The Talk

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‼️New Seb Pics!! ‼️

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‼️New Seb Pics!! ‼️

‼️Did some broad strokes over "the talk" lol but trust Bucky does a great job! 🥰‼️

*You wake up early to get a workout in before everyone else gets up. This is about the only time you can train by yourself. Well, sorta by yourself. Most days Steve has already run his 13 miles and training some more in the gym when you get there.*
Steve- Did Winnie ever recover? *Steve asks between sets while you stretch.*
Y/N- yeah, she did. Bucky was able to talk her down.
*Steve smiles and nods*
Steve- good, send him my way when Sarah goes through it.
*You laugh and give him a shove.*
Y/N- Grant has started his change as well.
*Steve finished a set and sits up from the weight bench.*
Steve- really?
Y/N- yup! Bucky talked to him a little last night and he's gonna talk some more today. *You look at Steve.* I am now officially old because I have two kids going through puberty together. *Steve laughs and gives you a shove this time.*
Steve- if you're old then Bucky and I are decrepit
*You laugh and Steve smiles. You finish your workout and get a shower, Bucky is the only one starting to stir.*
Bucky- Mmhmm good morning. *He kisses you*
Y/N- I'm gonna start waking the kids. *Bucky yawns and nods.*
*You open Grants door, walk in and sit on the edge of his bed. You gently shake him awake and he stretches and opens his eyes. He sits up and then looks down at his blankets. He quickly pulls the covers up and around him and meets your gaze with wide and confused eyes. He speaks and his voice is a little high and squeaky*
Grant- Umm can you get dad?! Please?!
Y/N- oh Umm yeah- is something wrong? Can I help?
Grant- NO! *He didn't mean to shout it and you know that.* sorry- I- I just need dad, please mom?
*You nod*
Y/N- okay bud, I'll send him in.

*You see Bucky in the closet changing*
Y/N- Grant needs you. I think he has a morning situation and judging by his reaction it's never happened before. He won't talk to me so you're up.
*Bucky nods and kisses you as he walks out. He knocks on Grants door*
Bucky- hey Little Wolf! What do you need?
*Grant throws off his covers and points to himself. Thankfully he has boxers on*
Grant- it won't go down!! *He looks panicked* and it's kinda hurts! *Bucky nods and walks over to Grant*
Bucky- okay, well first thing you are gonna do is get up and go to the bathroom.
Grant- I can't go like this!
*Bucky laughs a little*
Bucky- yeah you can, it may take a minute but just try.
*Grant excuses himself to the bathroom and about 5 minutes later he comes back out.*
Grant- that kinda helped but it's still like this.
*Bucky is trying so hard not to laugh. And it's not at Grant it's because he remembers having a similar conversation with his dad... and then Steve later at school.*
Bucky- I know bud, now you're gonna shower, okay.
Grant- I only shower at night.
Bucky- now you're gonna shower at night and first thing when you wake up. Because what happened last night, which wasn't wrong or bad at all, was messy and you need to make sure you are clean.
Grant- is that gonna happen a lot?!
*Bucky lightly laughs*
Bucky- not all the time but right now as your body is changing it will happen quite a bit. Once you get older it won't be as bad and then it won't happen ever really.
*Grant thinks for a minute*
Grant- does it ever happen to you?
*Bucky smiles*
Bucky- it did when I was your age and about till I was 18. Now? No, not so much *"Unless you count your mom as a walking wet dream." Bucky thinks, he makes sure he doesn't let that thought slip.*
Grant- okay, so this is normal??
Bucky- perfectly normal. You go shower and meet me downstairs, we will go on a walk later and we can talk some more, okay?
*Grant nods and goes to shower.*

Y/N- is he okay? *You ask Bucky as he walks into the kitchen*
Bucky- yeah *Bucky smiles* a little traumatized because his body now has a mind of its own. But he's okay. *Bucky laughs and looks around before he continues to speak.* he literally sat up in bed, pointed to himself and said " it won't go down and it hurts" *You cover your mouth and try not to laugh*
Y/N- oh poor boy!
*Bucky shrugs.*
Bucky- sent him to the shower and he will quickly realize what to do while he's that while he's washing his body. *You scrunch your brow.*
Y/N- ewww that's my Little Wolf- stop!
Bucky- hey, he is officially growing up and it's all just gonna get weirder and grosser from here. *You sigh and Bucky kisses your cheek. Grant comes downstairs and Bucky smiles*
Bucky- come on bud, let's go for an early morning walk.
Grant- okay *Grant walks out to the back yard with Bucky and you just sip you coffee as you watch them walk into the field.*

Bucky- so... you know how I said that you were going through your own type of change? *Grant nods* well what happened this morning and last night is just the first part of that. *Grant and Bucky walk around the whole compound as Bucky explains the in's and out's of puberty to Grant. He mentions what's all gonna happen his him and how he's gonna have new feelings and his body will change. He explains how it all happens so babies can be made. He explains how babies are made and explains the basics of what sex is. He tries to cover all his bases and he lets Grant lead the conversation for the most part.*
Bucky- do you have any more questions?
*Bucky looks at him and Grant thinks for a minute*
Grant- does it hurt?
Bucky- what?
Grant- puberty, sex, growing chest hair, does it hurt?
*Bucky smiles and crouches down to Grant's level.*
Bucky- No, Grant. It doesn't. Growing might just because your bones are literally growing. But none of that other stuff hurts. You will be stinky and you will probably have a few rouge boners in public *Grant blushes and Bucky laughs and smiles.* but it doesn't hurt. Any other questions?
Grant- sex, is it only for making babies?
Bucky- for now? Yes. *Bucky smiles* so unless you want a baby-
Grants- No way! *Bucky laughs*
Bucky- when you get older it's for way more than just babies. Does that make sense?
Grant- yeah, basically "you'll tell me when I'm older"
Bucky- Damn straight. *Grant laughs and Bucky smiles* okay, lets he's back home. I'm sure your mom has breakfast ready.
*They walk back, Grant stops and Bucky stops too. Grant throws his arms around Bucky's waist and hugs him tight.*
Grant- thanks dad. That conversation wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.
*Bucky smiles and pats Grants back.*
Bucky- you're welcome, Grant. You can come to me anytime, understand? * he nods* okay, let's go.

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