Dirty Cookies

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*You kiss Bucky, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close

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*You kiss Bucky, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close. He lifts you up and sets you in the counter. You hum against his lips and he smiles against yours.*
Bucky- Mmhmm is right. *He rubs your cheek with his metal hand* now, let's get baking on these cookies. *He pulls back and goes to the pantry, you are left a little speechless and confused.*
Y/N- ha! Umm Buck?
Bucky- yeah? *He shouts from the pantry.*
Y/N- I thought we were kinda starting something over here.
*Bucky walks back out with his hands full of all the ingredients you need for chocolate chip cookies. He smirks*
Bucky- oh! Were we? *He winks at you as he sets it all down.* silly me for leaving you high and dry. *He kisses you again*
Y/N- I am anything but dry *You say seductively. Bucky laughs and then smirks down at you.*
Bucky- you really are feelin' dirty tonight. *You nod and grab his shirt, pulling him into you and wrapping your legs around his waist.*
Y/N- very *You try to kiss him again but he pulls back and you pout. Bucky can't help but smile, your pouting face is so cute. He takes your face in his hands.*
Bucky- Mmhm baby girl *He bites his lip.* okay, we need to eat, then we can get dirty while making these cookies. How about that?
Y/N- how about I sit on your cock while you feed me dinner and then I'll give you a blow job while you eat yours *You smirk back at him. He laughs and shakes his head, pulling you off the counter. He knew you'd be like this, horny and needy. You always are when you're over rested yet somehow still tired.*
Bucky- that would be a choking hazard and the only thing you're choking on tonight is my dick.
*You squeal as he pulls you off the counter, squeezes your ass, and kisses you hard. He spanks you and gives you a gentle push to sit at the table.*
Bucky- No, go *He laughs as you get grabby with his ass.* sit your ass in that chair and don't move. Or else.
*You bite your finger as you play with the edge of the shirt you're wearing.*
Y/N- or else what *You give a playful smile*
Bucky- I'll beat that little ass for disobeying me *You moan as you slip your fingers in the waistband of the boxers and start to play with them. Pulling them down to pool at your feet.*
Y/N- you mean it? *You spin around and lean over the counter, you ass peaking out from under Bucky's t-shirt. Bucky stands behind you and massages the globes of your ass. Your eyes roll back as he squeezes and kneads the flesh beneath his hands. A slap makes your mouth drool and his wandering fingers make your chest fall to the counter top and your legs spread wide.*
Bucky- Mmhmm fuck, fine. *You feel him kneel behind you.* the pizza still has 15 minutes, we will eat after I get a taste.
*He birdies his face between your legs, licking from your clit to your ass. He moans against your center and squeezes your cheeks. He then grabs your hips and devours you. You try to thrust back against him but he holds you in place against the counter. Licking, bitting, sucking till you see stars and scream his name as you cum.*
*He stands up and slaps a hand over your mouth as he shoves his metal one between your legs. Three fingers hook inside you and begin to fuck you hard.*
Y/N- Bucky! *Mumbles against his palm. Your eyes roll back as you get closer to your second orgasm.*
Bucky- that's it baby girl, cum for me. Make a mess on my hand. *Your legs give out as you cum against, squirting all down your legs and his arm.* thatta girl! *He kisses you desperately and spins you around.  Lifting you in his arms and wrapping your legs around him. One handed he holds you and pulls his dick out. Moving it through your folds and then pushing inside your aching center.*
Bucky- so tight for me, Mmhmm feels so good!
*You whimper and try to grind down on him but you can't because you are at his mercy, just hanging in the air in his arms. He smirks S he pulls his hips out a little and then slams back in. You are about to scream but Bucky shoves a dish towel in your mouth before you do. You moan around it and your eyes roll back as Bucky grinds inside you.*
Bucky- you gonna be good?
*You nod and he kisses your forehead. Adjusting his grip, you're still in the air, he begins to fuck into you again. Thank God for the dish towel cause you would have woken the whole house.*
Bucky- oh yeah- Mmhm just like that! *He gasps and fucks up into harder* go on baby girl, milk my cock. *You cum around him and throw your head back, you body shaking because it feels so good. Bucky pulls out and flips you around, man handling you to lay face down on the table. He kicks your legs apart and slams back into you at a ruthless speed while chasing his high. He leans down and buries his face in your neck as he moans, cumming deep inside you.*
Y/N- Mmhmm *You mumble and Bucky lightly laughs. He sits up and pulls out, watching his cum leak out of you. He scoops it up and rubs it along your asshole. You whimper as he gently rubs over the muscle, not even adding pressure to breach it. It feels so good. Bucky reaches up and pulls the dish towel from your mouth and you gasp. He kisses you hard, shoving his tongue in your mouth as you try to push back against his finger still circling your rim.*
Bucky- you are so good for me, baby girl.
Y/N- Mmhmm please, Buck. *You plead up at him with your needy eyes. He smirks and kisses you again. He starts to push his finger inside when the timer for the pizza goes off. You groan and Bucky kisses your head and pulls away.*
Y/N- Bucky?!? Please-
Bucky- if you think you are escaping this night without my tongue and dick buried in that sweet ass, then you are crazy. *You blush and squeeze your legs together* but I need real food and so do you. Also I'd much rather eat and fuck your ass in our bed. So we are gonna eat, make the cookies which may or may not involve you cockwarming me while we make them *You blush even more and grind back against nothing* and then we will do upstairs and I'll pin you to the bed and eat that sweet ass of yours before I fuck you so so good and hard that you black out.
*You whimper and moan, looking down at your legs and then back up at Bucky. He stares at you in disbelief.*
Bucky- did you just cum? *You nod* by my words and authority alone? *You nod and whimper. He gives a dark little laugh and pulls you into his arms.* oh yeah, you're definitely cockwarming me while we bake. *You whimper and burry your face in his chest. He kisses your head* before that, are you hungry?
*You sheepishly nod*
Y/N- yeah, starving.
Bucky- okay, let's get some pizza in your belly and then we will get to baking. Okay?
*You nod. Bucky grabs the discarded boxers and slides them back up your legs. He pushes the gusset of them against your soaking center and he smirks as you grind down against him.* Mmhm good girl, stay nice and wet for me, that way I can slide right in.*

