Holding You To That

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The sun streams in through the windows, leaving golden rays across the white bedspread

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The sun streams in through the windows, leaving golden rays across the white bedspread. You don't move at first, just op n your eyes and look around the bed. Bucky isn't there. Right as you are about to muster the strength to get up and look for him, you feel the foot of the bed dip and the comforter lift up slightly. He slips under the blanket, his hands trailing up your legs and leaving goosebumps in their wake. You feel his beard rub against your legs as he leaves open mouth kisses up your shins, over your knees and along your thighs. The ache in your core slowly builds as his kisses get closer to where you need him most. The whimper that escapes your lips surprises even you. You close your eyes and lay perfectly still, hoping Bucky still believes you're asleep. You need to be awake for this, you need to be present and feel every kiss and pass his tongue makes while he thinks you're asleep. When he thinks your dreams have your attention so he can fully lavish his desire upon you with no risk of you pulling away or trying to speed things along. Just Bucky devouring you with abandon, you need to be consumed. After waiting a couple seconds he continues his mission, kisses up your legs; getting closer and closer to your exposed center. Neither of you bothered with clothes last night, figured they would be pretty pointless this weekend. When his lips press against your core it takes everything in you not to grind against him. He caresses your thighs as he settles on the bed between your legs, gently stroking a finger up and down your folds. No pressure or speed, just sweet, feather like touches that drive you mad. Not being able to see him is a new experience, you two have played with blindfolds before and he's definitely woken you up like this before but usually you are throwing the ballast off to watch his every move or he is ripping the blindfold off and telling you "Eyes on me, baby girl." But laying here completely awake while pretending to be asleep and not being able to see what he's about to do? That makes you drip with need.
Bucky hums as he leans in and leaves open mouth kisses along your inner thighs and up to your hips. You feel his breath first, blowing cool air over where you need him most. Then his lips, kissing over your center. Then his tongue as he presses firm and licks over your clit. He hums and you can feel him smile against your skin as your body reacts to him.
He hums as he starts to eat you out, licking through your folds and sucking on your clit. All of it is slow and just perfect, building you up little by little. His fingers draw circles on your hips as he brings you closer and closer to bliss. You let out another moan, this one breathier and light, he keeps kissing and sucking till you are right on the edge, then he pulls off. He kisses along your thighs and then back along your center. You shift a little and let out a small sigh, one that would be passable in your sleep. Bucky keeps doing what he's doing and gets you to the edge again, this time slipping a finger inside and curling it just right. You arch off the bed and whimper as Bucky brings you over the edge, cumming in his mouth and squeezing your thighs around his head. He pulls your legs down and pushes them on the bed. He smiles against you and you can feel him lightly laugh.*
Bucky- mmhm it's about time. *He kisses up your body and peaks out from under the blanket. You gasp.*
Y/N- you knew?!! *You give his shoulder a little shove and laugh. He grabs your hand and kisses it and then kisses you.*
Bucky- because I. Know. You. *He teases as he kisses you.* What I was doing would have had you moaning and waking up in no time, yet you didn't, you just laid there. *You giggle and cover your face.* and if you had been asleep *He smirks as he lays on top of you and kisses your neck as you continue to come down.* you would have cum the first time I was trying to edge you out. *He laughs and kisses you as you gasp again.*
Y/N- you were doing that to get me to break?!? *You poke his sides and then pinch his ass. He laughs and pinches your ass back.*
Bucky- absolutely! *He smiles and you roll your eyes and smile.*
Y/N- I thought I did well!
Bucky- you did *You laugh* At first at least. But I know how my sleepy, horny wife sounds. *He kisses your nose* you don't *You sigh and he laughs again. You push him off you and roll him over as you straddle his lap.*
Y/N- Yeah well, You don't know how my smug, sexy, sneak husband sounds when he's being teased out of his mind. *You lean forward and kiss his lips gently.* But I do. *You smirk* Now stop with your little tricks and let me blow your mind, huh?!
*Bucky nods watches as you start to slowly grind against him.*
Bucky- mmhmm go on Baby girl, show me who's boss. *You smirk and kiss his chest.*
Y/N- oh I plan to

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