Christmas pt1

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*The kids go back to school and meet with Everly every Tuesday

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*The kids go back to school and meet with Everly every Tuesday. It's the week before Christmas break and you are trying to get the last minute shopping done.*
Y/N- okay Bucky, I am running to the store to get one more present for each kid.
Bucky- okay baby *He holds Ben and Ben looks at Bucky and plays with his beard that he's letting grow out. Bucky isn't even fazed.* have fun! *He waves Ben's arm at you* say bye bye mama!
Ben- bbbbybbb
*You smile and kiss his cheeks and then kiss Bucky.*
Y/N- the kids and I will bring dinner home after therapy.
Bucky- oh shoot- I was suppose to be there for Alex's session today.
Y/N- just head that way around 3:30.
Bucky- Ben will still be napping.
Y/N- okay, just wake him up early today.
Bucky- okay! *He lifts Ben above his head and makes him laugh* but when Bubba here is a terror tonight you'll be the one handling him! *He teases in a silly voice that makes Ben laugh and you just smile and kiss him.*
Y/N- okay I will. The extra seat is in the closet, I'll see you later.
*You head out the door and you hear Bucky playing with Ben. His little giggles and Bucky's laugh melt your heart.*

*You walk up and down the aisle in the store. You find a cute little baby toy for Ben, Samuel, Matthew, Joshua, Charlie, and Jackson. You find a fun coloring book for Everly, Carson, Odette and Jonnie. You got Elizabeth the next book in the Percy Jackson series. Winnie got a set of rollerblades. Grant got a new paintball gun and so did Alex.*
Y/N- okay, now Bucky.
*You didn't say anything to Bucky about still needing to buy him something. You can't find anything good enough for him. You walk down the clothing aisles and get a new sweatshirt for him as well as some new Christmas pajama pants.*
Y/N- he will look pretty damn good in these.
*You keep looking and you find a nice shirt that will complement his eyes. You keep looking and you are at a loss. You decide to go to desperate measures.*
Y/N- hey.... I need your help.
*Steve laughs and looks at Nat as he puts his phone on speaker.*
Steve- what's up? Nat's here too
Nat- hey!
Y/N- hey, so... I still haven't bought Bucky's Christmas present...
Nat- oh!
Steve- wow, you usually have it planned and wrapped in September!
*You groan*
Y/N- I know! Nothing seemed good enough... *You pout and you hear Steve laugh*
Steve- okay, I know you're pouty, so stop.
*You laugh and slightly blush. He knows you too well.*
Nat- okay, what is Bucky's favorite thing?
Y/N- knives, guns, pancakes, Alpine-
*You hear Nat and Steve laugh and groan*
Steve- No y/n-
Nat- it's you!!
Steve- you are his favorite thing! You and the kids!!
Nat- not to equate you and the kids with 'things'
*You laugh and nod.*
Y/N- yeah... that's true.
Steve- anything from you or the kids will make his day. Or anything dealing with you or the kids will. Trust your gut, you know him better than anyone.
Y/N- yeah, you're right.
Nat- Steve give me the phone. *He does and she takes it off speaker.* are you listening? *You say yes* just get a new outfit, take a picture in it, and then give him the picture. Later that night wear the outfit. He will be drooling over it. I promise.
*You hear Steve laugh*
Steve- is that my present this year? Again?
*Nat smirks at him*
Nat- you bet! And I've never had a complaint!
Steve- and you never will! *He kisses her and then leaves Nat to talk to you.*
Y/N- I could do that.. he'd love it. I just- we always get him something super meaningful.
Nat- and you can make this meaningful, I believe if anyone can, it's you!
*You smile and then sigh.*
Y/N- okay, thanks Nat!
*You hang up and walk towards the intimate section. Nothing really grabs your attention so you Google  lingerie stores near you. Some pop up but none of them seems to be your speed, until you see one that's vintage themed.*
Y/N- he really liked the other vintage outfit I got... maybe I could find some more. *You pay for everything and get it loaded in the car. You have time before you have to pick up the kids so you run by this new store. As you look around you find some cute options but nothing like the one you found before. Lots of silks and stockings. Some bras and cute shorts but nothing that screams "take me, I'm yours!" Bummed you head out and as you are walking to the car you see a little boutique. It has some sheer robes in the window and it seems to be more your speed. You walk in and a women is there to help you.*
Women- hello! Welcome to barely their boutique. Is there anything I can help you find?
Y/N- I'm just looking. Is this place new?
Women- yes! We have Ben open for about 3 months. We wanted to start a lingerie line that accents women's assets without taking too much attention away from them. Sheer fabric and lots of lace covered items. Does that seem to interest you?
*You laugh and nod*
Y/N- yes- well my husband. *The women laughs and walks you over to the lingerie section.*
Women- if you need any help I'm right at the front.
*She leaves and you look around. This was what you needed. Bucky is always saying how you being naked is his favorite thing but you love the way the outfits make you feel. Now you both get what you want.*
Y/N- I will take these *you lay down teddies, babydoll dresses, a robe. As well as a corset and a garter set. All in Bucky's favorite color Black... you throw in some lavender and green items as well for yourself.*
Women- this all?
Y/N- for now! *You laugh and she gets you checked out*

*You sit in the line for pickup., going over your mental checklist. The bell rings and the kids come running out and hop in the car. You don't even notice when they start looking in all the begs. Thankfully they didn't find any of their gifts but the definitely found your gifts to Bucky.*
Everly- mama? I thought you said you were going Christmas shopping today?
Odette- yeah... that doesn't look like a Christmas gift.
Carson- who would that be for?!
Elizabeth- maybe dad *She shrugs*
Jonnie- silly mama! Your clothes are see through! *She giggles and you are mortified as this all happened within the span of 30 seconds*
Winnie- I think that's the point *Winnie says*
Grant- probably for special wrestling *You gasp and turn around, grabbing the bag from them.*
Y/N- it does not matter who they are for. Do not go looking through these bags, do you understand?!
*They all agree* okay. Now let's get to therapy.
Alex- yeah... I definitely need it after that.
*You look at Alex and shoot him a look. You then shake your head and smile as he does. He shrugs*
Alex- it's normal, right? *You laugh and hide your face in your hands. You nod*
Y/N- yes, yes it is. And noting to be ashamed of.
Alex- except when your kids are waving around your-
Y/N- okay, zip it you *You pull away and start down the road. Alex laughs and looks down at his phone. He got it back this week and he's been texting non stop.*
Y/N- who are you talking to?
Alex- Lilly *He smiles and so do you*
Y/N- how is she? Ready for Christmas break?
*He nods and goes quiet.*
Alex- I'm gonna take a nap on the way.
Y/N- okay bud. *You turn on some music and the rest of the kids doze off on the way.*

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