*You eyes roll back as you start rolling the dough out.*
Y/N-Mmhmm B-Buck- I nnnee-neeedd the rolling pin.
*Bucky hums and reaches over the counter, pushing himself deeper in you. As he grabs it his tip brushes your sweet spot and you grab his hips to keep him there.*
Y/N- right there! Don't move, please-
*He grips your hips and grinds his hips in a circle, moving his tip all over your sweet spot.*
Bucky- oh yeah, good girl. Get the dough rolled out and then I'll let you cum.
*You roll it out and look up at him pleading. He smirks and gives you short, little thrusts against that spot and you see stars. You melt into his arms and he holds you up for a moment. He reaches up under the shirt and palms your breast as you come down, whimpering and grinding back against him.*
Bucky- what next?
*He kisses your neck while still holding your breast.*
Y/N- I- oh fffuuucccc- *Bucky starts to slowly move over that spot again.* The cookie cutter!
*Bucky pull away to get the cookie cutter from the other counter, you gush as he pulls out. You've made a giant mess of the floor and you will make Bucky clean it before you head upstairs for the night.*
Bucky- such a messy girl *He slaps your pussy before pushing back in.* one cookie cutter. *these cookies will never see the light of day. You can't let anyone else eat these not in good conscience.*
Y/N- thank you Buc-
*He kisses your neck as you begin to cut out the cookies. You get them cut and laid out on the pan and ready for the oven. Bucky pulls out against and this time you want to cry. He f els so good and when he leaves you you feel so empty.*
Y/N- Bucky please?!? I wanna go upstairs, I want you. Just put them in the fridge and we can bake them tomorrow. I need you, Bucky.
*Bucky kisses you*
Bucky- they will take about as long as it will for us to clean the kitchen. You put them in and I'll get cleaning, okay?
*You nod and kiss him.*

*You get the kitchen spotless and even in all that cleaning your need and desire for Bucky has not stopped*
Bucky- come on, let's take our dirty cookies upstairs. *You giggle and run ahead of him.*

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