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‼️yall I am so sorry! 😅 Life has been insane!! And this is a sad excuse for a chapter but I promise another one is coming tomorrow actually! 🥰‼️

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‼️yall I am so sorry! 😅 Life has been insane!! And this is a sad excuse for a chapter but I promise another one is coming tomorrow actually! 🥰‼️

*A kiss goodbye to each of your kids before you turn to look at Bucky. You hand him your bag and then turn back around.*
Y/N- Alex?
Alex- yes mom? *He smiles*
Y/N- no Visitors, Understand?
*He nods and laughs.*
Alex- yes, I promise. *Bucky had called Lilly's dad the next morning and they got everything straightened out. Lilly is free to stay with Alex on the weekend but during the week they want her home. This weekend she is staying home because you and Bucky will be gone.*
Bucky- and Grant? *Grant looks at him from where he is sitting with Sarah.* No sleepovers.
*Grant agrees and Sarah blushes.*
Nat- and Winnie that means no inviting Sarah over for a sleepover either.
Steve- yeah, for once everyone is sleeping in their own bed.
*The kids all agree and you turn to Steve and Nat.*
Y/N- thank you again. We will be back Sunday night.
*Steve pulls you into a hug*
Steve- take all the time you need. *he pulls back and lets you go.*

*Bucky gets the bags loaded and then makes sure you're getting in the car okay.*
Bucky- need any help?
Y/N- no I got it, thanks baby. *You get settled and Bucky climbs in his side. With his shades on and his hand placed firmly on your thigh, he pulls away and you two make your way to the mountain.*

*It's pretty quiet the whole way up. You sleep a little and Bucky listens to some music and then turns on a podcast. The whole way his hand never leaves your thigh. You get there in good time and get checked in, the receptionist was very happy to see you both back and asked if she should set up a massage for you two. The thought of someone else touching your sore body, even somone as skilled as Your regular massage therapist that you see up here, makes you want to scream.*
Y/N- no, not this time. Hopefully next the next though! *She nods and waves goodbye.*
*When you finally get into the cabin the first thing you and Bucky do is collapse on the bed and rest, who knew driving could be so exhausting.*

*About an hour later you wake up to see Bucky still asleep. You reach up and play with his hair, running your hands through it and watching as his eyes start to move and he slowly wake up. He smiles down at you and leans in to kiss your lips. Soft and light filling your stomach with butterflies.*
Y/N- mmhmm Bucky *You moan. He smiles against your lips* hi *He cuts you off with another kiss*
Bucky- Shhhh no talking. *He kisses your nose as You giggle and agree* Not yet. Let's just be in the silence, huh? *You bit your lip and nod*
Y/N- then shut up and kiss me.
*Bucky smirks and rolls over and boxes you in. Settling between your legs and grinding his hips against yours. You gasp and cling to him as his jeans create the friction you desperately need.*
Y/N- oh! Buc- Bucky! *He smirks*
Bucky- shhh *He kisses you, claiming your mouth. His tongue pushes against your lips and into your mouth as you grind up against him. He moans into your mouth as he hardens in his pants, grinding harder. You pull him closer, sliding your hands down his back and grabbing his ass. Bucky smiles and pulls back, you watch as he lifts off his shirt. You see his old scars along his shoulder and chest and his new one along his side. The one Kang put there. You feel overwhelmed by anger and then relief that he is alive, that you both are. Bucky sees the tears start to build in your eyes and he lifts your face to look at him.*
Bucky- hey, *He gently smiles* I'm okay. *He pulls your hand to his chest, you feel his chest hair beneath your fingers, but even below that you feel the warmth of his body and the beat of his heart. Your tears fall a little and he leans down to kiss them away. He then places his hand up your shirt and between your breasts.* and so are you, a beating heart, warmth, you're okay. We both are. *He kisses you and then sits back up. He unbuttons his pants and slips them down and off before he leans down and lifts off your shirt. His eyes glance over you scars, one from the fight and one from the surgery. Bucky smiles down at you and brushes his fingers over the scars before he leans down and kisses them.*
Bucky- you are so beautiful, y/n. *He slips his fingers in the waistband of your pants and pulls them down while he keeps your gaze. He tosses them off to the side along with his clothes. Bucky boxes you in and kisses you sweetly, moving your bra straps down your shoulders and then moving his hands along your back to unhook your bra. Once it's off and tosses it to the side and pulls you up and close against his chest. He brushes your hair off your shoulders and covers them in kisses.*
Y/N- oh Bucky *You moan*
Bucky- I'm right here, baby girl. *He kisses you and lays you back down. He kisses down your body and settles between your legs, leaving love bites along your thighs.* I've got you. *You play with his hair as he kisses your center. He moves his hands up and massages your ass as he starts to eat you out. Sucking on your clit and licking along your folds. He moans against you and you write beneath him as he brings you closer and closer to the edge.*
Y/N- Bucky please- I- mmhmm please?!?!
*He pulls off and looks up at you, holding your gaze as he speaks.*
Bucky- cum for me, y/n. *He leans back down and brings you over the edge, sucking and licking your clit and teasing your entrance with his finger. You fall over the edge as you arch off the bed, moaning and gripping Bucky's hair. He smiles against you and works you through your high. As you come down you stare up at the ceiling, Bucky kisses up your body and kisses your lips.*
Bucky- mhmm so good.
Y/N- I love you
Bucky- I love you too
*Bucky settles in your arms and lines up with your pussy. He pushes in and bottoms out. You grip his back as he starts to move.*
Bucky- god, I love you so much! *Bucky exclaims as he starts to move even more, not faster but harder. He is laying right on top of you and has you wrapped in his arms and he bucks into you, hitting your g spot with every stroke. Kissing you as you move with him, gasping in overwhelming pleasure and desire.*
Y/N- I- oh I'm gonna mmhm fffffuuucccc- yyyyeeessss- Oh Bucky
Bucky- I've got you, baby. Mhmm gonna feel so good. *He whispers in your ear* cum for me, go ahead and cum.
Y/N- oh Bucky, mmhmm
*You kiss him and bite his lip a little as you cum.*
Bucky- just like that, mmhmm squeezing me so tight! Yes baby! *He moans as he thrusts into you building to his high. You rub his back and squeeze his ass as he buries his face in your neck. You whisper sweet words in his ear.*
Y/N- you're so good baby, mmhmm feel so good in me, filling me up. Cum for me * Bucky moans and bites your neck a little as he cums deep inside you. You smile as you feel him deep inside you. He pulls back and looks at you, smiling and lightly laughing.*
Bucky- so good baby *He shudders and kisses you again* so so good. *He pulls you close and rolls you both over so you are laying on his chest. Bucky is still buried inside you as he rubs your back and kisses your head.*

*You lay like that in Bucky's arms until he finally lifts you up and carries you to the tub. He sets you down inside and then cleans up the bedroom before he joins you. He settles behind you and you rest back against his chest. He rubs up and down your body as you both gaze out the window, basking in the beauty. You finally turn around and look at him, your breath catches as the light from the setting sun catches his eyes and hair, making them both shine. He looks down at you and kisses you sweetly.*
Y/N- hi
Bucky- hi

Thunder's Throne Pt 2!Where stories live. Discover now