No One Else I'd Rather Time Travel With

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(^Not in the story but so cute and heartwarming and sad!) *You see Bucky from across the room, you gently smile and nod

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(^Not in the story but so cute and heartwarming and sad!)
*You see Bucky from across the room, you gently smile and nod.*
Bucky- okay *He mouths back and goes to find Dr. Strange. And then he finds you* Strange is going to portal us home and then you can decide how we proceed. *You nod and put your hand on Bucky's cheek as you lean in and kiss him softly*
Y/N- thank you, Bucky. For everything. *You wipe your tears and clear your throat* I think it's time we visit Winnifred, George, and Rebecca, don't you?
*Bucky tears up and nods.*
Bucky- yeah baby, let's go.

*The kids are all ready, the tears have been wiped and they've been caught up on names and the rules where they will be going.*
Y/N- alright, everyone ready?!
*The kids cheer and you just smile. When you land Jonnie and Ben stumble a bit*
Grant- she told you to bend your legs.
Ben- I'm little! I can't remember that!
*He pouts and you just laugh and pick him up.*
Bucky- okay, take hands and follow me.
*Bucky leads you all down the street. You blend in nicely and no one notices that Bucky is "Winnifred and George's boy"* okay, Grant? You wanna knock?
*Grant nods and knocks, you hear someone move around inside and then the door opens to a tearful Winnifred.*
Winnifred- oh my!! *She pulls Bucky into a hug* two visits in as many days!
*Bucky looks at you and you smile*
Y/N- I take it that in your time you just saw us yesterday?
Winnifred- yes, you left today. Rebecca went to the train station to say goodbye.
*Bucky holds her tighter*
Bucky- well I'm here now, ma. Got room for 8 at lunch??
Winnifred- there is always room for my sweet boy and his family. *She looks at you  and the kids* my family. *She hugs you as she invites you all in.*
Y/N- Ben, you are not to run. *He nods and then quickly darts away. Winnifred laughs*
Winnifred- he was a little babe yesterday night! Now he acts just like Bucky did! Don't worry my dear, everything in here has been broken time and time again. Thanks to this one. *She ruffles Bucky's hair.* let's eat! Rebecca should be home soon!

*When Rebecca comes in she is stunned and just starts to cry. Bucky pulls her into a hug and she holds him tight. Then soon the kids are pulling her to play. You stay there for a long time, enough for Ben to have his nap time in Bucky's old room and for George to get home. You show them so many pictures of Bucky and the kids in everyday life and you even have a few printed for Winnifred to keep.  George talks with Grant while Winnifred pulls you to the side and Rebecca grabs Bucky.*
Winnifred- tell me what's on your heart sweetie. You seem to be carrying a heavy load, my dear. *You slowly tear up and it all pours out. You tell her everything about your mom and what happened.*
Y/N- I didn't know what to do. How do I just keep living my life knowing she died so I could live?! She's dead because of me.
*Winnifred takes your hands and squeezes them*
Winnifred- No y/n. She died for you, not because of you. She let her life be taken in hopes that your would be spared. And yes some horrible things happened before you were free and safe. But the point is you are free and safe now and that is partly in thanks to your sweet mother. That's the job of a mother, to do what's best for her children. And sadly your mother sacrificing her life for yours was how she did that. It was the only way she could see you getting out. Wouldn't you do the same for Grant? Winnie, Odette, Elizabeth, Jonnie, Ben?! Wouldn't you give you life to spare theirs?? *You nod tearfully*
Then you get it. *She starts to cry* I would give anything to save Bucky from what he went through. But I know he has to in order to have this life. So I accept that my job is to let him go. Your mothers job was to make sure you survived. *Winnifred wipes the tear from your face* she did a wonderful job. *You nod and take a breath* so, where do you go from now? You honor her life and keep her alive in your actions. Love and protect your children with all your heart and being, which I know you already do. You are doing her, and me, *You smile* very proud.
*You hug her tight*
Y/N- thank you, mama Winnifred.
Winnifred- you're welcome, my sweet daughter.
*You two sit there and talk for a good bit.*

Rebecca- so why haven't you reached out?
Bucky- they are so far removed and I'm sure they are scared of me.
*Rebecca punches his arm*
Rebecca- call your nieces & nephews that are still alive and call your Grand nieces & nephews! If I teach my kids anything and if they teach their kids anything and so on. Then they will love you and be happy to meet you. Don't let our family die, James. Please don't!?
*Bucky looks down at his hands and then back at her, tears stinging his eyes*
Bucky- okay, Beca. But only for you.
*She smiles and hugs him*
Rebecca- thank you, James.

You sit with the kids while Bucky talks with his parents and sister, just catching up on their lives. He is so happy, you just have to take a picture on his phone. You get an idea.*

*You and Bucky catch Winnifred, George, and Rebecca up on the AU kids. Winnifred is so happy to have more grandchildren.*
Winnifred- well when they are back and safe I want to meet them! Even if some of them are Steve's! *She teases, you and Bucky laugh. You alarm goes off*
Y/N- it's time. *You look at Bucky and he nods. You all start you goodbyes when you hand the printed pictures to Winnifred.* for you to remember us by. *You hug her and then grab Ben.*
Ben- but I wanna run!
*Winnifred and George laugh*
George- Just like Bucky, always needing to move.
*You smile at Bucky who is blushing from embarrassment.*
Bucky- love you all, see you soon!

*When you land Ben runs into the house and straight to his play room. You just laugh and let him go. The kids run around and talk about their cool family members and how much they liked them. You and Bucky walk arms and arm upstairs and inside. You pick up your moms blanket from the couch on the way upstairs and Bucky pulls out his phone and sees that you set his wallpaper to him and his parents talking with Rebecca. They all look so happy, Bucky tears up and pulls you into a kiss.*
Bucky- thank you, for everything y/n.
*You kiss him again*
Y/N- you're welcome, Bucky. Now let's go to bed, let me properly thank you for this perfect day, and then let's go visit our other kids tomorrow. What do you say?
Bucky- I say, I love you and there is no one else I'd rather time travel with than you.

‼️Type of photos you showed the family‼️

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‼️Type of photos you showed the family‼️

‼️Saw Barbie.... And cried!! It's so good!! Sorry for the late and short update!! ‼️

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