What Am I Going To Do With You

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‼️I can't believe I wasted chapter 69 on an update

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‼️I can't believe I wasted chapter 69 on an update. 🤦🏼‍♀️😏😂😅‼️

*You wake up to Bucky humming. You roll over and see he's not in bed. His robe is missing too. You stretch and get up to follow the sound of his voice, you find him in the kitchen and putting the finishing touches on breakfast. He has the coffee table set up with mugs for coffee and two plates full of breakfast foods and mimosas. The fireplace has a little bed made in front of it, blankets, pillows, sheets. It looks so cozy and wonderful, you wonder how early he woke up to do it all. He walks over to the speakers and turns the music up just a tad and starts to hum along again as he looks around the kitchen for anything he missed. You gently smile as sets the finishing touches on the little table and double checks everything. You sneak back into the room before he sees and and you climb back into bed, waiting to see if he's gonna come wake you up.*

*Sure enough about 5 minutes later he sneaks into the bedroom and tosses his robe off and onto the chair with yours. You pretend to be asleep as He lifts the bottom of the covers and slowly kisses up your body, leaving a long kiss against your center before moving up. He kisses up your stomach and along your breast. You hum a little and he makes an approving noise back. He kisses up your neck and along your jaw till he reaches your mouth. He kisses you as he settles between you legs and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into his arms.*
Y/N- Mmhm good morning *You kiss him*
Bucky- good morning *He kisses you back* how did you sleep?
*You smile and rub his back*
Y/N- really well, you?
Bucky- like a rock *You lightly laugh.* but I woke up early and have a little treat for us. *He pulls you to sit up* I worked really hard on it.
*You smile*
Y/N- lead the way

*Bucky lifts you into his arms and walks out of the room with you. You see the whole set up and just smile.*
Y/N- oh Bucky, this is so wonderful. *You shift in his arms and kiss him. He holds you close as he lets go of your legs and you wrap them around his waist. Both of you are abiding by the "no clothes" request so there is nothing hiding your parking interest... or Bucky's.*
Bucky- you like it? *He asks as he pulls back and settles down in the little bed he made by the fire.*
Y/N- I love it! And I'm starving!
*He laughs and kisses you as he starts to let you go*
Y/N- No! Don't- you're too warm and feel too good.
*He just smiles and holds you tighter*
Bucky- how are we suppose to eat? If you're starving then-
Y/N- ugh, fine. *You pout and Bucky laughs*
Bucky- oh come here *He sits back against the couch and pulls you between his legs, like he does in the bath. He pulls a sheet and blanket over you both to keep you warm. He gets you cup of coffee and hands it to you, he grabs a plate and pulls it close and starts to feed you in between bites for himself. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, cinnamon rolls. It was all so good. You lay there in Bucky's arms and let the music lull you into a sweet pink haze as Bucky brushes over each spot he left a mark last night. Like he's checking you over, making sure he didn't go too far. Each one is fading and doesn't even hurt but he still kisses each one as a silent apology. He knows he doesn't have to, that you like them but he still does it. You melt under his touch as his fingers and lips dance over them*
Bucky- are there any I missed? Any that still hurt?
*He speaks quietly against your skin. You're on fire with need, sure that the sheets and blankets below you are probably a little wet from how on fire you are. You look up and meet his gaze, innocent eyes staring up at him as you nod. He slowly moves the sheet down and exposes your breast, his hands glide over your delicate skin*
Bucky- here?
*You shake your head no. He moves his hand lower resting it between your legs and on your thighs*
Bucky- here?
*You shake your head No and he moves his hand to your center, gently moving his fingers through your wetness*
Bucky- here baby? Doesn't it still ache here?
*He says in your ear as he start to circle your clit. His lips brush your ear and his breath sends pleasure down your spine*
Y/N- Always. For you, always. *He moans and growls as he leans in and kisses you*
Bucky- let me take care of that then. *you move out of his lap and lay down on the little bed Bucky made by the fireplace. He settles between your legs and brings you to the edge by his fingers alone.* cum for me, y/n. *You do, you fall over and arch off the ground as he kisses you deeply, shoving his tongue inside your mouth and claiming you as his. You two end up entangled and struggling to catch your breath as the pleasure washes over you both and is almost too much. Your bruises on the outside we almost healed but your vagina feels like it's been hit by a truck and had another baby in the process. You hang onto Bucky as you cum, screaming and arching off the ground. Your nails leave marks in his skin and he moans in pleasure at the feeling. He cums hard and fills you. You rub his sides and squeeze his ass to help him through it. When he finally comes down he takes a breath and shudders at the feeling of the cool air on his skin, drying the sweat. You pull him down and roll on him as you lay in his arms. When he slips from you, you feel how sore you are as well as how messy you are. Bucky doesn't care about the mess though. He pulls you on top of him, straddling his waist and pulling you to lay on his chest. He kisses your head and rubs your back as you slowly drift off to sleep. The music giving you that same pink gaze as before.*

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