What Could Have Been, Never Was, And Meant To Be

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*The morning comes and you are still wrapped in Bucky's arms; your bodies still connected from the night before

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*The morning comes and you are still wrapped in Bucky's arms; your bodies still connected from the night before. You hide a little as you pull apart and head to the bathroom to shower and get ready for the day. Today was your day with Carson, Everly, and Alex. You are taking them on a little trip through the city and you're gonna get lunch with them. Nat is going to take them out for dinner, with all the little ones you and Nat thought it best for one of you to stay back with the men and give a hand. It was one thing when it was just 2 baby boys. Now it's Matthew and Joshua thrown in the mix and even Anthony when he really gets whiny... it seemed like the best option to have another mama at the ready. There will be a big Barnes family dinner- with Everly included the following night and then a Rogers family dinner- with Carson included the next night. Everyone getting their time together before the big day.*
Y/N- Alex? Carson? Everly? Come on we don't want to be late!
Bucky- late? What are you doing?
Y/N- Shuri made some tech for them to take with them. Help them travel through time a little easier. Help keep in touch through time. She is meeting us at 10.
*Bucky nods and kisses you goodbye. Ben pulls himself up to stand by your pants and you laugh and pick him up.*
Y/N- you gonna be good for daddy or scream all day? Huh?! *Ben giggles and you kiss his cheek. You hand him to Bucky and he already starts pouting.*
Bucky- oh please. The minute she leaves I'll give you a bottle and turn on Bluey and you'll be happy as ever! *Bucky tickles his belly and Ben squeals. You laugh and kiss Bucky again*
Y/N- bye, love you!
*The kids come downstairs and meet you outside. You make your way to Shuri's lab and she's ready and waiting.*
Shuri- y/n! Welcome! Hello kids, want to get started?
*The girls nod and Alex looks around wide eyed.*
Alex- wow! This place is amazing!
*You smile and shuri leans over.*
Shuri- Thats exactly what Bucky said when he woke up here. *You laughs* okay. First tool I have for you!
*Shuri shows them the gadgets she has. Long range communicator. So they can make phone calls and leave messages even when they are back in the 80's. Suits to help absorb any radiation that are emitted in time travel. Face altering tech that's even better than the ones the avengers have. And the last one that even you didn't know she was working on and making.*
Shuri- this one I had help making. Wanda used some magic and I made the tech to house it. We created these watches that while you are wearing them you won't age. If you take them off you will age like normal but while they are on you will be stuck at whatever age and health condition you are in, yet you will still be able to move and go about life without being stuck.
Y/N- like what Wanda did to future Winnie?
Shuri- exactly but this is better because you can turn it on and off. *The kids nod and look at you. You gently smile* I made 4 just in case.
Y/N- when you say health condition-
Shuri- if something unfortunate were to happen and let's say someone got hurt. You put this on and it would literally stop the bleeding. Like they were frozen in time. It gives them the ability to get help.
*You nod*
Y/N- okay we need to order like 100 more of these for the avengers
*Shuri laughs and nods*
Shuri- Tony already ordered them and paid me.
*You laugh and smile. You look at the kids and they look scared but excited.*
Y/N- well thank you shuri! This will help greatly!
*You hold the girls hands and walk back through the city. You find a nice place to eat and get seated*
Y/N- so? How are y'all feeling?
Everly- okay. I mean we were doing mission stuff back home too. But this is like grown up level stuff. *You nod and hold her hand.*
Alex- we will be okay, mom. *He assures her* we've survived worse.
*You tear up and nod*
Carson- why'd you have to make her cry! *she whines to Alex.* it's okay mama *She hugs you tight*
Y/N- I know baby. I'm just gonna miss you all so much! *You pull Everly into a hug too and hold Alex's hand.* you're my babies!
*The girls giggle and Alex smiles. You eat and talk about random things. Things to get their mind off the coming days. The girls are silly and sing all the way home. You hold Alex's arm as you walk back, as happy as can be.*
Y/N- you will have so much responsibility when you're gone-
Alex- wow. Thanks mom *He says flatly. You hit his arm and he smiles*
Y/N- and when you come back if you decide to just be a kid again. To revert back to 16... I will make sure your only responsibilities will be to clean your room and do your homework. *Alex looks at you smiles, the smile slowly turns into a cry and you hold him tight.* I promise you, my sweet boy. I will make sure you get to be a kid. *You kiss his forehead and he buries his face in your neck as he cries. He soon calms down and you make your way home. You drop the girls off with Steve and Nat for some time with them. You and Alex head over to your house.*

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