not the needy whiney kind though. The sensual, intimate kind. He holds you tighter and you feel his body against yours. You whimper as he slowly moves his hips against yours.*
Bucky- I love you so much
Y/N- I love you too, Bucky
*He pulls back slightly and gazed into your eyes. He then gently smiles and sets you down. He takes your face in his hands and rubs his thumb across your cheek and lips. You kiss it and he smiles. Without a word he kisses you and turns you around he pouts some soap on your body and starts to bathe you. You smile and just relax at the feeling of his hands on your body. Metal on skin, washing away the evidence of the day. You hum as he starts to massage your breast, he kisses your shoulders and  holds you close. He then washes your hair and just dotes on you.*
Y/N- that was wonderful baby *You hum and kiss him* now it's your turn.

*You lather up his chest and shoulders. Working your way along the ridges of his muscles. You travel down his stomach, feeling his abs below your fingertips. You reach his hips and massage as you wash him clean. You get on your knees and look up at Bucky for a moment, you then wash his legs and thighs. You kiss up his thigh to his hip and then meet his gaze. He is in pure bliss, you lips on his skin, doting on him and dedicating this moment to him. You slip your hands behind him and squeeze his ass, a small moan escapes his lips, it send heat straight to your center. Besides the moan you know this turned him on because you saw some movement  in the corner of your eye. You smile and remain where you are, not touching him where you know he wants you to. You stand up and wash his back, getting the tension out of his shoulders. You become very bold and get down on your knees behind him. You massage his ass and you hear him hum again. You then place a kiss on each cheek before you give him a little spank and then stand up. He smiles and watches you get the shampoo for his hair. You wash it and then rub in some conditioner. Since his hair is still long you try to get him to use it, it's usually a fight that's why you always offer to wash his hair. He can't fight you about it if you just do it. As he waits his time, a little grumpy, he pulls you close and kisses you. You kiss him and let your hand fall between your bodies. You take him in your hand and start to slowly stroke him, he kisses you deeper and gasps as you rub your thumb over his tip.*
Bucky- if I didn't have girly product in my hair right now I'd take you to that bed and make this the best night of your life. *You lightly laugh and squeeze his ass.*
Y/N- the product isn't stopping you.
*You pull away and he dips under the water. He washes his hair and then clears his eyes. He takes you in his arms and kisses you. He turns off the water, opens the shower and steps out with you still in his arms. He wraps you up and then grabs a towel for himself. You dry off and wrap your hair up as he disappears into the bedroom. You have no idea what he's doing or planning. You brush your hair and Bucky appears behind you and starts to braid it. Two French braid pigtails, you then brush out his hair and tie it up into a bun, he looks so. Damn. Sexy. He teases*
Bucky- you know this bun won't last long. You'll be running your hands through my hair within a matter of minutes.
*You smirk and kiss him as you drop your towel. He smiles and drops his, he takes you into his arms and lifts you up, you wrap your legs around him and he carry's you to the bed. He lays you down and crawls over you as you two get settled in bed.*

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