Inadequate Nights

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*Tony throws a giant New Years Eve party

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*Tony throws a giant New Years Eve party. The kids go to be before midnight so you adults are able to ring in the new year they way you want to.*
Bucky- it's rare we get to all hang out without little kids hanging on us.
Steve- or screaming
Sam- or needing snacks
*You laugh and sit in Bucky's lap and lean back into his arms. You wrap your arms around his neck and he rubs your thigh as he drapes his hand over you.*
Y/N- Aww big tough men all worn out by babies!
*Nat laughs and Yelena comes walking in*
Yelena- okay, if they wake up again it's your turn. *She pats Sam's face and he smiles and kisses her*
Sam- you got it.
*Wanda and Vision come downstairs and join everyone. Peter and MJ are there, Kate is talking with Thor and Loki. Alex is on his phone, no doubt texting Lilly.*
Bucky- hey! *He tosses a pillow at Alex* join the land of the living please! *Alex locks his phone and sits up*
Alex- sorry. I mean is it so wrong for me to talk to someone I care about during the holidays?
Bucky- Nope, not at all. But you care about us too, don't you? *He smiles and Alex just rolls his eyes and smiles*
Alex- yeah but I can't kiss any of you. *He stands up and tosses the pillow back at Bucky and then walks over to where Peter, MJ, and now Kate are sitting and playing cards. Steve and Nat laugh. Tony just looks shocked and Sam tosses another pillow at Bucky.*
Steve- oh my god! He's just like you!! *He throws a pillow at Bucky and Bucky throws it back*
Bucky- and because of that you'll have to wait an extra day for that kiss! *He teases Alex and Alex waves it off. You laugh and hug Bucky*
Y/N- Stop, it's young love. Let him be. Alex go call Lilly if you want. *He shoots up and walks out back*
Tony- oh look! It's almost midnight! *Tony grabs out the champagne for all the normal people and Thor hands you, Bucky, Steve, and Nat some Asgardian liquor. It's strikes 12 and you all cheers*
Y/N- Happy New Year, Bucky
Bucky- Happy New Year, y/n. *He pulls you into a kiss* my Doll. *You giggle and whisper in his ear*
Y/N- mmhm my White wolf.
*Bucky clears his throat and pulls you closer in his lap*
Bucky- mmhmm now don't tease, Baby girl. *You bite you lip and look him up and down. There is a moment but it quickly disappears when Tony clears his throat and gets everyone's attention.*
Tony- okay, since you are all here, I should let you know there are some missions that need to be handled by the big guns. *Steve and Bucky look at one another. Steve looks at Thor who walks over to hear Tony better.* I've called Clint and Bruce already and they are aware that they need to make their way here. Natasha? Y/n? Are y'all ready to get back to work?
*You smile and almost bounce out of Bucky's lap.*
Y/N- Umm yes! There are some logistical issues we will need to handle before Bucky and I both head off on a mission again- but yes a thousand times yes!
*Bucky kisses your cheek and Nat smiles at Steve*
Nat- we will have to do a lot of training to get back into fighting shape. *She looks at you and you laugh and nod. Steve and Bucky look at each other and high-five. You grab Bucky's jaw and squeeze a little and he laughs. As much as he loves the idea of watching you workout and fight he is nervous about you getting back into the action. He just smiles and leans into this moment*
Tony- okay love birds, chill or I'll throw cold water on all of you. I will let you all know your assignments soon. Until then, enjoy your freedom!
*Bucky looks at you and winks. Tony doesn't have to tell Bucky twice. Anything to take his mind off the coming fights and wars*
Bucky- you heard the man!!
*He lifts you over his shoulder and you squeal and laugh as he walks out of the room and takes the stairs two at a time. Steve looks at Nat and winks, she laughs and pats his face.*
Nat- fine but I'm walking up the stairs.
*Steve laughs and pulls her up and ushers her upstairs. Everyone just laughs and brushes you four off*
Sam- how do they find the time or energy?!
*Tony and Peter shrug. Loki walks over*
Loki- us enhanced individuals have a better recovery period and don't need as much rest as you all- *Thor laughs and walks over*
Thor- I think my brother has had a little too much to drink! Off to bed *He ushers Loki out of the room. Sam looks at Yelena*
Sam- did he just say we are all inadequate?
Tony- yes, yes he did. *Tony nods* anyway, cheers to inadequate nights for all!
*Yelena and Pepper laugh*

