Not Havin' It

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Bucky- don't give them a full run down of the night

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Bucky- don't give them a full run down of the night. Just tell them when it started to go wrong.
*You roll your eyes*
Y/N- don't mind him, he's just grumpy.
*Steve laughs* I was partnered with Ben and Matthew. Everyone had coms in their ears and we were working together to move around the compound. He got the hang of it so quickly that I allowed him and Grant to team up-
Bucky- Thats when Winnie and I got back
*Nat smiles*
Nat- how was that?! Did she love it? I want Steve to take Sarah on a little daddy/ daughter date.
Bucky- it was great!
*Bucky beams, his mood shifts*

‼️After Bucky and Winnie leave.‼️
Winnie- Dad? Where are we going?
*Bucky smiles at Winnie through the rearview mirror.*
Bucky- Your favorite place for dinner and then some ice cream! We will finish with a special stop. *Winnie smiles*
Winnie- to Cheesecake Factory!
*Bucky laughs and pulls away. The whole way there Winnie is singing to the radio and Bucky just listens. They park and head inside, they seat Bucky's and Winnie right away which is good because Bucky can tell Winnie is getting hungry.*
Bucky- alright, what do you want to eat?
Winnie- hmmm... chicken! And maybe some rice.
Bucky- you got it!
*They order and get their food. Once she has food in her belly Bucky starts asking the real questions.*
Bucky- so Winnie boo? How is school? The girls being nice? The boys bothering you?
*Winnie smiles*
Winnie- yeah, even Nora seems to be coming around. *Winnie smiles* and boys... *Winnie sighs* they are stupid and only care about dumb things now.
*Bucky smiles*
Bucky- Atta girl!
*Winnie laughs and finishes her food. They talk more about school and how Winnie wants to train more.*
Bucky- you really wanna train more?
*Winnie nods excitedly*
Winnie- well yeah. I mean it's nice training with everyone else but I'd like to train more with you and mom. Can we make that happen?
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- yes, yes we can.
*He orders dessert and Winnie eats a whole cheesecake slice by herself. Once they head to the car Bucky decides to let her in on the surprise.*
Bucky- okay, so your surprise is *He pauses dramatically and Winnie laughs*
Winnie- Dad?!?
Bucky- okay okay, we are gonna go over to that store over there and I'm gonna get you a special locket.*
*Winnie looks to where he points and it's a really nice jewelry store. She gasps and smiles*
Winnie- really?!?
*Bucky nods. He puts an arm around her shoulder and they walk over to the store.*
Bucky- go look at the lockets.
*She heads over and looks around. She sees one she really likes and turns to Bucky.*
Winnie- can I have this one?!
*It's silver and has a bigger chain than what he would have chosen but Winnie seems to like it. It has an etched heart on the outside.*
Bucky- you sure can Winnie boo.
*She smiles up at him and he squeezes her shoulder. He nods the the person behind the counter and they grab out the locket. Bucky writes something down and the man nods and heads to the back. About 10 minutes later he walks back out with the locket and hands it to Bucky all wrapped up.*
Bucky- thank you so much
*Bucky pays and then they head out to the car. While Winnie get settled in the back Bucky checks over the locket to make sure it's right, he smiles and then goes to the back where Winnie is.*
Bucky- here, check this out, Winnie boo.
*Winnie takes the locket and on the back it says "you are worth far more than Gold". Winnie looks up at Bucky*
Winnie- Dad? What does this mean?
*Bucky gently smiles and takes Winnie's hand and gives it a squeeze. He then takes the locket and puts it on for her while he explains.*
Bucky- it means that you, my sweet girl, are worth more than all the precious gems and gold in the world. It means that your worth can't be measured, not by things, not by accomplishments, and especially not by teenage boys. You are special and loved, Winnie. And anyone who makes you feel less than that is not worth your heart. *Bucky wipes the stray tear he sees slipping down Winnie's face.* do you understand?
*Winnie nods. She leaps forward and hugs Bucky tight as she whispers*
Winnie- thanks daddy, I love you.
*Bucky kisses her head and tears up a little too.*
Bucky- I love you too, Winnie. Now *He pulls back and looks at her* if anyone and I mean anyone makes you question your worth, you look at this and remind yourself of how much you are worth, to me, your mom, your siblings and friends. You are loved.
*Winnie sniffles and nods.*
Bucky- now, about extra training. How about we head home, I think your mom was planning on laying thunderdome with everyone as some training.
*Winnie smiles*
Winnie- okay!
*They head home*

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