First Husband Getting A Second Wife

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*You and Bucky spend the day in bed, naked and wrapped in each other arms

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*You and Bucky spend the day in bed, naked and wrapped in each other arms. You watch movies and Bucky makes pancakes for a little snack. The snow cover the ground and makes a beautiful backdrop for the day.*
Y/N- Mmhmm today was perfect!
*You kiss his chest*
Bucky- it was nice to just sit back and not have to make snack cups for anyone. Or fill up water cups. Or referee a fight.
*You laugh and agree as you kiss him*
Y/N- yeah... it was nice to have you completely to myself with no interruptions. *Bucky hums as he pulls you on top of him.*
Bucky- yeah, that was pretty great too
*He rubs your back and down your ass. You lay your head on his chest and sigh*
Y/N- some days I'm scared this is all a dream. *You feel Bucky hold you tighter* not you or the kids, I know with painful detail how real all of you are. *Bucky laughs and you lift your head up to rest your chin on his chest. You look at him* but this peace we have. No fights or wars, just calm. We know it doesn't last from what the kids told us. And we know Kang will mess up soon and Alex and the girls will have to leave- I- *You sniffle* I just wish it could last forever. *Bucky wipes your tears away* I liked just being Y/N Barnes, Wife and mom. I don't know if I'm ready to be Winter Widow again.
*Bucky sits up with you in his arms. You settle in his lap and he pulls your face into his hands*
Bucky- if you don't want to be Winter Widow anymore you don't have to be. *He rubs your cheeks* you were mine and I loved you before you were a super hero. And I will love you long after you're not. *He kisses you* yes, this peace won't last... Steve and Tony get more and more reports everyday about how there are new Hydra based popping up. Peter and Kate have been able to handle it so far but they may need our help soon-
*You start to cry* hey.. I said soon, not "now" *He kisses your forehead.*
Y/N- I know, I know. *You take a breath* we just- we have so much more to lose now, Bucky. Our kids, our home, *Your voice breaks* each other-
Bucky- hey hey hey *He pulls you close* I'm not going anywhere. You hear me?! You will never have to live without me, that is a promise-
Y/N- you can't promise-
Bucky- it's a promise! *He holds you tight and you just cry. You hate that you ruined this moment with reality. When you try to apologize Bucky holds you tighter. You fall asleep there in his arms, when you wake up you are renewed and the fears you felt earlier are distant, still there but not ruining your time here with Bucky.*
Y/N- hi *You say as you look up at him. He smiles down at you*
Bucky- how are you feeling??
Y/N- better, not as "doom and gloom" as earlier. *Bucky gently laughs and kisses you*
Bucky- I'm glad.
*You spend the night making out and when you're not doing that you're sleeping or just talking about how you both are feel in g about everything. It's nice to talk without little ears around*

*The morning starts with breakfast and by breakfast it's Bucky sneaking under the covers and taking advantage of the "no clothes" decision. He pushes your legs up and lets them rest over his shoulders. You start to wake up at the movement, letting out little moans as you feel him kiss along your thighs. He slips his hands under your ass and starts to kiss along your center. You gasp and arch off the bed as he starts to push his tongue inside you. He moans and moves through your folds, lapping up everything you give him and living off your little sounds. He wraps his lips around your clit and sucks, your eyes shoot open and you reach down and grab his hair. He laughs and pulls your hands off*
Bucky- Mmhmm good morning to you too
Y/N- Bucky *You whimper*
Bucky- sorry, I couldn't help myself. I needed to get my full before you get to spend the day with Winter. *He smirks up at you and slowly goes back to eating you out.*
Y/N- Mmhmm fffffuuuc- right there! Yes!!
*You cum and Bucky helps you through it. Kissing your thighs and licking you clean. He kisses up your body and kisses your lips*
Y/N- Mmhmm *You moan as he kisses you*
Bucky- whenever you're ready.
*You gently smile*
Y/N- how about you get some Odette time first. I think she needs it a little more.
*Bucky kisses you*
Bucky- you sure?
Y/N- yeah, last time we were here Winter and I had a really special couple of hours. You and Odette deserve the same.
*Bucky kisses your forhead. He trails his hand down to yours and takes your wedding ring between his fingers. You gently smile and nod. He slips them off and lays them on the bedside table, he slips his off as well and lays his with yours. He kisses you and settles between your legs and lays down in your arms.*
Bucky- I love you, I'll see you soon. *You nod and he kisses your forehead* Swan.

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