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*7am on the dot, Ben starts to call out for you

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*7am on the dot, Ben starts to call out for you. He is almost 7 months old now so he isn't really talking but you get what's he's trying to say.*
Ben- mmammmaa
*You hum as you sit up and stretch. You give Bucky a kiss and he slaps your ass as you get up. You giggle and he smirks as you walk out of the bedroom. He groans as he sits up, stretching out his tired arms and legs. You sneak into Ben's room and turn on his little lamp. His room is has blackout curtains so it's still pretty dark and you don't want to hurt his little eyes with the big light. He smiles and squeals as he sees you walk in, pulling up on the crib bars and reaching for you.*
Ben- mmmamama *He smiles as you lift him out and snuggle him close.*
Y/N- I hear ya, bud. You wanna get changed and go see daddy? Huh?! *He smiles and then lays his head on your shoulder and buries his face in your neck. He pops his thumb in his mouth and lets out a little sigh. You can't help but smile and just hold him tight. Your little baby growing up so fast, at least he still loves to cuddle. You get him changed and then you head back to the bedroom. Bucky walks out of the bathroom and sees you with Ben.*
Bucky- hey bubba! How did you sleep?!
Ben- ddddaddd
Y/N- yeah that's dada!
*He reaches for him and Bucky happily takes him for some snuggles.*
Bucky- hey Benji, you seem happy this morning. Did you get morning snuggles? Huh?! *He tickles him and Ben giggles. You walk out dressed and ready for the day. Bucky hands ben back to you.*
Bucky- I'm gonna go make breakfast and let Sal in. Have you nursed yet?
Y/N- No, so I'll be done in a bit.
Bucky- okay *He kisses you and then heads to the door.* I'll watch for the kids, you can just send them down when they are awake.
Y/N- will do, boss! *You tease from where you have planted yourself on the couch. He laughs and walks back over, reaching from behind and above you he slips his hand around your jaw and gently lifts up, giving you and upside down kiss.*
Bucky- now don't do talking all sweet like that, Sal might get the wrong impression when I say I'm happy to see him. *You laugh and hit his arm. He gives you and other kiss and then head downstairs.*

*You scroll through your phone as you nurse Ben. The girls get up and say good morning to you and Ben, thinking nothing of it. Grant says good morning and looks at you with Ben like he's gonna have some questions any day now... which you hope to avoid at the moment. Then Alex comes walking downstairs, you quickly cover yourself before he sees. Ben does not appreciate it and tries to rip it off.*
Alex- morning mom
Y/N- morning Alex, dads making breakfast downstairs.
Alex- okay, oh yet- oh he- Umm *He looks away. You feel that Ben has ripped the cover off. You try to hide as Alex runs away. He didn't really see anything, it's just the thought that he could have that scars both of you.*

*You finish up with Ben and then head downstairs. You hear Grant asking Bucky a question. Bucky looks a little stumped at what to say and Alex looks mortified.*
Grant- but like... why? If they are only for milk then why does mom have them when she doesn't have a baby? *You look at Bucky and he just smiles* like Aunt Wanda doesn't have a baby and she has them and Aunt Pepper. Aunt Yelena has them but she has a baby but she didn't have the baby like mom did. I'm just confused... *He looks at Bucky and Bucky shrugs and shakes his head*
Bucky- I didn't know bud...
Grant- I bet you don't know what they're for... I should ask mom. *Grant doesn't say it in a mean way. In fact Bucky knows he's just curious because he's starting to notice differences in himself and his friends and family.*
*Alex quiets a laugh and Bucky tries to hide a blush*
Bucky- yeah bud, ask mama. She'll know the answer.
*You glare at him and shake your head as you walk up behind Grant and the rest of the kids. You smile and sit with them.*
Y/N- good morning, is breakfast good or did daddy burn the pancakes again?
Bucky- just for that you're getting extra crispy one! *He winks and you stick your tongue out. Grant looks at you*
Grant- mom? *Oh boy.. here it comes* why do you have boobs? *You look at Bucky and he just smiles, letting you have the floor. Alex sits back trying to to die of secondhand embarrassment and from trying not to laugh. But you are tougher then these boys and you know your son, you'll tell him the truth and he will stop asking.*
Y/N- they help mommy's feed their babies and when they don't have babies they are for special wrestling. *Bucky almost chokes on air. He looks at you and then looks at Grant. Alex puts his head on the gavel to hide his face. The girls just listen and then go about their eating. Grant nods and then shrugs*
Grant- okay *He goes back to eating pancakes. You smile and ruffle his hair. You go grab your pancakes and kiss Bucky's blush stricken cheek.*

