Get Their Groove Back

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‼️It's been a hot minute!! So sorry! The next chapter will make up for it!! 🫠😉😋😏🤤🥵 and hopefully that will be posted Sunday night!! ‼️

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‼️It's been a hot minute!! So sorry! The next chapter will make up for it!! 🫠😉😋😏🤤🥵 and hopefully that will be posted Sunday night!! ‼️

*As Grant is going over the rules Steve pulls Nat to the side*
Steve- do you think it will work??
Nat- yes Steve, as I've said they are predictable.
Sam- why are we whispering?!
Steve- so they don't hear our plan.
Yelena- what's the plan again?
Steve- really?! *He looks at Nat and she smiles* keep the kids occupied so Bucky and y/n can get their groove back.
Yelena- go it!

Grant- Everyone understand?!
*He is so excited as he tells you all how to play. You get a little nervous, everyone running around in the dark? Sounds like you're gonna be in the ER later that night. Steve realizes this game won't work for their plan*
Steve- what if we played hide and go seek instead Grant??
Grant- we could play flashlight hide and go seek!
Y/N- that sounds good!
Bucky- much safer!
Steve- not as much running into people. *Steve adds to sweeten the pot*
Nat- this could double as stoke stealth training! *She says to get Bucky really into the game*
*Bucky glares at her, Nat can't see it but she can feel it. You give him a nudge.*
Y/n- behave.
Grant- okay! Who wants to be first?!
*Everyone looks around, Bucky is about to say something when Steve volunteers.*
Steve- I'll do it! Sounds like fun.

*Bucky shrugs and Steve starts counting and you all run off to hide. Peter shoots a web into the ceiling and disappears. Wanda flys away, Nat and Yelena are gone in the blink of an eye. The kids run off yelling and trying to confuse Steve as he counts. You take off down the hall. You feel someone following you, yet you still hear Steve counting so you know it's not him. You whip around and slam whoever it is against the wall. You can't see their face but you know the feeling of the chest your arm is across.*
Y/N- Bucky?! Go hide somewhere else! I'm not getting caught with you. *You let him go and he pulls you back*
Bucky- oh yes you are! *He whispers as he pulls you with him into the closet. You giggle and try to pull away. You hear Steve getting close to being done.*
Y/N- he's gonna check the closet!
Bucky- well then lead the way, but I'm coming with you *He winks, you can't see it, eyes are still adjusting to the dark, but you know he winks because you know Bucky too well* we are a package deal. *You roll your eyes* don't roll your eyes at me, you don't seem to mind me being all over you when I-
Y/N- okay enough. Just shut up and follow me!
*You giggle and Bucky squeezes your ass as he follows you. Your eyes start to adjust and it's almost as easy to see as it is in the day time, thank you Super Soldier Serum!*
Bucky- what about here? *He asks about a vent along the wall*
Jonnie- occupied *She whispers and you laugh*
Y/N- come here
*You lead Bucky to the other side of the compound. Every spot is already taken by the other adults so you sneak into the library and along the back wall.*
Bucky- not gonna lie, I didn't realize we had a library.
*You laugh*
Y/N- yeah, that's because all your books are currently taking over the back wall in our living room. Tony literally made us all our own shelves! *You point to Bucky's empty one*
Bucky- oooh! *He looks at everyone's full ones* that's why they all think I'm stupid.
*You giggle and pull him close*
Y/N- No, that's because of your good looks. *You tease* it would be unfair for you to be so pretty and smart. *Bucky laughs and pulls you closer, nibbling your neck and palming your ass.* come on!
*You pull him along the back wall to a door that leads to the observatory*
*You shush him and laugh*
Y/N- yes! How have you never seen this side of the compound?!
Bucky- because, my rooms was on the other side, yours was on the other side. Then that's where our suite is now. Steve and Nat are over there. The gym, kitchen, med bay, weapon lock up, garage, it's all over there! *You laugh and shake your head* my life is on the other side of this building. *You kiss him*
Y/N- well it is fairly new. Tony built it after the kids went back. *Bucky nods and pulls you close*
Bucky- I guess I wouldn't have really noticed anything new during that time. *You kiss him*
Y/N- so just to note, if you can't find Elizabeth, she's most likely in here or the library.
*Bucky nods and sits with you on one of the benches.*
Bucky- how is this a good hiding spot though?! The walls are glass.
*you laugh*
Y/N- because I don't think Steve knows about it either. *Bucky smiles* also we will be able to see his flashlight move along the hallway that leads this way so we will know if he is coming and we can sneak out through the secret passage-
Bucky- A SECRET-
Y/N- shhhh yes *you laugh*

