Every Painful And Healing Step

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*You wake up and see that Bucky has already gotten Ben and you can hear him moving around in the kitchen

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*You wake up and see that Bucky has already gotten Ben and you can hear him moving around in the kitchen. You sit up and see he has laid out your robe for you and some slippers. You gently smile at the sweet gesture. You pull on your robe and slippers and make your way to the kitchen. Ben is happily wiggling around in his chair as Bucky feeds him some yogurt.*
Bucky- is that good? Huh?!
Ben- Mmhmm *He signs for more and Bucky smiles*
Bucky- I'll take that as a yes! I'll give you more bud. *You stand back a little and watch him with Ben. Grant walks around the table and sits with Bucky too. Bucky smiles and tussles his hair.*
Bucky- did you sleep well?
Grant- yeah, I woke up when you got Ben but once you gave me Alex's blanket I feel back asleep. *You smile, you didn't know that Bucky had done that last night.*
Bucky- yeah? Felt safe, like he was with you?
Grant- yeah. *Grant looks at his food* I know I am the oldest again but it was nice to have a brother to look up to.
*Bucky nods and pulls Grant into his arms*
Bucky- I know Little Wolf. But you still have Peter! And Uncle Steve, and even me. *Grant smiles*
Grant- yeah, you're right.
Bucky- and you'll see Alex again and that time you'll be able to teach him some things!
*Grant smiles and laughs. He then hugs Bucky and goes back to eating his breakfast.*
Grant- thanks for waking me up early, dad. *Bucky kisses his head*
Bucky- you're welcome bud. I needed some "wolf pack time" *Grant giggles and looks at Ben.*
Grant- I have to teach him to howl. *Bucky laughs and agrees. They then proceed to howl at Ben until he tries to do it back.*
Ben- ooowwoooww!
*Bucky and Grant laugh*
Ben- oowwooow!!
Bucky- good job Benji!
Grant- oowwwoo!
Bucky- ooowwooo!
*Ben giggles and you just smile through your happy tears.*

*Once the howling party stops you walk in. Grant smiles and waves at you*
Grant- hi mama
Y/N- Hey! I hear some wolves in here! *You tease as you kiss his cheek and squish his face a little.*
Grant- teaching Ben our "Wolf pack ways!"
*You laugh and nod*
Y/N- well alright then! *Grant runs off to get seconds. You look at Bucky and lean down, sealing your lips with a kiss. He hums and slightly chases your lips as you pull away. You gently smile and brush your thumb across his lips as you pull back.* good morning
Bucky- good morning, I love you.
Y/N- I love you too.
Bucky- sit, I'll grab you a plate.
*You whisper thank you against his lips as you kiss him again. You kiss Ben's cheek and sit down where Bucky was.*
Y/N- are the girls still asleep?
Bucky- yeah, they were still out cold so I just left them.
*He sets the plate down in front of you.*
Y/N- how did you sleep, Grant?
Grant- good, I liked having Ben in there until he cried.
*You laugh and tussle his hair. As you eat the girls get up one by one and join you. Jonnie is still super sleepy and she curls up in Bucky's lap and holds on tight as she falls back asleep mid bite of a pancake.*
Y/N- Jonnie, hey sweet girl. Come on, wake up. *You gently shake her awake.* you got to eat.
Jonnie- I'm just so tired mama *She yawns as she sits up. You laugh a little and kiss her head as you stand up. You lift her out of Bucky's arms and set her in your chair.*
Y/N- you sit here and eat
Jonnie- okay mama
*She starts eating as you clean up your plate. Bucky stands up and starts cleaning up the rest of the dishes. He smoothly corners you against the counter and gives you a simple kiss. You smile as the kids giggle and make grossed out noises.*
Y/N- what was that for?
*You ask as Bucky rubs your back and cops a feel of your ass without the kids seeing.*
Bucky- I just wanted to kiss my wife and let her know that I still see her. *He gently smiles* even after everything the past week; I still see you. *He kisses you again and you smile as you watch him walk over to the table and grabs Ben. You wipe a stray tear as Bucky hands you Ben and he gets back to cleaning up the kitchen.*

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