You Catch Me and I Catch You

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*it's been about a week since the kids left

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*it's been about a week since the kids left. It's late one night as you are putting the kids to bed it all comes rushing back. Since Kang attacked the kids haven't slept in their rooms, which means all of Carson and Everly's things are there with Winnie. Same with Alex's things in Grant's room. Winnie hugs you tight and pulls the blankets around her as you tuck her in.*
Winnie- mama? Can I sleep with Evie's lamb?
*You tear up*
Y/N- I'll ask your daddy and maybe tomorrow, okay?
*She nods and snuggles in. Looking around her empty room. You look around at the empty beds.*
Y/N- grab your blankets and follow me, Winnie.
*She does and you lead her into the triplets room. You move Jonnie around and Winnie climbs in bed with her and you tuck them both in.*
Y/N- Goodnight sweet girls.
*They all say goodnight and drift off to sleep. You put Ben's crib in Grants room and tuck them both in.*

*as you lock up the house you see Bucky in the girls room, the empty one. He is sitting in Carson's bed and holding Everly's lamb.*
Y/N- got any room?
*He slides over and you come sit next to him. You take a deep breath and lean your head against his shoulder.*
Y/N- I think we need to plan when we are heading back home.
*Bucky looks down at you*
Y/N- I've been reading about grief and what's the best way to- *You voice breaks* way to move forward after you've lost a child. *Bucky holds you tight.* I know they aren't dead but they are gone and our life a has to go on. *You look at him* everything says we need to try and get back to a normal routine as best as possible. Not too structured or to stressful, but simple things like, going back to work or sending the kids back to school. Those were just examples that were given. I think for us the best way is to get back home. *Bucky nods and rubs your back as you cry a little.*
Y/N- we will need to clean and store some stuff-
Bucky- later, baby. Not now. *You sniffle and he kisses your head.* but we can start packing and making plans to go home. *He looks down at you* I think you're right and that's the best way to move forward.
*You two stay there for a bit and then you lead Bucky back to the bedroom.*

Bucky- I can't baby- I just can't-
*You shush Bucky and kiss his chest as you lift off his shirt.*
Y/N- it's just a shower, baby. That's all I'm asking for. *He looks like he is about to protest again* I'll grab the monitor and even stay in her with you- or join you if you want. *Bucky sighs and nods.*
Bucky- okay. Just a quick one though.
Y/N- that's all, can you do that?
*He nods and you help him undress. He stands under the spray of the water as you toss his clothes in the hamper and lay out some clean ones for him. He hasn't showered since that day after the fight. He hasn't wanted to be away from you or the kids for that long and you all certainly weren't showering together. Although about day 5 of no shower you consider breaking out the swim suites and having a big bath party. By day 7 now you are hanging on by a thread, you love your husband and you know he's in a dark place right now, even after the toast and sharing the happy memories; but even Bucky Barnes can get nasty and not the good kind. You look at the monitor and see the kids sound asleep. You set it down on the counter and look at Bucky. He is washing his hair now, finally moving around. You lean against the counter and he arch as he takes care of himself, sudsing up his hair and then his body. Washing away the past couple of days and the pain along with it. Your heart is so full with the knowledge that he cares so much, he truly is a softy in the best of ways.*
Y/N- I'm gonna get ready for bed, if that's okay.
Bucky- stay, please? Join me. *The last phrase a command more than an ask. It's one you are ready to comply to. You gently nod and strip off your clothes, joining him in the shower. He wraps you in his arms and the water rushes over you both. He whispers against your lips.* I love you and you're right; we need to go home. *He brushes your cheek with his thumb.* I'll get all the outside toys and chairs packed up and stored tomorrow. *You nod and kiss his nose.* we can be home by Friday. *He rubs your back and then kisses your forehead.*
Bucky- thank you for always being my wife. Not just my friend who sees my hurt and my lover who feels it. But my wife; who lives it with me. Who walks along side me and lifts me up when I can't go anymore. *He kisses you*
Y/N- you don't have to thank me, Bucky. I love being your wife and I am alway here. You catch me and I catch you.
*Bucky nods and kisses you again. His hands start to roam your body but you are quickly pulled out of the moment by a crying Ben.*
Y/N- he's just hungry. He didn't eat much today, I may need to nurse him.
*Bucky hums.*
Bucky- is there a bottle ready?
Y/N- yeah, a couple. *Bucky nods and stapes out of the shower and grabbing a towel.*
Bucky- okay, you get clean up and I'll go feed him.
Y/N- okay, but then can you bring him into the room, please?
*He smiles and kisses your nose again*
Bucky- I already planned on it. *You gently smile.* you catch me; I catch you.

*Bucky feeds Ben and then gets him in the little pack n' play in the room. He pulls you close and drifts off to sleep in your arms; freshly cleaned and in the arms of his wife.*

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