I'm Ready To Comply

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‼️DADDY!!! Oh my god! 🤤😍😉😏😅😈😋😛😈❤️ see the hair isn't that bad when it's styled right!! 😏🤤😋‼️

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‼️DADDY!!! Oh my god! 🤤😍😉😏😅😈😋😛😈❤️ see the hair isn't that bad when it's styled right!! 😏🤤😋‼️

*You say Bucky's words and he opens his eyes in the black room. It's not as black as it was after Alex told him what AU Winter did, but it's still kinda gloomy. But there is something new, a bed. Like the one Winter would share with y/n when he would sneak into her room in Hydra. Bucky smiles*
Bucky- I like that the bed is back! *Winter cracks the slightest smile* hey, cheer up! You're about to see y/n! *At that the room gets a little brighter.. just a little* there, that's the spirit!
Winter- you married Odette?
*He asks Bucky with a stoic look on his face.*
Bucky- yeah, I did. Now maybe you should think about popping the question to her. *Winter slightly smiles again*
Winter- I don't know if the world would survive the "honeymoon" we would have after the fact.
*Bucky laughs and pats his back*
Bucky- yeah it would. But we can talk about that later, go, I need a nap. Try not to exhaust her too much!
*Winter laughs*
Winter- no promises! It's been a while since I've gotten to throw her around a bit.
*Bucky laughs*
Bucky- yeah, well. She's pretty excited to do it may be you tossed around.
*Winter smirks*
Winter- I'm fine with that too

*He opens his eyes and sees you laying naked on the bed, draped over the pillows like an offering. He practically growls as he jumps on the bed and boxes you in. His kisses are fierce and you know he's ready to devour you. And you know just what to do to get him to properly wreck you. You ghost your hands over his back and grab at his ass as you whimper against his lips*
Y/N- Mmhmm Sergeant, I'm ready to comply.
*He pulls back and smirks down at you.*
Winter- I've missed you, princess.

‼️Sorry... I had to be a teasing little 😈 The next part will be posted on Thursday!! A nice Thirsty Thursday for you! 😉🤤‼️

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