*Bucky tosses you on the bed and you giggle as he climbs on top of you, kissing you senseless. If he could live here in this moment he would. But his mind wonders to you fighting, blood and screaming. He kisses you harder in hopes the thoughts will go away, hey don't and he bites your lip. You moan and then push him off and smirk up at him*
Y/N-Mmhmm getting feisty! Go get Alex inside before we get too far along.
*Bucky hangs his head and sighs. He kisses you and then hops up and runs back downstairs. Sam and Tony see him*
Tony- see he's already done, my cheers to inadequate nights worked.
*Sam laughs and Bucky just looks at them confused and irritated. He heads out back. Alex is smiling and laying in the trampoline as he looks at the stars. Alex didn't hear Tony's announcement about the missions, he's gonna be crushed when he learns his new parents are heading straight into danger. He's so happy with this life the last thing Bucky wants is to upset him. He is on the phone talking with Lilly. Bucky smiles and just waits for a moment. He remembers his teen years, the days he would stay out with a girl and stargaze while they were down by the river. Not that any of those girls were anything more than a "dance date" but it was still sweet and special. He gives Alex one more moment... but not too long, he's got a hot wife upstairs waiting for him... now if he could just get out of his head*
Bucky- and that's long enough *Bucky mutters* Alex! Come on Bud! *Alex says goodbye and heads inside. Bucky ruffles his hair and teases Alex as they walk upstairs* wow, look at you blushing! How was Lilly?! *Alex just blushes and walks faster. Bucky laughs and makes sure the door is locked before he heads to the room.*

*Bucky walks in the door and sees you laying on the bed. Draped over the pillows and wearing one of the outfits you got for Bucky for Christmas. See through lace covers your breast and sheer fabric drapes down the rest of your body. All thoughts of the missions and the danger that comes with it just melt away*
Y/N- Mmhmm Bucky. I need you baby *You stretch out more and Bucky practically jumps on you. You giggle and he kisses you*
Bucky- I'm right here Doll
*He kisses you and you just melt into his touch... sadly those thoughts don't stay away for long*

*You kiss Bucky's shoulders as he sits on the edge of the bed, his head hanging in his hands*
Y/N- hey, it's okay. *You kiss him again* it happens-
Bucky- not to me it doesn't *Bucky sighs and groans*
Y/N- hey we had an amazing couple of days together- we had an amazing morning! You drank a lot- like a lot tonight. *You rub his back*
Bucky- I've drank way more than I did tonight and I've never had an issue!
*You can tell Bucky's getting a little irritated.*
Y/N- okay- look you might just be tired. look baby, lay back. Let me. *You smirk and push him to lay back*
Bucky- No y/n- I- if it doesn't work-
Y/N- shhh *You kiss down his body* trust me, just relax your mind baby. You're too stressed, you can't get off if you're too stressed baby.
*You kiss his hips and take him in your hand and mouth. He closes his eyes and tries to focus on how your mouth feels around him but instead he sees every ear he's ever caught and every close call he's ever had flash before his eyes. He does notice when you stop though*
Bucky- y/n?
Y/N- now you notice? Come on baby I'm doing some of my best work here and there's not a peep out of you. *Bucky sighs and sits up. He leans back against the headboard and you curl up with him*  talk to me, please.
Bucky- I'm sorry, Doll. I just- I'm stressed about the missions. Tony saying the assignments will come soon and the possibility of you being in danger- I just can't stop thinking about keeping you safe- about making sure we both come home to the kids, you know. *Little tear pools in his eye and you wipe it away and kiss him*
Y/N- shhh I know baby. That's- *You clear your throat* it's been on my mind too. You're not alone.
*Bucky holds you close and you rub his chest.* look, we will be okay. We've both survived worse than whatever missions Tony has for us. If it makes you feel better we can request to only do missions separate. That way one of us is always home with the kids. Huh?
*Bucky holds you tight*
Bucky- I don't like the idea of sending you out alone. Ever.
Y/N- I know. *You kiss his chest* I know. Maybe we can talk to Steve and Nat. I'm sure they may be feeling the same way. Maybe we can make a deal where I go on missions with Steve and you go on missions with Nat. That way the kids have someone but then I have someone you trust with my life and vice versa.
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- I want to be clear that I trust everyone I just-
Y/N- I know baby, I know. It's different with Steve and Nat.
*Bucky looks down at you and kisses your nose*
Bucky- I'm sorry I was too stressed to properly get it up.
*You gently smile and kiss his chest*
Y/N- well that problem seems to be fixed now *You tease as you kiss him. You take him in your hand and slowly bring him to a release. He moans and kisses you as you work him through it.* there, is that better? *You smile and kiss him as your forehead rests against his. He lightly laughs and nods. Gently kissing your lips.*
Bucky- yes baby *He whispers*

*You get clean up and settled in bed with Bucky. After your heart to heart you two were just too tired to continue. He had gotten one out of you and you did the same, now it's time for bed. As you curl up with Bucky he mumbles*
Bucky- you know I blame Tony for this. *You laugh* he even toasted to inadequate nights for us all.
*You giggle and kiss the arms that's wrapped around you*
Y/N- well see, that's proof it wasn't even your fault baby, it was Tony's. You still got it. *Bucky smiles and nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck and leaves little kisses there as you fall asleep.*

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