Children Of The Future

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*You are mortified, you quickly start hitting buttons to turn it off

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*You are mortified, you quickly start hitting buttons to turn it off. Thankfully you found the right one. Tony just stares at Bucky*
Tony- I was trying to do something nice for you, have a little virtual experience to take your kids through, let them see where you grew up and stuff... but now-
Y/N- Tony just redo it, I know you can. You're a genius.
*Tony looks at you and sighs*
Tony- yes I am but now I'll have to spend the next 10 minutes redoing all of this and now my whole afternoon is thrown off!
*You laugh and shake your head. You watch over his shoulder and makes sure he deletes the little part with you and Bucky. He looks back at you and sees you looking over at the kids in the yard. He starts to save it and you catch him*
Y/N- Tony!
*He laughs and deletes it.*
Tony- I would have only saved it for you chai... or for blackmail.. only time would tell. *You roll your eyes and give him a shove. He laughs and looks at Bucky. Bucky acts mad until you're gone.*
Bucky- so-
*Tony hands him a little flash drive*
Tony- you know I already made you two freaks a copy. Here *Bucky accepts it and laughs.*
Bucky- thanks!

*He catches up ti you and waves it in front of your face. You gasp and chase after him but Ben's crying cat he's your attention.*
Grant- mama? I think he's hungry!
*You nod and take him into the bedroom where Bucky is already saving the file to his computer. He smirks and you just shake you're head*
Y/N- we have enough sex tapes! We don't need anymore!
Bucky- well then stop jumping my bones when there are camera near!
*He teases and you hit his good arm. You sit down with Ben and nurse him.*

*The kids get back into their daily summer routine. Sam and Yelena are in a good routine with Jackson and Charlie. Nat has her hands full with Samuel starting to walk, he just wants to keep up with everyone. The days go by quicker than you could imagine and before you know it the summer is almost over. You walk into the conference room and see Tony and Steve talking.*
Tony- they could really use our help.
Steve- yeah- *You walk in* oh hey y/n
Y/N- hey, what are y'all talking about?
*They look at each other*
Steve- you know that orphanage?
Y/N- the one that's been taking in the kids rescued  Hydra?
Steve- yeah, well they need our help.
Y/N- how so?
Tony- well a lot of them don't have families to go back to and no one wants them because they may have been tested on.
Y/N- that's horrible.
Steve- yeah, so we are trying to figure out how we can help them. They are running out of space and they need something that will be able to handle growing children.
*You think for a moment*
Y/N- do you still own the tower in the city?
Tony- yes, why?
Y/N- over 100 floors with thousands of room. Top notch security and right down the road from some of the best schools in the state, but it's also big enough to house its own school for the kids as well.
*Tony looks at Steve and they both smile*
Tony- I like where your head it as Chai
*You smile and Bucky comes walking in with Ben.*
Bucky- what are y'all conspiring about?
Tony- how to save the children of the future. Your wife's got some brilliant ideas.
*Bucky smiles down at you and kisses your head.*
Bucky- yeah she's pretty smart.
Steve- let's get a plan together and then present it to the team. See what they think
*Tony agrees, They walk out talking about plans and who they need to call.*
Bucky- you gonna fill me in?
*You smile and take Ben.*
Y/N- yeah but Let's finish packing. We need to be leaving for Wakanda early tomorrow.

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