Not Till He Says So

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‼️This is so embarrassingly short that Wattpad actually asked me "you want to post or keep writing" 😅😩 I'm so sorry I've been MIA

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‼️This is so embarrassingly short that Wattpad actually asked me "you want to post or keep writing" 😅😩 I'm so sorry I've been MIA. Everything's fine, just been really busy. This next chapter wasn't going to be pure smut but I felt so bad about keeping y'all waiting so I gave you a teaser of what's to come. I won't post tomorrow but I WILL post on Thursday! 😈😏🥰😅❤️‼️

*Bucky smirks down at you as he flicks his hips.  His pace is hitting all the right spots and he knows it too. He can tell just by the way you clench around him and how your moans are needier. So to be a little mean and draw this out as long as possible he slows down. You groan and throw your head back in frustration as he laughs to himself and bites his lip. He leans down and starts to kiss and nibble on your neck. Finding your sweet spot there and just lapping over it with his tongue as he makes the most incredible sounds. You whimper as his tip drags over your g-spot. He pulls out just enough to pass over it and then he pushes back in right past it. It's almost like your cockwarming except for the sensual move of his hips and the delicious pleasure that builds a little more with each slow thrust.*
Y/N- Bucky *Your voice is needy and already hoarse.* please *You whimper, just needing to move more*
Bucky- shh shhh I've got you baby girl.
Y/N- I said fuck me, not- *You grab at his shoulders as he gives you a hard but slow thrust.*
That!! *You could cry, you are so overstimulated from the night before and what he was doing felt so good. Your eyes roll back as he does it again.*
Bucky- I am baby girl. *He does it again  and you cry out. You can hear how wet you are, the sounds of your skin slowly moving together, it's sounds so obscene yet it's the sweetest form of intimacy.*
Y/N- please Bucky?! *You grab his ass and squeeze.* fuck me!! Don't make me-
Bucky- what? Beg? I think we are past that Doll, *Bucky sits up and grabs your hips. His grasp leaving bruises.* but I'll give you what you're begging for. *He pulls out and you all but scream at the loss. He moans and rubs up your body, reassuring you as he does.*
Y/N- No no no *You whine and whimper, not able to really protest the way you would if it wasn't 6 in the morning.*
Bucky- shhh, I've got you baby. Look at me, do you trust me? *Your eyes full with tears as you meet his loving gaze. Even while he's being a teasing little shit you can't help but melt under his eyes.*
Y/N- I trust you
*You whimper out your answer and Bucky has to grab his dick so he doesn't cum all over you. Seeing you like this, spread below him, naked and sweaty, right on the edge of bliss. Your lips red and your cheeks pink. Dark bruises on your hips and thighs from the night before. Your pussy dripping with arousal and cum- from last night, this morning from Bucky. He definitely came inside you in his sleep and that's what woke him up needing more, god he loves you like this. He loves you every way... this ways special though. No brattiness, no games, no rules, just him fucking the daylights out of his wife. And you're begging for it, the things he's about to do to you.*
Bucky- good girl. Now we've got about an hour before the kids are awake.  Maybe 2. And I wanna see how many times you can cum before our times up. *You whimper and squeeze your legs shut. Knowing you'll finally get to cum... but then Bucky's gonna make sure you don't stop, not till he says so.*
Y/N- yes sir
Bucky- good girl *His smirk could eat you alive and you wouldn't have it any other way.*

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