*You and Bucky sit in the silence. You hear the kids screaming as they get caught and run. You just smile*
Bucky- how could you keep this from me? Your nerdy husband whose last night of fun was at a glorified science fair! *You laugh*
Y/N- I really thought you knew! I say your shelf was empty but I thought it was just a trauma thing. *Bucky looks at you* like you wanted to keep your possessions close and keep them for yourself and us. *You smile and then lay with his hair* I wasn't gonna push you on it. But now that I know you were just in the dark-
Bucky- I'm not moving my personal books in here. My academic books? Sure. But The Hobbit stays with me! *You smile*
Y/N- okay, baby. *You kiss him*
*You think for a minute*
Y/N- whenever you walk the grounds and train outside, how have you never noticed this??
*You look at him*
Bucky- I mean I did, but I figured it was Tony's. He hardly lets us in his workshop, I wasn't about to ask him about his telescope room!
*You laugh and kiss him again*
Y/N- well now you know!
*Bucky looks around and then up at the stars. He smirks and then laughs*
Y/N- what??
Bucky- nothing, I'm just thinking of all the ways I'm gonna debouch this room with you and fuck you under the stars. *He bites his lip* or even better like right now, *He pulls you into his lap* in a rainstorm. *He kisses your neck and you moan. Now you're kicking yourself for not mentioning it sooner. Having sex during a rainstorm in this room, sounds too fucking good.*
Y/N- Mmhmm fffuck!
*You kiss him and wrap your hands around his neck*
Bucky- Mmhmm oh yeah, it's definitely happening. No cameras in here, right??
Y/N- we can turn them off. And there are no bedrooms down this way except for the guest ones that no one is in.
*A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky and it starts to pour again. Bucky smirks at you*
Y/N- they will notice we are gone.
*Bucky shrugs*
Bucky- or not and they will spend all game looking for us.
*He slips his hand down your front of your pants and you gasp*
Y/N- what if they find us?! *You moan*
Bucky- I'll take that chance! When's the last time we got to let loose and just fuck each other. *You whimper* cause last I remember, it was Christmas, 2 years ago. Ben was almost four and it was the first year we could go back to Whoville. *You groan at the feeling of his fingers moving around your clothes center.* We dove into helping everyone else and healing, Stevie and Nat got their sexy getaways, even Sam and Yelena. But where was ours?? We deserve a good, loud, fuck. *He nibbles at your neck and you whimper loudly and beg*
Y/N- please Bucky?! Oh please?!?
Bucky- that's it baby girl. Keep begging, keep saying my name. I've got you. *He kisses you and moves you to the floor. He lays you down for a moment and you wiggle beneath him, needing him to take you here and now. Without you seeing Bucky sends a text to Nat and Steve.*

Bucky- are we predictable? Yup! So you know what that means... the observatory is closed for the night 😉. We need this so please let us have it. You've got two years worth of your hide away home visits, let us have this rainstorm!?

Steve- 😂 okay, thanks for the heads up. That was my next stop to find you two! Everyone else has been found.

Nat- enjoy! We will make sure no one goes down that way.

Bucky- thanks guys, also..... Fuck you both got never mentioning the observatory before! 🖕🏻😡

Nat- 😂 we thought you knew!

Steve- my bad! I was suppose to tell you when Tony opened it.

Bucky- 😒🙄

Steve- Oh don't even
*Bucky has notifications silenced*
*End texts*

Nat- well took them long enough.
Steve- for real, honestly I never thought they'd get back into their normal grove. After the other kids left and then the kids getting older and more busy, along with getting back into the field. It felt weird that they were like passing ships sometimes. And when they weren't they were helping all of us!
Sam- to be fair y'all said they tried this morning and you two broke it up.
Nat- yeah to get back here so we could at least have their children at home and with their normal comforts.
Steve- that reminds me, Tony?! *Tony looks over.* we are good to go.
Tony- thank god!
*Tony flips back on the power to the kitchen, living room, and gym. Places you can't see from the observatory so you won't see the light.*
Grant- Aww man! I was having fun!
*Steve smiles at Nat and she laughs*
Nat- how about we get some ice cream?!
*The kids cheer*
Odette- where's mama?
Winnie- yeah, and dad? They will be upset if they miss ice cream!
*Steve laughs*
Steve- we will get them some. They needed to have an important talk. Come on let's order pizza too!
*The kids cheer some more*

*You pull Bucky attention back to you which a simple whimper*
Y/N- Bucky
*He kisses you*
Bucky- I've got you baby girl. And we've got all night. *He bites his lip and you melt*

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