We Are Better Than That

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‼️I love this photo and I feel like it fits what's talked about towards the end! 🥹🥰❤️‼️

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‼️I love this photo and I feel like it fits what's talked about towards the end! 🥹🥰❤️‼️

*You and Bucky make pancakes and finish as the kids come running downstairs.*
Winnie- hey Mom? Dad? Can I go to the mall and hang out with Nora?
*Bucky looks at you*
Bucky- are you two friends again?
Winnie- yeah *Winnie says like Bucky should feel stupid for even asking that. You laugh and rub Bucky's shoulders*
Bucky- well okay then. *Bucky says a little sassy* yeah I guess.
Y/N- yeah that's fine, be careful please.
Winnie- I will! *She takes the keys and heads out the door. Steve and Nat come walking downstairs.*
Steve- hey have you seen Sarah?
Nat- she wasn't in her room-
Y/N- she was just in here with Grant.
Bucky- yeah I think they went to the library to make out- I mean read.
*Nat and you laugh while Bucky smiles. Steve groans and heads off to the library.*
Nat- Steve! Let them be! *He starts to protest and Nat just stares at him.
Steve- ugh fine! Give me pancakes though.
*Bucky throws a couple on his plate and pushes them across the table.
Y/N- hey I'm glad you are both here, we had a question for you. *You look at Bucky and then back at them.* could we borrow your house for the night?
*Steve and Nat look at each other and shrug*
Steve- sure but are you sure you wanna be away right now?
*Nat elbows him*
Nat- you go and enjoy a night away. We will make sure the kids are good for the night.
*You smile and hug Nat*
Y/N- thank you.

*You get a little overnight bag packed and you pack for Bucky too, since it was your idea you wanted him to just be able to relax. Bucky is sitting the kids down to talk to them.*
Bucky- okay, your mom and I are going away for the night. We will be back by lunch time tomorrow. Uncle Steve and Aunt Nat are in charge. You are not to leave the house and you are not to do anything without telling or asking them first, understood?
*They all agree*
Y/N- we are just down the road so if something is really wrong we are close by.
*Winnie nods. She just got home from the mall.*
Grant- why are you leaving now? *Grant asks*
*You and Bucky look at one another*
Y/N- Because it's about to get pretty crazy and we just want to take this last moment of calm to be with each other.
Ben- crazy why?
*You look at your sweet Ben. You smile*
Y/N- I'll answer that when we get back, okay. No need to worry now, just have fun tonight, order pizza, and stay in the house.
Jonnie- okay, we will.
Odette- be safe.
Elizabeth- love you
*The all give you hugs and then you and Bucky are off.*

