Valentine's pt 1

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*Bucky slides his hand up your thigh and give it a squeeze before letting go and turning back to the table like nothing happened

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*Bucky slides his hand up your thigh and give it a squeeze before letting go and turning back to the table like nothing happened. You want to be good, so good for him. You turn and continue to eat and try to focus on anything but his hand slowly stroking over your knee. Getting higher and higher with each pass. Just as your about to rest your head on his shoulder and shamelessly whimper in his ear, the waiter walks up.*
Waiter- would you like anything else tonight, sir?
*Bucky looks at you and smiles.*
Bucky- some dessert, please. *The waiter nods and walks away. You grab his suit jacket and pull him close for a kiss, one that's definitely not appropriate for public but you don't care at this moment. This is the first date night with your husband in years and this is the first Valentine's Day you've been able to celebrate for years. You need this.*
Y/N- if you get that dessert togo then I'll let you eat it off my body in the backseat of our car.
*Bucky smirks and raises his hand, flagging down the waiter without his gaze leaving yours. He is tempted to tell the waiter to wait another 20 minutes and then bring them dessert to the table. But he sees the look in your eyes and he know he'd have much more fun with feral you right now instead of bratty you later.*
Bucky- we actually need that dessert to go. If you don't mind.
Waiter- sure! I'll go put it in now. Do you still want the ice cream and whipped cream?
*Bucky lightly laughs and looks at the waiter.*
Bucky- yes please. And could we make the ice cream and whipped cream a triple order?
Waiter- not a problem, sir.
*He leaves the table and Bucky turns to you again. He leans in close and kisses your neck as he places his hand on your inner thigh. His real fingertips slowly brush over your clothed center. Bucky smirks against your skin as he feels your pulse at his fingers. He presses a little harder and you have to use all your strength not to buck up into his hand.*
Bucky- does that feel good, baby girl?
*He whispers against your skin as he moves your hair off your shoulders. You him and slowly melt into his touch.* Nah uh, look alive Doll. I'm doing some of my best teasing and pleasing here. *He nibbles your neck a little and then soothe sit with his tongue.* I need you to keep a look out while I make you soak these panties. *You sigh and open your eyes and look around to see if anyone is seeing this. They aren't, they are all focused on their own dates.*
Y/N- coast is clear *you voice is breathless and your breath hitches as Bucky rubs a little harder. You can't help but close your eyes and tilt your head back for a moment. Bucky growls low at the sight and pulls your face to look at him.*
Bucky- god, you're so beautiful *A tender, sweet word in between the lust. Oh how you love this man. He captures your lips in another filthy kiss. He starts to pull his hand away but you grab it to keep his fingers right where they are. He pays that back with a little pinch to your clothed clit and then removes his hand. You were too caught up in the moment to hear your waiter's footsteps returning, but Bucky heard and he didn't want to give this kid a free show.*
Bucky- be good *He whispers as he pats your thigh. He takes the bill and pays when the waiter brings the dessert out.* thank you! *Bucky tells the waiter* you've been great tonight. *Bucky leaves a generous tip and stands up to leave the table. He holds out his hand to you and you look at it and then look around.*
Y/N- I um- I think I may have- *You blush and whisper* I think I may have a wet spot on my dress. *Bucky looks you up and down and smirks. He slips off his jacket and hands it to you.*
Bucky- go check in the bathroom. *You nod and go to leave. He stops you, he looks you up and down again.* leave a little present in the pocket for me, huh? *He bites his lip and you blush and nod*
Y/N- Yes, Daddy *You whisper as you kiss his cheek and head to the bathroom.*

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