Ease The Pain

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Y/N- No!! What did he do?! Nat- shoved him to the ground, hard! *You cover your mouth and try not to laugh

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Y/N- No!! What did he do?!
Nat- shoved him to the ground, hard!
*You cover your mouth and try not to laugh.*
Y/N- oh, oh wow. Umm Bucky did you talk to him?
Bucky- yeah, told him he really shouldn't pick on pipsqueaks and he needed to just ignore him. But then he went a punched Alex in the balls again so it was fair game.
*Nat explained how they all went to the park yesterday. She didn't want the kids to hear all the incoming messages from you and the group on the mission. Bucky and the kids went along as well. turns out Matthew is a regular Steve Rogers and he went to fight a big kid who pushed Grant off the swing. The kid got a punch in before Bucky and Nat could get there. Alex was the first one actually and he just grabbed the kids hand and squeezes until he cried and ran away. Matthew stood up and just started swinging. He didn't look to see who he was hitting. He smacked Alex pretty hard on the leg.*
*24 hours ago*
Alex- ouch! *He gives Matthew a little shove and he falls to the ground. Matthew sees Bucky talking to him and he sees that this is his moment. He nails him right in the jewels.*
Alex- sssshhhhhi
Nat- Matthew?!? No! Go sit down! Now!!
*He walks over to the bench and pouts as he sits down. Alex walks it off and Bucky is about to go talk to Matthew, pull out one of his old speeches he used in Steve. But that's when he sees Grant sitting next to him.*
Grant- do you want to be a hero? A good guy?
Matthew- yes!
Grant- then stop hitting people. Good guys only hit people when that person is mean or a danger to someone else. Got it?!
Matthew- yes..
*Nat and Bucky smile and Bucky looks at Nat*
Bucky- he's only 2 right?
Nat- almost 3... but yeah. He's still little, not get away with hitting people little but still little.*

*Present day*
Y/N- oh goodness, he's just like his dad. *Steve smiles proudly. You all laugh*
Steve- what?! He's gonna be a good man, I'm pretty happy about that!
Bucky- yeah yeah, well my kid is also a good man. *Bucky reminds Steve*
Steve- don't worry, the shield is still his.
*You laugh and Bucky smiles.*

*The kids all walk in to see you and you sit up so you can cuddle each one*
Grant- hi mama *You pull him close* I'm glad you're safe and home.
Y/N- me too, little wolf. *You kiss his head* were you scared? *He nods and tears up* don't be, sweetheart. Mama's okay. *You hold him for a minute and then Bucky pulls him back and holds him. It warms your heart that even though he is almost 10 he isn't embarrassed or scared to show his emotions or even sit with his dad. The girls are next. All of them*
Winnie- mama! You are awesome!! I saw you kick that evil Aunt Wanda through the portal!!
Y/N- what?!?
Bucky- Peter was live-streaming it to us for a moment. She didn't see everything, just the end.
*You give him and look and he gives a "sorry" face.*
Jonnie- mama are you hurt?
Y/N- only this much *You pinch your fingers together and she smiles*
Jonnie- so I can hug you?!
Y/N- you bet!!
*Elizabeth is just quiet. She climbs up with you and silently hugs you. Your sweet quiet girl showing her love in the most "Elizabeth" way. Odette is wild. She climbs on the bed and just talks about how she has been practicing the moves she saw you do.*
Odette- Grant let me try the kick move on him!
Grant- I did not! You just ran up and kicked me!
*You laugh and tell her to only do those moves in the gym and with an adult. She sighs and agrees. Carson walks in and she looks almost scared.*
Carson- mommy?
Y/N- yeah Carcar, it's me.
*She flings herself into your arms and cries as you hug her. Leaving really effected her. Steve rubs her back and kisses her head. In this moment you realized with this new set up Carson and Everly will be at risk of losing both parents each mission. A tear escapes and you hold her tight.*
Y/N- mommy and daddy are okay. We are here.
*She takes a shaky breath and you kiss her head again.*

*Eventually Alex comes in. He smiles and gives you a hug.*
Alex- glad you're okay. *You smile and squeeze his hand.* did dad tell you what a terror Matthew was?
*You laugh and nod.*
Nat- again Alex, I am so sorry. *He laughs*
Alex- I was dealing with terror Matthew way before y'all were, I understand. *Nat pats his back and Steve just laughs*

