Make It Home

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‼️Funny, sweet, sad, and swoon worthy‼️

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‼️Funny, sweet, sad, and swoon worthy‼️

*Bucky holds Everly's hand and Steve holds Carson's. Alex walks beside Bucky as they make their way into town. It's not too far and the weather is beautiful. The girls eventually end up skipping down the road and the men follow.*
Alex- so where are we going?
Bucky- a little spot I used to visit some while I was here. Great food and even better people.
*Alex nods and they keep walking. As they enter the owner sees Bucky and Steve. She waves and walks over.*
Owner- I just knew you two would make it work! *She hugs them both and Alex laughs. Steve starts to stumble over his words, trying to explain how he and Bucky didn't "make it work". Bucky just shushes him and pulls him along smiling nicely.*
Bucky- She's like 100 years old. If she wants to believe we are some happy married couple who had some kids then let her!
*Steve rolls his eyes and picks up Carson as they all follow the waitress to the table. Steve tosses a menu to Bucky and he smiles and pokes at Steve even more.*
Bucky- thanks dear!
*Steve flips him the bird and Carson gasps.*
Carson- mommy said that's a bad finger!
Bucky- you tell him Carson! *He smiles at her and Everly giggles. Steve leans in and whispers.*
Steve- sorry Carson, forgive me?
*She smiles and nods. She kisses his cheek and then goes to cooling her menu.*
Bucky- so Everly? Alex? Carson? What would you like for dinner?
Everly- Mac and cheese!
Carson- oh yeah!
Alex- a burger, If possible.
*Bucky laughs and mutters*
Bucky- always with the Mac and cheese and burgers.
*The girl smile and Alex laughs*

*Dinner is good and they all have a good time. Bucky annoys Steve every time the owner stops by because he plays along with the old lady's view of Steve and Him. Alex even gets in on it*
Alex- yeah my dads are the best!
*The girls don't realize what's happening and go about their dinner. But they don't help the situation when they are both calling Steve and Bucky Daddy. By the time they leave Steve is sure all of Wakanda will think they are one big mixed family.*
Bucky- what? You hate me that much?
*Steve shoves him and Bucky laughs. The girls giggle, even Alex finds it funny to mess with Steve.*
Steve- I think you confused a poor old women and our WIVES will have something to say about it tonight.
Bucky- I know what my wife will be saying tonight and trust me, *He smirks* all of Wakanda- even the goats will know how very straight and into my wife I am.
*Steve shoves him and laughs*
Steve- Eww!
Alex- I second that! Ewww!
*Bucky turns to Alex and his face is red.*
Bucky- oh Alex I am so sorry! *He laughs* I'm still not used to older kids who really understand all this stuff. *He gives a guilty smile and Alex shakes his head and walks up to the girls. He smiles back at Bucky and Steve.*
Alex- I'm telling mom!
*Bucky laughs and Steve smiles, both happy Alex seems like a good sport.*

*They are almost back when Bucky leads them off the path a little and they see a little hut in the distance. They can see the house from the hut, the lights on and everyone else finishing up dinner and getting ready for bed.*
Everly- where are we going daddy?
Bucky- I want to show y'all something.
Steve- do you want me to leave?
*Steve asks Bucky and he shakes his head*
Bucky- No, you're good.
*Steve nods and picks up Carson. They walk down to the hut and Bucky opens the door. He had one installed to keep teenagers from using it when they aren't there.*
Bucky- come on in and take a seat. *Alex sits on the bed and pulls Everly to sit with him*
Alex- what is this place?
Bucky- it's where I started to find myself again. Where I felt safe and at home. I'm a world that was so messed up, this is where I found peace. *Alex nods* you three will need a place like this. From what we've been told you will be jumping around in time and keeping things on track. It will be hard not to lose yourselves on all of that. *Bucky looks around and then at Alex* let this be your home. *Alex looks at Everly who looks a little scared. Carson snuggles into Steve's shoulder and holds him tight. Bucky moves to sit next to Alex and puts and arm around him as Everly moves to Bucky's lap to be held.* this place was here before I arrived and as you can see it's still standing all these years later. They only thing I ask is don't change what I've written son the walls. You can add, but don't erase or cover up the stories. Use them to remember us, and let this be a home for you in our time apart. *Alex nods and wipes a tear.* Make it your home.
Alex- thanks dad
*Steve looks down at Carson*
Steve- I have an apartment in Brooklyn... it's been mine since the 40's- guess someone kept paying all those years. I haven't been to it since the blip but it's a home as well. Two homes, two sides of the world.
Alex- at two different points in time. *Alex gently smiles* thanks dad, uncle Steve.
Bucky- you're welcome, Alex. *He pulls him in and kisses his head even as Alex groans about it. Everly looks up and speaks so softly*
Everly- tell me that story, daddy. *Bucky sees that she is pointing to the story of when he knew he loved you. He gently smiles and kisses Everly's head.*
Carson- What's it about??
Bucky- it's how I fell in love with your mama.
Everly- what about my mama?
*He laughs and so does Steve*
Bucky- Thats a very differnt story and it's one for when you're older. But yea Evie, I love mama Nat too... just in a very different and more of a sister type way.
Alex- Eww
Steve- what?
Alex- well considering how they met each other it's just gross to compare it that way. *Steve laughs and agrees. Bucky rolls his eyes.*
Bucky- anyway! It all started as I was giving mama a special hug...

*Story time made the girls fall asleep and Alex want to call Lilly and just hear her voice. Steve holds Carson and Bucky takes Everly as they head back to the house. Alex follows beside as they approach the house. He runs ahead and gets inside, you see him and smile. Bucky stops to watch the scene before him. You hush over Alex and how handsome he looks. You give him and hug and a little kiss on the cheek. Ben is in your arms and you wave his little hand at Alex who smile and kisses his hand. Alex waves Goodnight and heads up to his room. Bucky rubs Everly's back as he watches you through the big windows, the glow of the lamp lights making something about this walk home to you feel very romantic. He walks through the field to the back sliding doors. You see him as you get close, Ben on your hip, hair in a bun and your sweats on. He lets out a blissful sigh as a tears pool in his eyes, everything you both fought so hard for and how you are still here and together. Bucky hopes he gets to come home to you for a 100 more years. He walks in and you smile as he walks straight to you, sleeping Everly in his arms, a messy Ben in yours, and all he sees is you. He kisses you and whispers as he pulls back.*
Bucky- I love you, Mrs, Barnes.
Y/N- I love you too, Mr. Barnes.
*Bucky puts Everly down in bed and you put Ben down. The dishes aren't done, the floor is covered in toys, the garbage is full, and laundry is still sitting in the dryer. None of that matters as Bucky takes you in his arms, kisses you softly, and carry's you to the bedroom. Melting into his embrace you are reminded that everything will be okay, because your family always makes it home.

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