*The drive is quiet, neither one of you really speaking. So much is on your minds that you don't even know what to say. You get to the house and get settled, fixing the bed, ordering food for dinner. Bucky is very handsy on the whole night and not just helping like literally he has a hand on you all night. One on your waist as he stands over your shoulder watching you cook. Basically playing footies with you all through dinner, pulled you close at you sit outside and stargaze with wine and dessert. You get the kitchen cleaned up with his help and then he takes your hand and leads you upstairs. You didn't pack anything sexy, hell you didn't even pack condoms! You change into Bucky's t-shirt that you brought and you climb in bed. Bucky strips to his boxers and curls up next to you. You can tell his mind is still lost in thought.*
Y/N- Bucky *you whisper. He looks down at you.* kiss me. *a gently smile washes over him and he leans in kissing you ever so softly. His hands move up your back, pulling the shirt with them. He moans against your lips and you take that as a sign to open your mouth, letting him in. He rolls you both over and he is now on top of you, boxing you in and kissing you like your taste would give him life.*
Bucky- oh y/n, I love you so much.
Y/N- I love you too, Bucky.
*He sits up and lifts off your shirt, tossing it on the ground. He kisses your chest and down your body to your covered center. Bucky wastes no time ridding you of your panties and burying his face in your center. Licking and sucking, devouring you as you play with his hair and moan his name just the way he likes. Just the way you say his name when you're on the edge of bliss has him aching.*
Y/N- Bucky, oh yes baby- mmhmm yes!
*He holds your legs tight as he brings you over the edge. Slipping a finger inside and pulling even more from you that soon you are reaching down and pulling his hand away. Smile plastered on your face from the pleasure he just gave you. He smiles down at you as he stalks up your body, kissing and licking each erotic spot on your body.*
Bucky- mmhmm that was amazing *You taste yourself on his lips, even his beard is a little wet. You kiss him deeper and wrap your legs around his waist.*
Y/N- yeah it was, now let me help you.
*You flip him fast and slip your fingers into his boxers. Surprised to find him completely soft.* Oh! Umm, *you look up at Bucky and he looks embarrassed.* hey, it's okay. Let's see what I can do, huh? *You smirk and Bucky lightly laughs and smiles.*
Bucky- okay, baby.
*You slip his boxers off completely and stroke up and down his legs. You lean in and kiss along his thighs, finding that little spot on his inner thigh that makes his go crazy. He moans and twitches a little. You smirk and look up at him, he isn't even looking at you, he looking at the ceiling lost in thought again. It makes you a little mad but you can understand why he may be looking away. This never happens to him, ever so being a little embarrassed is natural. You double your efforts, slipping him into your mouth and sucking just the way he likes. He moves his hands to your hair and you moan around him. You start to bob your head up and down, swirling your tongue as you do. You pull off for a moment and stoke him as you look up at him, trying to catch his gaze. Again he is looking away. You stop and let him go, he falls soft against his stomach. You huff a little and sit up.*
Y/N- baby talk to me, I'm doing some of my best work here and-
Bucky- I just can't stop thinking about everything. Kang, the kids- I want to kill him y/n. I want to watch his life drain from his eyes for what he has done to our family. *He looks down at you* it's kinda difficult to get it up when you're planning someone's murder.
*You cross your arms over you chest*
Y/N- that never stopped Winter. He'd fuck me on the side of the road on the way to murder someone. *Bucky laughs and nods*
Bucky- yeah he did. *Bucky looks at you again* but I'm not Winter. *He gives a gentle smile and you lean forward and crawl into his arms.*
Y/N- no, you're not. *You kiss his chest* okay, so what do you need? *You look up at him from where you're laying in his arms.*
Bucky- a distraction. *You shoot up and motion to his limp dick*
Y/N- that's what I was literally just trying to do. *Bucky smiles and rubs your back.*
Bucky- yeah, you were. But I think this might work better. *He yanks your hips on top of his chest. You lay on his stomach as he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you down over his face. He slaps your ass and starts to eat you out again.*
Y/N- Bucky!! *It all happened so fast that he had you locked in place before you could protest. You just smile and kiss his abs and down to his dick. Teasing him and slipping him in your mouth, the distraction of you sitting on his face really helped his situation and before you know it you are stroking him to full hardness and he is arching off the bed, begging to cum. You get free and turn around so you are facing him, he has the biggest smile on his face. He watches as you swing a leg over and straddle him, grabbing himself and lining up perfectly before you sit down and he sinks all the way in.*
Y/N- oh Bucky, mmhmm ffffffuu-
*He sits up and gently places a hand around your neck while he kisses you. You grind your hips against him and the sensation is incredible. You smile and lightly laugh against his lips, he does the same. You hump and grind against him until your pace starts to falter, getting so close and just needing to tip over. Bucky quickly flips you both and has you pinned on your back. He lifts your legs up and pushes back to where your knees are almost touching your chest. He kneels in front of you and starts to thrust inside you with so much force you move up towards the headboard.*
Bucky- mmhmm fffuck! *He sees your eyes starting to roll back and he smirks. He slows down and you whine loudly.*
Y/N-No!! Nononono *He chuckles and and kisses you.*
Bucky- shhh I've got you Baby girl. *He pushes your thighs together and drapes your shins on either side of his head. He leaves a love note on one as he squeezes the other. Then he pulls out and grinds back in slowly. Bucky knows the way to really get you going is to go slow and dirty. Hard and fast has its place but not right now, right now he's gonna drag you to that edge and watch you slip over. You gasp every time he hits your sweet spot and when he adds his thumb rubbing over your clit? Well you just about scream.*
Y/N-Buc- Bucky! Mmhmm
Bucky- that feel good Doll? *You melt, his voice is so deep and he is hitting in all the right places. He coos in your ear and makes you see stars.* show me how good it feels, cum for me.
*You cum hard, squirting all over him. You grab his arms and keep him close as he works your through your high. He then sits back and grabs your hips tight. He starts to fuck into you and you are well on your way to another orgasm.*
Bucky- I'm gonna cum- mmhmm yyyyeeesss!!! *He cums deep inside you, you cum again, milking him dry.*
Y/N- oh Bucky! Mmhm oh baby, yes!
*He slows down and then collapses on you. You both laugh a little and he moves to kiss you. His lips hover over yours and you smile, he leaves a gentle kiss on your lips while keeping your gaze. You hum and move your hands up and down his back.*
Y/N- Feeling better? *Bucky nods* You wanna talk about what happened? *Bucky sighs and rests his head against your breast and kisses them.* You needed a distraction just to get it up and have sex- *Bucky keeps kissing your breasts* In the almost 30 years I have known you, you have NEVER had to work at getting an erection- *Bucky sits up and sighs*
Bucky- you're gonna make me talk about it. *You smile and nod. He groans and keeps kissing your breasts while explaining.* it's more than just planning his murder. I'm scared, y/n. We've been in this domestic life for so long, sure I've gone on missions and I've been fighting- but I haven't had to make the decision to end someone's life in years. Years y/n. *He looks at you* and when I heard about what Kang was doing and what he continues to do- I made the decision that he had to die within seconds. It was so easy. So easy to decide to end his life when I meet him. So I'm scared that I am not so different than Winter after all. *you pull him up to you and kiss him*
Y/N- oh Bucky, I am so so sorry. Look at me, *He does* yes Winter is a part of you, but you are very different than him. He would have killed anyone who got in his way, good or bad. Man or women. He would have killed them. You though, my sweet Bucky, my husband, you only make that decision when it is someone who is bad, who deserves it, who hurts good people. You would decide that someone like Winter needs to be stopped and that makes you very different than him. *You kiss him deeply* and Kang is a man like Winter, he needs to be stopped.
*Bucky kisses you and lays beside you, pulling you close.*
Bucky- I love you, y/n. And I'm sorry i was so in my head-
Y/N- You don't have to apologize for not being ready to go every minute I need you to be. *You kiss him and he smiles and laughs a little.* You are aloud to not be on your
A-game all the time-
Bucky- hey I turned it around, once you distracted me. *He smiles and kisses your cheek*
Y/N- yeah yeah, it was pretty great. *You both laugh and snuggle closer.* I love you
Bucky- mmhm I love you too. Let's get some rest.

