Just Hear Me Out

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*The days go by and the kids seem to be more and more okay with the idea of Winter and Odette being around more

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*The days go by and the kids seem to be more and more okay with the idea of Winter and Odette being around more. Alex's stuff arrives for his room and Bucky is helping him set it all up.*
Alex- I don't know, should the bed go over here?
*Bucky looks around and nods*
Bucky- wherever you want bud, but I'd say that's a great spot. *Alex nods and Bucky helps him get it all settled. His desk is put together and so is his night stand. His dresser is full and so is his closet. You figure he can't take what he wants back with him or he can leave it for Grant.*
Y/N- hey! It's all coming together! *Alex nods and looks around.*
Alex- yeah it is!
*You set a basket down of sheets.*
Y/N- Sheets, blankets, and towels. You will have to use Grants bathroom still. Tony didn't add a bathroom on this level. *He nods and thanks you for the stuff* alright, you ready for tomorrow?
*It is the first day of school. The Grant is in 4th Winnie, Sarah, and Everly are in 3rd, the triplets and Carson are in 1st. James is starting kindergarten and the others are all in preschool or pre-k. Alex is starting his junior year, thankfully their school is from K-12 so they will all be in the same school.*
Alex- Umm yeah.. I just- I'm a little nervous. *You give him a hug*
Y/N- don't be, you're gonna love it. And I actually know your history teacher, I think you're really gonna like him.
*Alex nods and looks at his room.*
Alex- well I've got a lot to do before school tomorrow so-
Bucky- he's kicking us out *Bucky looks at you  and you laugh*
Y/N- yeah, he is.. rude! *You joke and Alex laughs. You leave and head downstairs.*

*You rock Ben to sleep as Bucky gets the others going on bath time.*
Bucky- oh my god, *He collapses on the couch.* why are girls so high maintenance. *You laugh and hit his chest. He grabs you arm and kisses your hand.*
Y/N- because we like to make the men in our lives complain.
*Bucky laughs and kisses you. He gets the girls all in bed and then says Goodnight to Everly l, it was he night with Nat. He then gets Grant in bed as you get Ben ready for bed.*
Y/N- okay bubba, I really really need you to sleep well tonight. We've got a long day tomorrow.
*He smiles and drifts off to sleep. You walk into the living room and you see Wanda and Loki standing in the doorway. You laugh and look around*
Y/N- hey, y'all can come in.
*They walk in and you can tell it's pretty serious.*
Y/N- tell me that bad news first.
*Bucky walks in and sees them. He looks at you*
Bucky- what's going on?
Y/N- Loki and Wanda have something to tell us.
*They looks between each other and Wanda sighs.*
Wanda- we've been looking at how and when the kids would potentially go back. It turns out Loki got some bad information from his sources and- *Wanda looks at him and then back at you*
Y/N- Wanda just tell me.
Wanda- there is no world for them to go back to... like at all. There is no undoing it. There is no fixing it. It's just gone.
*Bucky crosses his arms*
Bucky- okay, so that means they get to stay... right?
Loki- not quite. See I was asking myself 'why would the TVA allow this to happen if we would have to fix it after the fact'
*You rub your face.*
Y/N- it was always meant to happen. They have a bigger purpose, don't they?
*Loki nods*
Loki- it seems that when their world collapsed they were sent here. They live with you for a bit and then they are sent back-
Bucky- back where?!
Wanda- in time. *You shake your head and stand up, not wanting to hear more but having to.*
Loki- each of them hold significance in your lives and in the lives of your children. As friends, mentors, allies, teachers. It seems that they go back and then throughout your timelines they are there to guide you to where you need to be.
*Bucky shakes his head*
Bucky- what?! So every choice I made was just the prodding of my kids?! No! I made those choices, they were mine.
Y/N- Bucky-
Bucky- No! You mean to tell me that our love story isn't all that great because it was actually set up by our kids?! I refuse to believe that!
Wanda- Thats not what we are saying Bucky.
*You pull him to sit with you.*
Loki- yes, every choice you made was yours and yours alone. They didn't interfere with any of that. But they were lending ears, helping hands, and your biggest cheerleaders during your lives. From what we can understand you don't recognize them as your kids when you see them now.
Y/N- so they are people that we know- people we talk.
Wanda- yes, they've had different faces throughout the years-
Bucky- how the hell is that possible?!
Loki- because of how the spell Wanda uses on them works. It changes their face so you don't see them as your children.
*You shake your head and just sigh. You stand up and walk to the bedroom.*
Bucky- where are you going?!
Y/N- to bed. Asking a million questions now or a million questions tomorrow won't change a damn thing.
*You disappear into the room and Bucky soon follows after he sees Wanda and Loki out.*
Bucky- hey *He pulls you close as you lay together.*
Y/N- how do you think they are?
*Bucky looks down at you*
Y/N- Loki and Wanda said they've been in our lives... who do you think they are?
Bucky- I have no idea. *He rubs your back* do you think they remember who we are?
Y/N- yes, without a doubt.
*He hums and holds you close.*

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