Tell Me Again

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Y/N- hey Grant! What would you say to playing a big game with everyone later? Grant- aren't Winnie and Dad leaving? Y/N- yeah but they will be back to play a few rounds

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Y/N- hey Grant! What would you say to playing a big game with everyone later?
Grant- aren't Winnie and Dad leaving?
Y/N- yeah but they will be back to play a few rounds.
Grant- sure! What's it called?
*You smile and tell Grant to go get his sisters and "cousins"

Winnie- mom?!? Why is there a dress on my bed??
*You walk into Winnie's room, Ben, Matthew, and Joshua are playing in the living room.*
Y/N- well, after yesterday I thought that maybe you would enjoy a little date with your dad. *Winnie smiles and looks down at the dress.*
Winnie- just me?
Y/N- yup!
Winnie- the triplets won't be there?!
Y/N- correct
*Winnie practically jumps into your arms and hugs you.*
Winnie- thanks mama *She grabs her dress and runs to her bathroom.* can you do my hair?! And makeup?!
*Bucky walks into the room*
Bucky- no makeup! *He says and Winnie just giggles. You smile and give him a kiss.* You're too young
*Winnie pokes her head out of the bathroom just so Bucky can see her roll her eyes. You both laugh and then Winnie smiles and continues to get dressed. You help her with her hair and catch her looking over herself in the mirror. You leave he for a minute while you go get Bucky.*
Y/N- you ready?
Bucky- yeah, just grabbing my wallet
*You head out to the living room and all the kids are in there watching TV.*
Y/N- Dad is ready whenever you are, Winnie. *You call to her. She walks out and gives her dress a spin. Bucky smiles and gives her a hug and kiss.*
Bucky- you look so pretty, Winnie boo.
Winnie- thanks dad *Winnie beams*
Y/N- okay, y'all have fun!
*Bucky and Winnie walk to the garage and as soon as they are pulling down the road Grant stands up and looks at you.*
Grant- can we?
*You laugh and nod*
Y/N- yes but you stay in this wing and you remember the rules. If I hear of cheating I'm gonna end the game. Understand?
*Grant agrees. He looks at James and Anthony*
*The triplets come running down the stairs with nerf guns, Sarah runs out of the kitchen already shooting at her brothers. You team up with Ben and Matthew. Peter teams up with Joshua. Thor teams up with Samuel. Tony acts as a ref and sits in the conference room with the com controls and all the security cameras pulled up.*
Tony- remember the rules?! *He shouts over the coms. You took this as a learning experience for the kids, you gave each of them their own coms. Everyone is connected to their "team" but Tony can talk to everyone. Over the coms everyone yells.*
Everyone- there are no rules!!

***4 hours later***
Bucky- wow! He's really fucking good!
*Winnie ducks behind the couch with Bucky*
Winnie- mom says we can't say that word
*Bucky laughs and smiles*
Bucky- YOU can't. I can
Winnie- why you?!
Bucky- were you held captive for years?
Winnie- well-
Bucky- going to school doesn't count, so your answer is no. *He checks around the corner* come on, let's go! *Winnie follows.*

***The next morning***
Steve- so... explain to me again how this happened.
*Steve is looking at you and Bucky. You both look like you've been run ragged.*
Bucky- it all happened so fast... *Bucky looks like he's been traumatized.*
Y/N- yeah... I couldn't keep him in line once he got going
*Thor calls from the couch*
Thor- that kid of yours is a real piece of-
Y/N- sunshine *You glare at Thor*
Bucky- yeah if the suns rays were shit.
*Steve sighs and nods*
Steve- Matthew? *You all nod*
Bucky- we still don't know what he did with Peter.
Steve- but y'all were playing thunder dome right?!
Y/N- yea! And he was on my team!
Bucky- he and Grant teamed up towards the end and he calmed down a little but then bedtime rolled around and-
Y/N- and god bless you and Nat cause if you deal with that every night then I don't know how you two have any sanity left.
*Steve sighs and nods.*
Steve- nightmares or adrenaline junky?
Bucky- Both! Both Steve! He had nightmares and then when we were calming him down he would start getting hyped up and start doing stupid shit. He gets that from you!
*Steve just nods again and Nat comes walking up.*
Steve- okay, explain it all again for Nat. Please.
*You sigh and look at Bucky.*
Y/N- we were playing Thunder dome and doing some fun training.

‼️I know it's short! 🫣 I'm finishing it up and posting tomorrow!! ❤️‼️

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