*You wake up in the morning to Bucky already up and making breakfast. You get up and get dressed. Stripping the sheets and getting them in the washer before heading downstairs. Bucky smiles and winks at you when you come around the corner.*
Bucky- good morning *You walk over and he pulls you into his arms. Kissing your head* how did you sleep?
Y/N- really well, you?
Bucky- good, I actually woke up early and I've been thinking. *he leans back against the counter and crosses his arms. You know it's serious* I've called Scott Lang, and I think I figured out a way to get rid of Kang without having to kill him. *You rub his arms* I want to, *He stares up at the ceiling and lets out a sad laugh.* I really want to for what he's done. But I'm better than that, *He takes your hand* we are better than that.
*You nod and pull him into a hug*
Y/N- okay, tell me about it.
Bucky- on the drive home. For now I wanna focus on the few moments of peace we still have. *You smile and agree, kissing him and even squeezing his ass he lightly laughs and spanks yous.*
Bucky- let's eat and head home

‼️okay!! I am so sorry for the delay on the chapter! 🫣🥺. I have been trying to figure out how to handle this Kang thing knowing Kang is basically scratched from the MCU. I think I finally got it! 🥰 Next Saturdays chapter will hopefully wrap up the Kang problem and we will get our babies back! 🥹❤️‼️

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