Tell Me What You Said

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*A few weeks go by and before you know it, it's Grant's graduation day

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*A few weeks go by and before you know it, it's Grant's graduation day. You have a party to get ready and a dinner to prepare, on top of the ceremony. Bucky knows it's gonna be a very busy and emotional day for you and he just wants to make sure you are taken care of before the day gets started. You wake up to breakfast in bed, a gift, and your sexy husband curled up beside you.*
Y/N- mmhmm you are the best baby. *You kiss him* this is so sweet! We really need to get going though.
*You go to stand and Bucky pulls you back down.*
Bucky- no no, it's only 7am and the ceremony isn't till 11. *He kisses you again* we have a couple of minutes. *You giggle as he kisses down your body and under the covers*
Y/N- oh! *You laugh* now where are you going! *You giggle as you feel him pulling your underwear to the side.* mmhmm you are too sweeeee- mmhmm yyyeesss *You reach down and play with his hair as he eats you out. He gets you there fast and it's so damn good your back arches of the bed and he has to pin your legs to the bed. He moans and kisses back up your body, giving your center a light slap as he kisses you.*
Bucky- mmhmm delicious, all the breakfast I need. *You giggle and flip him over*
Y/N- well now I need to pay you back, you deserve it *You bit e your lip as you seductively kiss down his body. He pulls you up and shake his head.*
Bucky- no no baby girl, I want to wait. *You pout and he laughs.* don't be like that. I wanna watch you all day, be the most amazing and caring mom, spend the day focused on our family. And when it's finally just us in the bed tonight I'm gonna get my fill and shower you with the love I've been building up all day long. *He kisses you and stands with you in his arms, walking to the bathroom and setting you down in the shower.* now let's get going, we've got a big day. *You blush and kiss him before turning on the water and starting your shower.*

*You get out and start to dry off as you see a new outfit laying out on the bed. You blush and look over it. It's a blue dress that you know will hang perfectly on your body.*
Y/N- oh Bucky *You sigh and bite your lip. You quickly get dressed in some comfy clothes and head downstairs to help Bucky make breakfast for Grant. He sees you bopping down the stairs and smirks as you get closer and closer.*
Y/N- Hi *You kiss his cheek and take the spatula from his hand* go get showered and I'll handle all this. *He kisses your cheek*
Bucky- well thank you, I showered before I woke you up though. *He kisses you again* couldn't sleep *He mumbles as he scoots away, starting on the eggs. You glance over at him.*
Y/N- couldn't sleep, what's wrong? *Bucky shrugs* Hey look at me? *Bucky turns and leans against the counter as he crosses his arms.* what's going on? You haven't been sleeping the past few nights. *Bucky pulls you over and into his arms.*
Bucky- I promise you, it's not nightmares, okay. I'm just- our kids are getting older and they are getting ready to "fly away" so to speak *He sighs* just knowing that they will be going on more missions- solo and more dangerous ones. It's just hard. *You kiss him and hug him close*
Y/N- I know, Grant mentioned to me the other day how he's excited to graduate cause that means he can start going on missions with you and Steve, when I tell you my heart dropped. *Bucky lets out a sad laugh and so do you.* but it will be okay, he is a great kid and he's smart, we've got to trust him. *Bucky nods and holds you close, rubbing your back and then turning his head to kiss your neck.*
Bucky- thank you baby girl, I needed that. I love you. *He kisses you again and then turns back to cooking.* okay, back to breakfast. Get back to those pancakes! *He spanks your ass and you giggle.*

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