Cute Aggression

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*The rest of the day has a sad feeling to it

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*The rest of the day has a sad feeling to it. Knowing what's to come and there is no way to stop it. What makes it a little better is knowing the kids had such a great day.*
Y/N- how was it?!
Grant- good! Nora, Eli, and I got to be on the morning news!
Bucky- wow! That sounds fun!
Grant- it was!
Winnie- we start art tomorrow and we will be painting self portraits this time!
Y/N- oh yay! I need a good picture of you! *You tease and she laughs*
Odette- I was the fastest in PE!
Elizabeth- I have a note from my teacher about gifted testing
Jonnie- i don't have a note... but I have a picture I made! *You smirk and listen to them talk about their days. Carson and Everly are really quiet.*
Y/N- Carcar? Evi? How was your first day?
Carson- I made some new friends, so that was fun.
Everly- my teachers really nice.
*You smile and Bucky squeezes your hand. You all wait on Alex to be done? He comes out about an hour later*
Bucky- hey Alex! How was your day?
Alex- Umm good. Mr. Danes is a really good teacher. It's like he knew exactly how I needed to hear the lesson so I could understand it. *You gently smile and Bucky nods*
Bucky- well good! That's the sign of a great teacher!
*He shrugs and climbs in the car. You see Sydney walking out of the school and he waves to you. You smirk and wave back. Bucky drives home and the kids are talking about their days with each other. When you get home they all scatter to their normal places. Grant, Winnie, and Sarah go find Tony, Peter, and Thor to bother. Odette has started to drift towards wanting to hang out with Wanda. You're pretty sure she's teaching her magic. You don't really mind but you know Bucky might have something to say when he finds out. Elizabeth finds a good corner and a good book, she doesn't move till dinner. And Jonnie goes to play with the goats, Alpine, and Liho. You see Carson and Everly a little lost on what to do, Alex as well.*
Y/N- hey girls how about you go tell mommy and Daddy about your day. I'm sure they'd love to hear as well. Then you can go play with Jonnie or find Winnie or Odette. They smile and nod.*

Carson- daddy!! *She runs into the room and Steve turns around and catches her.*
Steve- hey Carcar! How was school?! I'm sorry I wasn't there to help pick you up.
Carson- that's okay. It was good!! I made new friends and I can't wait to go back!
Steve- really?! That's awesome!!
*Everly comes in and sits next to Nat.*
Everly- hey mama
Nat- hey Evie! How was a school?!
Everly- good, I'm a little bored in my class though.
Nat- why's that?
Everly- I learned it all already.
*Nat looks at Steve and he shrugs. He sets Carson down and she runs off to find Jonnie.*
Steve- what do you mean Evie?
Everly- back home I learned at my own pace... I was teaching myself algebra-
Steve- what?!
*She looks scared*
Everly- is that bad?!
Nat- No honey, no! *She hugs her tight.* that's just a really hard thing for someone who's 8! So that you are already doing it, that's really cool.
*She smiles and hugs Nat. Steve just smiles, he can't wait to brag to Tony.*

Tony- Bullshit. No way cyborg/dry erase marker board brain and KGB sweetheart over there made a genius baby. Nope! Won't believe it.
Bucky- first off... that burn was pretty good, I'll give you that. *He gives him a fist bump and Tony laughs* second, I'll have you know I was- am pretty damn smart. I was a huge nerd back in the day.
Steve- it's true! On his last day as a free man he went to a glorified science fair! Your dad actually presented!
Bucky- yeah! Which by the way, he said we'd have flying cars... where are they?
*Tony shrugs and just moves on*
Tony- where is she, I'll test her knowledge.
Nat- okay, she's not you level genius, at least not yet. But she's 8 and she's doing algebra, which she taught to herself.
*Tony nods and goes to a closet in his workshop. He rummages through  and pulls out and old test book.*
Tony- I'll give her a test, she's how she's does.
*Bucky and Nat smile and get Everly. You grab Elizabeth as well. Her teacher wanted her to take the gifted test so you want to see just how much she knows. Both girls take the test and pass with flying colors. Tony looks them over and he gets more and more shocked as he graded them.*
Tony- okay... this was high school level math and they aced it! I'm making calls, they need to be moved up-
Bucky- whoa whoa- hold on. Just cause their math if excelled doesn't mean the rest did. We need accurate testing in all subjects before we do anything like moving grades. *You and Nat agree. He nods and then looks at everyone and smirks* mighty I also point out... I'm the common factor in these kids. *You and Nat roll your eyes and you point him where you know he's ticklish. He gives you a warning look and you laugh and put your hands up. *
Nat- anyway! Mr. Genius, how do you suppose we go about testing them?
Bucky- we can talk to the Admin at school tomorrow.
*You and Nat agree. Elizabeth looks up at you and smiles. She whispers*
Elizabeth- can I go read now? *You nod and rub her back as she walks away. Everly follows and they start talking about the book she's reading.*

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