One Year and Four Later

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*You all jump into party planning mode

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*You all jump into party planning mode. Ben's first birthday is gonna be amazing and it will be the first big thing the whole team has celebrated since the kids left.*
Peter- Puppies?? How is that even a theme?
Bucky- don't question it, just do it. Go get the puppy balloons.
*Peter shrugs and leaves with MJ to get the balloons*
Yelena- okay I got puppy plates, cups, napkins, birthday banner, and party favors! *She lays all the bags down and you thank her. She smiles and pulls a debit card out of her pocket and hands it to you.* your husband paid for it. I just bought it all.
Y/N- well thank you for going. With Ben being sick I just couldn't leave to go get it all-
Yelena- hey, it's okay. I get it. *Yelena nods and hears Sam walking down the hall with Jackson and Charlie.* hello my little loves. *she kisses their faces and Charlie giggles while Jackson laughs and runs away. She chases after him.*
Bucky- I honestly never thought I'd see that day that Yelena actually smiled.
*Sam throws a burp cloth at him and Bucky laughs and throws it back.*
Bucky- I'm all out of use for those!
*He pulls you close and kisses your head. You laugh and agree. You hear Ben coughing over the monitor.*
Y/N- shit *You mumble* I really had hoped this medicine would knock it all out.
*You run upstairs and get Ben up before he starts screaming.*
Y/N- shhh it's okay Benji. Mama's got you.
*You rock him as you sit in the glider. He stares up at you and nuzzles his face into your chest. You rub his cheek as you let him nurse and be close to you. About 30 minutes later Bucky comes to find you*
Bucky- hey, cakes gonna be here in about 20 minutes. You think he's up to it?
*You look down at your little boy. He isn't feverish anymore and his color seems normal. He is asleep against your chest, he fell asleep while nursing.*
Y/N- yeah, maybe. I'll wake him in a minute; don't want him to be in a bad mood.
*Bucky laughs and agrees*
Bucky- I hate that he got this weird cold
Y/N- me too but he seems to be getting over it. Not as fast as I'd like but still.
*Bucky kisses you and looks down at Ben, still clinging to your breast. He hears you sniffle*
Bucky- you okay?
*You nod and wipe away the tears*
Y/N- yeah, he's my last though. Our last first year, our last little baby. *You hold him close* I'll never nurse another baby after him. It's just hard to know it's all over. *Bucky kisses your forehead and then kisses your lips. He takes your face in his hands*
Bucky- it doesn't have to be. *You give him a look and he laughs* I'm not saying let's have another. I'm saying we could leave the door open and if it happens then it happens.
Y/N- No, no doors can be "left open" because I WILL get pregnant if we leave it up to fate.
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- okay, no open doors. All I'm saying is I can't have a vasectomy and you haven't gotten your tubes tied. If we want another one down the road, we could have another. So enjoy all these moments like they are the last but know they don't have to be. *You tear up a little and kiss him*
Y/N- you're sweet, you know that? *Bucky laughs*
Bucky- so I've been told *He says sweetly.* you ready?
*You nod and move Ben to wake him up. He stretches and looks around. He smiles when he sees you*
Ben- mama! *He hugs you and you hold him tight. Bucky then takes him so you can get changed and ready for the party. Bucky gets Ben changed and all you hear is Ben and Bucky talking*
Ben- mama?
Bucky- she's getting dressed.
Ben- ant?
Bucky- Grant is downstairs.
Ben- Innie
Bucky- Winnie is with Grant.
Ben- dada?
Bucky- I'm right here bud
*Its quiet for a moment and then the loop starts again.*
Ben- mama?
*You laugh and go to find them in the nursery.*
Y/N- oh where is my Benji?! Huh?!
*He squeals*
Ben- mama!
*Bucky laughs and hands him to you*
Bucky- you ready birthday boy?!
*He claps and you kiss his chubby cheeks*
Y/N- let's go!!

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