Let's Get Packed

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‼️sorry it's been a hot minute! Everything is fine, just busy! Also sorry this is so short!! Next chapter will be longer‼️

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‼️sorry it's been a hot minute! Everything is fine, just busy! Also sorry this is so short!! Next chapter will be longer‼️

*You find Bucky and the others, to explain what's happing*
Bucky- so what? We will wake up one morning and our kids will be gone?!
Y/N- I don't know, Sydney said that he has two weeks. I assume the kids will leave at the end of those two weeks.
Nat- so we have two weeks to get prepared to fight Kang. *She crosses her arms*
Steve- seems like it.
Bucky- No, from what Loki said that fight doesn't happen for a while. The kids leave and we just continue on with our lives like everything is normal until he finally shows up.
*A portal opens and everyone gets into a fight stance, not sure who is about to walk through. Out steps Dr. Strange, Loki, and Mobius.*
Y/N- Loki? Any news?
Loki- No, we've been searching the multiverse for him-
Dr. Strange- we keep missing him.
Mobius- he's always one step ahead.
*You nod and looks at Bucky.*
Bucky- how long do we have?
*Loki looks at you and sighs*
Loki- look time runs different-
Bucky- how long?!
Dr. Strange- let's just say Grant's 18th birthday is pretty damn eventful.
*You hang your head in your hands and just cry. Bucky rubs your back and you cling to him*
Bucky- but we get our kids back then, right!?
Mobius- I shouldn't tell you this... but yeah. You do. He shows up, you beat him up, he runs away, you follow, you beat and defeat his ass, and then you bring your kids back.
Steve- except not one of you can tell us how we defeat him.
*The three men look at each other*
Loki- we are working on it. In meantime-
Nat- be with our kids, we know. *Nat picks up Samuel who has made his way into the conference room and is now tugging at her leg.* come on Sammy, let's go see Everly, huh?!
*He giggles as she walks out of the room. Bucky holds you close and kisses your head*
Y/N- I just can't believe the TVA is letting three children go back in time and save the world. *You glare at Loki* Carson is 6 and Everly is 8... they should be here playing dolls. Not hiding in closets and running from Kang. *You walk out of the room and go find Alex who is watching Ben for you.*
Bucky- whatever information you can dig up on him send it to us, please. *He looks at Steve and then walks out of the room and Steve follows after him*
Steve- hey, they will be okay.
Bucky- I know, but they should never have been out in this situation to begin with.
*Bucky looks out the window and sees the kids playing in the yard. Liho is playing fetch and the kids are jumping on the trampoline. A blissful family moment Bucky wishes he could freeze. He gets a thought*
Bucky- the kids are going to be withdrawn from school in two weeks
Steve- Umm yeah I guess, at least some of them.
Bucky- so what difference does two weeks make?
Steve- what do you mean?
Bucky- what I mean is... We have two finishes houses in Wakanda that need to be looked over and broken in. I'm packing up my family and leaving. Kang wants to come take my kids then he's gonna have to find them first.
*Steve nods and then smiles*
Steve- I'll make sure the jet is fueled and ready to go. *Bucky smiles and pats him on the shoulder*
Bucky- thanks, Steve. But also that was an invitation as well.
*Steve laughs*
Steve- I know, I still have to make sure the jet is fueled. *Bucky laughs and agrees*

*You are playing with Ben, Carson, and Jonnie when Bucky walks in*
Bucky- hey babe? Where are the suitcases?
Y/N- Umm in the storage closet. Why?
Bucky- we are gonna check out the house in Wakanda.
*You smile*
Y/N- really?!
Bucky- Yup, all of us! *He kisses you and then opens the storage closet.* if chaos is about to break loose then I want to be in the most peaceful place I know.
Y/N- Shuri won't appreciate us leading him there.
Bucky- I know, but she will understand.
*He kisses you and then smiles* go on, let's get packed!

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