Surrounded By Love

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*You follow Alex inside, Bucky keeps his hand on the small of your back as you walk in together

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*You follow Alex inside, Bucky keeps his hand on the small of your back as you walk in together. The girls are talking a million miles a minute and you are just happy to hear their voices again.*
Y/N- So, how have you all been?? *Alex, Everly and Carson smile.*
Carson- pretty good, when we first arrived back here we were scared-
Everly- But Aunt Peggy made us feel at home. She's been helping us on our mission to keep things in order.
*Bucky nods, taking it all in*
Bucky- and how is that going?
*Alex smiles and laughs*
Alex- great, if there is one thing we can count on is that you two will always find your way back to one another. *You smile and look at Bucky, he pulls you close and kisses your head. You can't help but notice eyes on you both, you look over and see Howard Stark walk into the kitchen.
Howard- well I'll be- when you said you had a surprise and I should stop by I didn't think you meant this.
*Peggy laughs as she walks in behind him.*
Peggy- well, I didn't. I meant these new shield files. But they showed up on the doorstep about 5 minutes ago.
*Bucky smiles and nods*
Bucky- good to see you Howard. *He shakes his hand.*
Howard- metal arm... so that fall really did mess you up, huh?
*Bucky laughs and nods*
Bucky- yeah, it did.
*Steve steps up and Howard just smiles*
Howard- Steve!
Steve- it's good to see you.
Howard- did you get... bigger?!
*Nat steps in*
Nat- yeah, lifting all these kids has really kept him in shape. *She jokes, Peggy smiles and laughs. Howard's eyes look like they turned into hearts.*
Howard- oh, hi. *He smirks* and you are-
Steve- my wife and mother of my children.
*Steve stepped a little closer. Partly to move Howard back, partly to show Peggy where he stands. She takes the hint but still offers her hello*
Peggy- Hello Steve. You look well. *He gently smiles and nods.* you children are beautiful- yours too, Bucky! Really incredible Children and I've been honored to help them these past few years.
*You smile and look at Nat. She gives you a glare and then she rolls her eyes and smiles, looking at Peggy*
Nat- thank you, for everything.
*Peggy gently nods and then looks around*
Peggy- so who is hungry?!

*Lunch is good and it was nice to be able to catch up with the kids. Grant talks Alex's ear off about school. Everly and Carson get all the tea with Nora and school from Sarah, and Winnie. Matthew, Joshua, Samuel, and Anthony, and James all pull for Alex's attention and when that didn't work they turn to Howard. Ben comes and curls up in your lap and takes it all in. You can tell he is a little overwhelmed and he leans his head amazing your chest and just watches and listens. Nat and Steve are talking intensely about something, seems to be over when Steve finally concedes and raises his hands saying "fine." Nat looks at Peggy.* 
Nat- Peggy? May I speak with you?
*The room goes quiet and you all look at Nat.* Peggy- I'd love that. *Nat nods and squeezes Steve shoulder 3 times as she gets up and you give him a questionable look.*
Steve- our signal that we may need help. 3 squeezes = 3 minutes. If she's not back in 3 minutes come check. Although she's the one starting this so..
*You nod and mindlessly play with Ben's hair as he falls asleep in your arms.*
Bucky- oh no, Benji-
Y/N- it's okay, don't wake him. *You rub Bucky's cheek.* this is so rare now.
*Bucky smiles and kisses your cheek.*

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