My World

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‼️It's short but I make up for it in the end

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‼️It's short but I make up for it in the end. 🤭😉😏. And hopefully it reads as sensual and intimate as I write it to be. 🤷🏼‍♀️😅😘‼️

*Bucky leans down and kisses you.*
Bucky- how are you doing? *You give his a confused look. He smiles and wraps his arms around your body.* Before you were tearing up and- I just wanna make sure you're okay. *He kisses your bare shoulders and you hum as you lean into the feel of his lips on your skin.*
Y/N- I'm okay, we just haven't really talked about it all yet. So seeing your scars- *You turn back to look up at him* it was just a lot. Realizing that we were so close to losing each other. *Bucky hums in agreement and searches below the water for your hand. He threads his fingers with yours as he kisses your neck.*
Bucky- yeah *He sighs* I get what you mean. *He rubs his hands up and down your body, loving the way you melt in his arms.* I'm sorry I couldn't be the man you needed in that moment, y/n.
*You sit up and turn around in Bucky's arms.*
Y/N- Bucky, I'm alive because of you-
Bucky- you're alive because of Winter, y/n. He did what I couldn't-
Y/N- no, stop- we aren't doing this. *You take his face in your hands* you did what you could and Winter did what he could. You worked together to rid the world of an evil man. That's it, end of story. Odette came through for me when I was ready to give up, and I don't think for one second I failed you. Do you think I failed you?
*Bucky's eyes soften and he takes your face in his hands.*
Bucky- no, y/n. You didn't fail me- you never could.
Y/N- then don't say that about yourself. Winter is a part of you, a part that I love dearly and he did what needed to be done to keep you both as a part of my life.
*Bucky starts to cry*
Bucky- I have been so scared to even switch- to thank him- *you pull him closer and he leans his head against your breast as he cries. You rub his back and kisses the top of his head.* I wasn't enough so Winter had to kill him.
Y/N- you were a good man in your own way, