Fix Their World

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‼️Shit this one hurt

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‼️Shit this one hurt... sorry I'm advance. It gets kinda dark. TW- Mentions of physical abuse.‼️

*You explain everything to Winter. He just listens and takes it all in.*
Y/N- okay, any questions?
Winter- yeah... where are they? I want to meet them.
*You smile and pull him up and into your arms*
Y/N- this way *You pull him along and the kids are sitting on the couch. Waiting. Winter sees Steve and Nat.*
Winter- are they scared I'm gonna hurt them or something.
Y/N- No baby, they just want to be here.
*He nods and walks over to the couch. He sees Grant sitting on the couch holding Ben. He smiles and Grant smiles at him.*
Grant- hey Winter
Winter- hey bud. *He rubs his hair and Grant laughs. Everly stands up and walks over to him. She tugs on his pants and looks up at him.*
Everly- excuse me... you look like daddy but they say you're different. How?
*She puts her hands on her hips and looks at him. He laughs and crouches down.*
Winter- I am a little different. I look the same but I think differently than Bucky.
Everly- how so?
*Winter looks back at you and then Steve and Nat.*
Winter-ummm I-  I can be a little stricter
*Everly nods and then looks at Grant*
Everly- but not like mean... right?
*Alex looks at Winter and then you. He looks at Grant who smiles and answer*
Grant- no Everly, not mean.
*She smiles and looks at Winter. She hugs him and he laughs. He holds her tight. Carson walks over and waves, he pulls her in to.*
Winnie- but he can be grumpy!
Everly- yeah but that's like Daddy so that's fine!
*You all laugh and so does Winter. You take Ben from Grant and they all go run off to play and Alex is left there with the adults. He stares Winter down and looks between all of you.*
Alex- so he's- you're okay with- *He shakes his head* do you know what he did?!
*You move towards Alex and puts his hands up, not wanting to be touched.*
Y/N- okay, okay. I'll stay right here. What happened? *Alex cries and shakes his head*
Alex- it's too awful to speak.
*You take a deep breath and look at Winter. He looks at you and you take his hand.*
Y/N- you can tell us, we need to know so we can help you.
Alex- my dad's- His version of Winter was- is- he's a fucking monster. *Winter feels the need to tell alex to 'watch his fucking language'. He knows it's Bucky slipping through. Instead he says*
Winter- tell me. I need to know so I can show you I am a better man then the version of me you knew.
*Alex looks around and then looks at you.*
Alex- we never met him until after Kang messed with everything. And when we did he was worse than dad. He trained me and-  *Alex lifts a sleeve of his shirt. You never really noticed before but he was always in a shirt with longer sleeves. It was to cover what Winter had done. You gasp as you see it. Carved into Alex's arm are tally marks.*
Alex- for every time I couldn't win... you said it was so I could face my failures.
*You just cry, Nat takes Ben from you. Winter is shocked, he knew he could be a monster in the past but that a version of himself could be so vile as to do this. He starts to tear up and cry. Alex sees this and lowers his sleeve.*
Winter- Alex- I- I need you to know - *Winter actually chokes up. He takes a breath.* I would never hurt you. I am so sorry you met that vile version of me. And I am sorry for what he made you experience, I'm actually mad and want to rip his throat out because of it. *Winter is stone cold serious now. Alex can see he means every word. He nods and the tiniest smile comes across his face. To know he has someone who will protect him so fiercely, even when he just met him.*
Winter- I can undo what was done, but I can try to rebuild what he broke. *Alex nods. Winter approaches him and slowly he hugs him. Alex cries and hugs him back. You just sob.*
Y/N- Alex- my sweet boy- I am so so so sorry for all the pain you've been through. *You kiss his head* mark my words, we will make it right.
Winter- this Kang will pay.. with blood if need be.
*Steve clears his throat*
Steve- Alex, I think Shuri could probably help... maybe. It's worth asking. If you wanted to go that route.
*Alex looks down at where the marks are. All 21 of them. He looks at Steve and shakes his head*
Alex- No, it's a reminder Of what happens when the world has no heros. 
*and at that he walks away.*

