We Won't Always Have To Fight

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*The team makes a plan but sadly all they can do is wait

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*The team makes a plan but sadly all they can do is wait. Wait for Kang to come out of hiding.*
Bucky- we need to head to bed, get some sleep. *You nod and rub his back. You wave Goodnight to Steve and Nat. Steve is still trying to work but Nat is desperately trying to pull him away to go to bed. You lightly laugh and turn around to see if she succeeded. She did, after she stood in front of him and flashed him. He stopped real quick and they were following up the stairs behind you and Bucky. You get in the room and Bucky starts locking the door and setting the alarm, with teenagers now Bucky had Tony install an alarm on their main door, just to keep track of who was sneaking out or who was sneaking in. It keeps track of every time the door opens, Bucky loves it. He even changes the code sometimes and doesn't tell the kids. Grant set it off once and hasn't done it since. Winnie, well Winnie tests yours and Bucky's patience quite a bit. If she set sit off she just runs away as fast as she can before she can get caught. You don't think any of them will be trying to sneak out tonight, not after you talk to them.*
Grant- Mom? Dad? *you look at Grant and you quietly walk over and just pull him into a hug. Grant sniffles a little* I need to tell y'all something.

Y/N- Winnie? *You knock on her door.* you still up?
Winnie- yeah... can't sleep. *You walk in and Bucky follows*
Bucky- we need to talk to you. You're not in trouble.
*Winnie sits up as you two coke and sit on either side of her bed.*
Y/N- Grant told us that you've been getting the same messages as Sarah. Is that true?
*She nods*
Bucky- oh Winnie boo, why didn't you tell us?
Winnie- because I knew he was just blowing smoke. If he wanted to kill me he would have. He wouldn't have kept trying to scare me. *She looks up and sees your tears and Bucky's concern* I know I should have told you, i- I'm sorry. *That doesn't seem to change your facial expression, that worries Winnie* what? Do y'all know who it was? *You nod, Winnie gets a little more worried.* is he- is he bad? Like really bad? *Bucky takes her hand and squeezes it.*
Bucky- we are glad you are okay. It could have turned out differently easily.
*Winnie squeezes his hand back*
Winnie- I really am sorry. I-
Y/N- we forgive you, sweet girl. Just- if anything else happens, please tell us. Okay? *She nods. You give her a hug and then so does Bucky.*

*As you get ready for bed, putting your hair up and washing your face, Bucky walks up behind you and rests his chin on your shoulder. You meet his faze in the mirror and reach your hand up along the side of his face. He turns and kisses your palm. Out of nowhere he just lets go and starts to silently cry.*
Y/N- oh Bucky *You say softly. You turn around and pull him into your arms. You kiss his neck and rub his back as he leans into your embrace and you support him for a moment.*
Bucky- I can't keep them safe *He sobs* even when I think they are, they aren't. Someone is still trying to hurt them-
Y/N- He will not win. Grant is safe, *your voice cracks a little and you start to cry.* Winnie is safe and we will get Alex and the girls back. *You hold him tighter* he will not win. *You turn and kiss his neck and shoulder, showing him with comfort. Bucky pulls back and takes your face in his hands. He kisses you deeply and move his hand away to wrap you in his arms. You hold him close and let him have this moment, wherever he needs it to go, however he needs you.*
Bucky- oh y/n *He moans against your lips. It's a little sad and needy, but so strong at the same time. The way he says your name and the way he moves you back against the counter, you know what he needs*
Y/N- Bucky *You rest your forehead against his, taking a breath.* are you sure-
Bucky- I need you, y/n. Please- I need to know I can do something right, that I can take care of someone- that I'm not a failure as a father or husband-
Y/N- okay, Bucky. *You smile and kiss him* You never have to beg me. *You lead him to the bed and he lays you down, his lips never leaving yours.* what do you need, Bucky? *You rub up and down his chest as he moves over you, boxing you in.*
Bucky- just you *He says so softly and with all the sincerity one man can hold. His lips crash to yours and his hands find their way under your shirt. You had already changed so you weren't wearing much to begin with, Bucky was already in just his boxers. With a fluid move you have his boxer pushed down and he is kicking them off along with your shirt and underwear. Nothing between your bodies and accepting one another completely as you are. It's over quicker than you'd normally like your time together to be. But with the emotional state of the day that was expected. You meet his gaze for a moment as he is positioning himself between your legs. You reach up and stroke the side of his face and move to his chest, he pauses and watches your hands move, more tears spill. You are mesmerized by him, all this time and he is still so beautiful, so handsome. He doesn't age like a normal person but time hasn't left his body untouched. The scars and marks from years of battle, the wrinkles starting to set in near his eyes and forehead, his beard and even chest hair showing the slightest change of gray. You sit up and kiss his chest and jaw. You kiss over his scars and small wrinkles and where time hasn't been too kind. He basks in your love and acceptance as you desire him just as much as you did the first time you were together. When youth was still present and the only thing that mattered was bringing that blissed out look to your face. That is still just as important to Bucky but not there is so much more as well. He takes lead again as he lays you back and kisses your cheeks and down your body. Your smile lines make his heart sing and the stretch marks on your stomach and sides set a fire in him that reminds him how incredible you are. Carrying his children and giving them life, making him a father. Marks that even the serum couldn't completely heal since the triplets. Bucky spends his time licking, sucking and nibbling on each one before he soothes them with kisses. You breast that nourished his children and bring so much joy to his own life, he smiles as he kisses them and teases your nipples. He kisses down your belly and grips your thighs as he sits up and holds your gaze as he pushes inside you. Gasping and gripping Bucky's arms as he bottoms out, he still takes some getting use to after all these years. He leans forward and kisses you, moaning into your mouth and starting to move. You gasp and writhe beneath him as he sets a sweet pace that hits all the right spots. He lays his body against yours as you two move together. You arch off the bed and moan as you cum around him, begging him to cum too and needing to feel him completely. He does and your name leave his lips as a praise. Bucky is still buried inside you and he lays on your stomach, resting his head on your breast. You play with his hair and rub his back as he listens to your heartbeat, both of you coming down and resting in one another grasp.*
Bucky- I love you, y/n
Y/N- I love you too, Bucky.

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