Magnificent Future

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‼️TW- mentions of abuse, abandonment, excessive drinking

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‼️TW- mentions of abuse, abandonment, excessive drinking.‼️

*Alex is playing video games with Peter until Peter has to leave. He then finds his way back to the room. He sees Everly and Carson and he waves at them. They run over*
Everly- what did you tell them?
Alex- I told them everything they needed to know.
Carson- but like what he said we could say or the real truth about K-
*Alex stops her and gets really paranoid*
Alex- stop, don't talk about it. I told them the story we were told to tell. It will be okay. They already have plans to give us rooms and everything.
Every- okay but I don't want daddy to be mad... he gets so mad since the big change. *Alex hugs her*
Alex- He won't get mad... this one is different. He's nicer. Like dad was before the big change. If they find out they will understand. Okay? *The girls nod*
Everly- what do we do?
Carson- yeah weren't we sent here to do something?
Alex- No. we were sent here because of a failed experiment. We have a home now, parents who love us-
Everly- mommy and daddy loved us... they just weren't very good at showing it at the end.
Carson- yeah... I don't remember my daddy that much.
Everly- my mommy doesn't talk about him in the kindest of ways. She says he left her when things got hard.
*Alex sighs*
Alex- look uncle Steve wasn't a perfect man and the big change made him leave. He did the best he could-
Carson- easy for you to say... you actually have a dad. Even if he's mean.
*Carson sits on the couch and Everly sits with her*
Everly- you have a daddy here though! You have two!
Alex- and they're really great!
*She smiles and giggles. Alex smiles and hears you walking up the stairs*
Y/N- okay, Alex we want to talk to y'all.
*Alex panics for a moment.*
Alex- Umm s-sure. Girls-
Bucky- No we want all of you here. Even Joshua.
Nat- Matthew's gonna sleep.
*Alex nods and grabs Joshua.*

Y/N- we want to keep y'all for as long as you want. And then when you feel ready we want to go back to your universe and help save your parents. Then you will have more parents then you can count and we can help them along the way.
Bucky- that way you still have your friends and you lives.
Steve- you will stay with us for a few months and then go with your other parents, that is if they agree of course-
*Alex thinks on his feet*
Alex- they won't. They won't share. If you do this you'll never see us again.
*You tear up and look at Steve, Nat and Bucky. They nod*
Y/N- that's a chance we are willing to take. And not because we don't want you but because we want you to have so many people in your lives that love you, especially after what you went through.
*Alex looks at Carson and Everly*
Alex- we-
Everly- just tell them-
Bucky- tell us what?
Carson- you said they'd understand-
Steve- understand what?!
*Alex starts to cry and he takes a deep breath*
Alex- how we got here was a lie. I do know America and we tried to use her powers but he was stronger. He sent us away so we wouldn't mess with his experiment.
Y/N- who?!
Bucky - what do you mean experiment?!
Alex- he said he'd come get us when he was ready- I- you can't save us, you can't keep us- I was foolish to believe you could-
Y/N- Alex! *You take his face in your hands* who? Who is coming?!
Alex- Kang

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