*so there is a knock on the door and it's Sal. His son helps him in and gets set up. Bucky cleans up breakfast while they do and you get Ben down for a morning nap. He was already getting fussy so you know he is gonna be cranky if he doesn't sleep now.*
Bucky- Hey Sal! This is my wife, y/n.
Sal- it's nice to meet you, he never shit up about you. All the times he came to me for a trim or a cut, he'd always talk about the one that got away. I'll never forget the day he came in and said he'd finally caught up to you. *He smiles as he pats your hand. He is a sweet old man, his hair is white and he is much shorter than Bucky. His Brooklyn accent is strong. You can tell he's seen a lot by the lines on his face, the stories he probably has.*
Y/N- it's nice to meet you, Sal.
*Steve comes downstairs and gives Sal a hug.*
Steve- how's the shop?
Sal- good! No one's come to knock it down yet! Stupid developers *He grumbles. He then waves it off and smiles.* okay, who's first?

*Steve just needed a trim so he went first, Grant watches the man graze the clippers across his head.*
Grant- that doesn't seem too bad.
Alex- it's not, really easy, clippers won't even cut you.
Grant- really?
Alex- well... just don't move around a lot, you'll be okay.
*Grant nods Alex goes before him. His hair is a little fluffy and resting right at chin length, though they waves in the strands of hair make the look spear shorter. He gets it shaped up and he he looks really nice. Now it's Grants turn.*
Sal- okay little man, what would you like?
Grant- Umm- *He looks at you and you smile. You take his hand and squeeze it.*
Y/N- whatever you want bud.. I'm sure you'll look handsome. *Grant smiles and looks at Sal.*
Grant- can I have it short on the sides and all around but with a little bit on top? Kinda like this. *He shows Sal a picture of Bucky from your wedding. His hair short but fluffy. You smile and fight tears. Bucky pats Grants back and Sal nods*
Sal- sure can! I was the one who gave him that cut, did you know that? *Grant shakes his head* yup! Came here that morning and shaped it up, had to make sure he looked presentable for your mama! *Grant laughs and you smile. You take pictures and watch as you little boy turns more into a little man with his new cut.*
Sal- well?
*Grant looks in the mirror*
Grant- I like it!
*Sarah comes prancing down the stairs and stops when she sees Grant.*
Sarah- Grant?! You- you cut your hair?
Grant- yeah, I didn't want it long anymore... *He looks at his feet and then at her* do you like it?
*She smiles and nods*
Sarah- yeah, it's different but yeah I like it.
*Grant blushes and Alex gives him a little shove and he blushes even more and pushes Alex back. Alex puts him in a head lock and they start wrestling on their way outside with all the kids*

Sal- alright Sarge... you're up!
*Bucky nods and gets in the chair. He shows a picture of his cut to Sal.*
Sal- you sure?? You'll kinda look like a hippy.
Bucky- yeah, *Bucky whispers* I'll probably get it cut shorter and shorter over the next few months but for now I want this.
*Sal nods and gets to work. You go get Ben up and as you walk downstairs you see the finished product. You almost cry*
Y/N- oh Bucky *You say sweetly* you look so handsome baby. I know you kept it longer for me. But you didn't have to.
Bucky- I did, for now I did. We said we'd start small, so here's small. *You smile and he rests his forehead against yours and kisses your nose* you like it?
Y/N- yeah baby, you look so good. I can still run my hands through it and it still gives me a glimpse of that man from the past. *Bucky smirks and kisses you.*
Bucky- thank you, Sal. It means a lot.
Sal- anytime, whenever you want your next cut just come in. Next time I think we go shorter.
*You laugh and Bucky holds you tight.*

*Sal leaves and you curl up with Bucky on the swing outside. You watch the kids play with Liho and the goats as you hold Ben and play with Bucky's hair.*
Bucky- Mmhmm are you happy?
Y/N- very.

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