*Wanda and Vision walk in with they boys. Jonnie and Odette whisper*
Jonnie- I told you there was two! And they are cute!
*Odette giggles and shushes Jonnie. You laugh and see Bucky's head about to explode. You pull his hand to yours and hold it tight. He lays Ben with you and then sits beside you in bed.*
Wanda- y/n? The boys wanted to say something.
Tommy- thank you for saving us. We are happy to finally meet you all.
Billy- yeah, we heard so much about you. But it just wasn't the right time yet... whatever that means. *You smile and laugh. Wanda holds them close*
Vision- we can never thank you enough, y/n, Steve. It means the world to have our family together again.
*Steve shakes Vision's hand and you nod*

Y/N- okay, well I am ready to get out of this bed and move around!
Tony- hold on! Not so fast, see that machine you are hooked up to?? It is making sure you have no chaos magic left in you. When Evil Wanda zapped you she shot some of her magic into you. So far no weird mutant things have happened and it seems the magic is out of your body but we need another day to make sure.
*You sigh and lay back down.*
Y/N- fine, but if I turn into some weird mutant creature we are using the Time Machine!
Bucky- agreed! *You scowl at him* what?! I'm sorry but I draw the line at gills. *You roll your eyes and he laughs and kisses you.* I'd look past the gills, I promise.
*You wack his arm and kick him and everyone else out so you can sleep.*

*The next day Bruce, Tony, and Wanda clear you and you are able to leave the medbay. You head up to the room and when you walk in you see that the entire suite is so clean you could eat off the floor.*
Y/N- Oh. My. God.
Bucky- hey baby! Look at you! And no gills.
*He kisses you and you slap his ass.*
Y/N- did the kids-
Bucky- yes and no. The kids cleaned up their stuff everything else... I hired a maid.
*You look at his as he walks to put away some towels.*
Y/N- what's her name cause if she does this good of a job we will hire her weekly!
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- what? Not upset that someone else is in your domain cleaning and taking care of the house?
*You laugh*
Y/N- Some other women wants to come in and clean the dried milk stains and chocolate drippings from the couch and floor. Be. My. Guest!! *You pull him close* she can have that, I'll do all the other wifely and motherly duties. *You wink and kiss him*
Bucky- Mmhmm if Ben wasn't asleep in our bed right now *He growls against your lips*
Y/N- wait- why is he in our bed?!
Bucky- well- I- you see-
*Grant and Winnie emerge from your bedroom, pillows in hand and sleep in their eyes. Then files out Jonnie and Carson. Then Elizabeth and Everly followed by Odette. Even Alex shuffles out and waves a sleepy good morning. Bucky walks into the bedroom and you see little sleeping bags and  2 blowup mattresses. You laugh and grab Ben from the bed, he is still asleep.*
Y/N- did they want this? Or did you?
Bucky- well... it started with Grant, Ben, and Carson being very sad that you were gone. They sleep in here that first night. The rest crashed in here last night because they wanted to "be together"
*You laugh and kiss Bucky*
Y/N- so you wanted it, didn't you? *You tease and he laughs and kisses you*
Bucky- yeah, I did.

*The day is filled with getting aquatinted with Billy and Tommy and getting them moved into their rooms. Grant is so happy to have more boys his age. The days go by and before you know it the kids go back to school. Alex comes home the first day with surprising news.*
Alex- he's leaving *He slams his bag down and it startled Ben who cries. You hold him and look at Alex*
Y/N- who??
Alex- Sydney! Gave his two weeks and said he is "moving to his next chapter in life". Whatever that means. *You find it hard to breathe and you console him the best you can. He ends up sulking in his room, Sydney was one of his favorite teachers. When you have a moment you find the number you have for him and give him a call.*
Sydney- hello?
Y/N- this is it, isn't it. Your resignation is because Alex and the girls are about to go back.. aren't they?
*He is quiet*
Sydney- yes. *You let the tears fall* we will be back, mom. *You cry even more*
Y/N- but you'll be all grown up!
*You hear him laugh*
Sydney- No, we won't. I shouldn't tell you this but I will. We all choose to return to the ages we are now when we leave, we'll at least close to those ages.
*You sigh and try to calm your breathing*
Y/N- it doesn't ease the pain of not seeing you everyday.
*You hear him sniffle*
Sydney- I know... But, we will come back. We hated the fact that we would miss out on growing up with Matthew and Joshua. So we come back every year to celebrate their birthdays. You will se us more often than you think. *You sniffle* I have to go but I'm sure I will see you soon. I love you, mom.
Y/N- I love you too, Alex.
*He hangs up and you just hold your little baby Ben and cry.*

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