Stuffie Check

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*You curl up with Bucky and he rubs your back as you fall asleep

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*You curl up with Bucky and he rubs your back as you fall asleep. When you wake up, very early, you roll over and reach for Bucky but he's not there. You sit up and see the lights on in the main room. You check it out and you see that Bucky has all the suitcases packed and by the door. He has all the kids souvenirs packed and ready to go. You check the bathroom and the only thing left out is disposable toothbrushes for you, him, and each kid. A disposable brush and deodorant and a clean pair of clothes for each kid and you both. You just laugh and go find him.*
Y/N- hey *You whisper as he is moving around the kids room. He smiles and walks out.*
Bucky- what are you doing up? I turned off your alarm so you wouldn't wake up. *You smile and kiss him* you were suppose to sleep till at least 8 and wake up to a packed car and dressed children- *You kiss him again*
Y/N- you are very sweet, Bucky
Bucky- I'm just trying to help *He smiles* you've worked so hard this trip- I just want you to rest.
*You smile and look back at the kids*
Y/N- is everything packed?
*He nods*
Bucky- I was just checking for any missing socks and stuff.
*You nod and take his hand. You grab your toiletry bag from by the door.*
Bucky- wha- y/n I just finished packing that- *You smile and pull him into the bedroom. You shut the door and pull him close as he keeps fussing* I made sure to pack it all, I left everything that you would need but- *You kiss him*
Y/N- Bucky?
Bucky- yeah?
*You push him back on the bed and straddle him*
Y/N- Stop talking and kiss me
*He smiles as you kiss him, reaching between your bodies and taking him in your hand. You stroke him as you kiss his jaw and down his neck.*
Bucky- Mmhmm y/n- oh! *He gasps as you squeeze him a little. You smile and lightly laugh. You kiss down his chest and sit up as you untie his sweatpants.* y/n we should really be sleeping- it's gonna be a long drive- *You pull his pants down and see his erection straining against his boxers. You meet his gaze as you slowly pull his boxers down, inch by inch.*
Y/N- tell me to stop and I will
*You look down at him and wait. He rubs his face and sighs. He laughs and shakes his head*
Bucky- okay, go on. But we have to do this fast.
*You giggle as you pull his boxers off all the way and pull your slip nightgown up. He takes you in his arms and quickly flips you under him and goes to town. He kisses down your neck and fingers you as you stroke him.*
Y/N- oh Bucky, Mmhmm
Bucky- so good, baby *He kisses you and pulls his fingers from you he lines up and pushes in. He bottoms out and you wrap your arms around him. You dig your nails into his back a little and he moans as he starts to move. He kisses your neck and leaves love bites all around. You cum quickly and Bucky pulls out, you take him in your mouth as he finishes. He gasps and just smiles.*
Bucky- Mmhmm that was- Mmhmm why did you-
*You smile and lick your lips. You kiss him as you pull him to the bathroom.*
Y/N- easier clean up *You wink and Bucky laughs and agrees.*

*You two get cleaned up quickly and you go ahead and get dressed in what you're gonna wear on the ride home. You get the bathroom packed back up and brush your teeth. Bucky gets the kids up one by one and you get them changed*
Winnie- mommy where are we going?
Y/N- home, Winnie boo. It's time to go back home
Grant- I'm glad, I miss Sarah.
*You smile and Winnie giggles. The rest of the girls get up and get dressed as Bucky gets the car loaded and pulled around. The kids sit on the couch as you nurse Ben and Bucky checks every last corner of the room to make sure you aren't forgetting anything.*
Bucky- okay, the rooms are clear. Kids you have your stuffies?
*They all hold them up and Bucky nods*
Bucky- okay, is Bubba ready yet?
Y/N- not yet... almost.

*You all walk down together and the kids climb in. It's so early the night manager is still on duty.*
Y/N- Checking out
Manager- so early?
Y/N- yeah, we are driving back to upstate New York so we want to her in before midnight.
*She nods and gets you checked out. You get Ben in the car and get yourself in. Bucky has you bag, your favorite drink and snack all ready to go in the Passover seat along with your pillow.*
Y/N- you are too good to me *Bucky smiles and kisses you*
Bucky- I love you
Y/N- I love you too
*Bucky looks back at all the kids*
Bucky- stuffie check?
*They all hold them up and Bucky nods. He lays his hand on your thigh and rubs his thumb over it. He gives you a squeeze and you smile. You play some low music and the kids fall back asleep as Bucky drives down the road and you head home.*

‼️The next chapter is going to take me a couple days to write. I want to write out the trip to Wakanda and the rest of the summer and then time jump for chapter 11. So hopefully I will have the chapter ready soon! But it may be Thursday before I do! Im just trying to get this story moving! ❤️❤️‼️

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