*Winter turns around and looks at all of you. You can tell he's a little mad.*
Winter- What the fuck?! You said you told me everything!
*You glare at him*
Y/N- I did! I didn't know AU you would beat the shit out of him and then carve him up! That is something I would have remembered being told! *You say in a hushed, scream.*
Nat- guys stop, there is no use fighting it now. Alex seems to understand that you are not the same man.
*Winter sits on the back of the couch. You kiss his shoulder and apologize*
Y/N- if I had known I never would of-
Winter- it's fine... I needed to know.
*He kisses you and you rub his face. Winnie and Jonnie come running over.*
Winnie- can Winter okay with us now?!?
Jonnie- yeah!!
*He gently smiles and looks to you.*
Y/N- you've got 10 minutes, then we need to get daddy back, okay.
*They cheer and pull him away. He ends up at a 'tea party' you laugh and take pictures. He acts supper grump and the girls love it. And secretly so does he. Alex sees how Winter is interacting with the others, even Carson and Everly. He loves them, actually loves them. He laughs and smiles, he plays along and makes them all feel important. Alex smiles, maybe this version of Winter isn't so bad after all.*

Winter- I love you all, be good! Listen to mommy and daddy and behave. Understand?
*The kids all agree and give him big hugs and kisses. He stands up and looks at Alex. He hugs him and pats his back.*
Winter- you're tough Alex, you've been through too much for a kid your age. I hope I can be a part of your healing. *Alex nods and hugs winter again.*
Alex- see you soon, Winter
*He smiles and walks back into the bedroom with you.*
Y/N- okay, you ready?
*Winter nods and then kisses you*
Winter- I love you, I'll see you soon.
*You say his words.*

*Winter's room*
*It's all black again, no chair, no bed*
Bucky- hey, we know that's not you. *Bucky pats his back and Winter looks at him*
Winter- I just hope I can fix it.
Bucky- we will, we've all got trauma to fix from these AU versions of us.

*Bucky opens his eyes and sees you. He picks you up and kisses you.*
Bucky- I am so sorry
Y/N- I love you so much.
Bucky- I would never- He would never-
Y/N- I know *You kiss him* I know.
*You two stay in each others arms for a bit. When you pull back you two start discussing game plans*
Y/N- I think Winter needs to spend a couple hours with him every week. Maybe like every Tuesday afternoon, you'd switch back before dinner.
*Bucky nods*
Bucky- yeah... I think that will help a bit. Do we know if he ever hurt the girls?
Y/N- Alex didn't mention it. And we've given them baths, I haven't seen any markings.
Bucky- so he zeroed in on Alex. *You nod and Bucky hangs his head* damn it. I'm gonna kill him.
Y/N- you can't kill yourself-
Bucky- Kang. All of this is because of him. He will pay for how he hurt my family and my kids. I'll carve his failures into his face.
*Bucky gets up and starts to walk away. He turns back around*
Bucky- Odette and Winter can have 3 hours on Mondays when the kids are at school. Everyone will be gone but Ben and it can be during his nap time.
*You nod and he kisses you*
Y/N- where are you going?
Bucky- to workout.
*And with that he leaves the room*

*He comes back, sweaty and tired looking. He walks over to you on the couch, he crashes at your feet and just cries. You pull him into your arms and hold him close. You rub his back as he lets it all out. Everything that he's been bottling up from the past few weeks. He falls asleep like that, the kids see and smile. They try to wake him but you shoo them away. When Bucky wakes up he looks at you and kisses you.*
Bucky- we've got to fix their world. *You kiss him*

‼️That is all the really hard and sad things involving the AU kids!! Everything from now on will deal with healing from it all!! 😭🥺❤️‼️

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