Brave And Strong Till The End

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‼️TW- talks of death, death, funeral, just overall sadness

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‼️TW- talks of death, death, funeral, just overall sadness. No one dies that isn't already dead... it will make sense once you read!!🥺‼️

*You and Bucky head back to the kitchen and he is in a noticeable better mood. Tony just rolls his eyes, Nat smiles, happy that you two are finding time for one another again, and Steve just laughs.*
Steve- feeling better, Bucky??
Bucky- Yup! But not for the reasons you think.
*He pats Steve's shoulder* Tony? Y/n picked tonight to use her Christmas gift. We will have a lot of stops to make, do you think we will have enough pim particles?
Tony- oh yeah, we've got plenty. Who is all going?
Bucky- the kids and us.
Grant- where are we going?
*You look at Bucky and smile. He nods*
Y/N- we are gonna meet your grandparents *You smile, Steve looks at Bucky. Tony looks at Nat and then you*
Tony- I'm assuming only the three and not-
*You and Bucky glare at Tony and he laughs as he lifts his hands* okay, family drama, not mine to share.
*Pepper rubs his shoulder*
Pepper- have you seen your mom... *She looks at the kids and then you* Umm since-
*You gently smile*
Y/N- No, I haven't. This will be the first time we go back to her.
*She nods and smiles*
Pepper- I hope it's exactly what you need.
*You thank her and look at Bucky*
Y/N- after you, baby.
*He kisses your head and sighs*
Bucky- alright kids, finish up dinner and then go get dressed like you would for our mini missions. Ben you go with mama and get dressed.
Grant- yes!
Winnie- okay!
Odette- sounds fun!
Elizabeth- are we gonna be in danger?!
Jonnie- who cares!
Ben- what are we doing??
*You laugh and sit with the kids as you start to eat. When you're done you get Ben and get him dressed, little black shirt and black athletic pants. He has little combat boots and a little black windbreaker to match.*
Ben- how do I look mama?
*You smile and ruffle his hair*
Y/N- you look so cute! *You kiss his cheek and send him downstairs with the rest of the kids while you get dressed. Bucky walks in and sees you slipping into your stealth gear. Since having your six children you have opted for a combat suit that has a little more support. You can still wear your old black widow suit and you look great in it, but these days it's used more in the bedroom than it is out in the field. Now you have thicker black pants, they still huh your ass though, and a fitted top that lays beneath your vest. You have straps on your thighs that hold knives and a holster that goes over your vest that holds your guns. It's a very feminine play on Bucky's new White Wolf/ Winter Soldier combat suit. He whistle as he sees you strapping on your thigh holsters.*
Bucky- Mmhmm are you expecting a fight? I mean I thought you and my mom got along last time you met?
*You laugh and turn around to look at Bucky.*
Y/N- we will be going back to slightly dangerous times, at least to visit my mom. I figured we should at least be armed. * Bucky nods and agrees as he sits on the edge of the bed as you walk over. You lift your foot up and rest it on his thigh, you cock an eyebrow and smirk as you nod to your holster. He lightly laughs and reaches up to tighten it. He pats the inside of your thigh before he gives it a squeeze. You hum and move in closer, straddling his lap. You kiss him and rub his chest.*
Y/N- how are you feeling? About all this?
*Bucky sighs*
Bucky- good *He smiles* really good. I'm excited to see them all again. How about you? Are you ready to meet your mom again?
*You nod*
Y/N- yes. I don't know what to expect, honestly. Is she gonna be nice? Or cold and hardened by what Pierce did to her? Are my memories of her correct? I'm ready but very nervous, I don't want to be be disappointed, you know?
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- yeah, I know. We do it your way and at your pace. We can go there first or we can go see my parents. Whatever you want, this is your gift.
*You nod*
Y/N- okay, *You take a breath* let's go see Elizabeth.
*Bucky nods and gives you a simple kiss*
Bucky- okay, let's go.

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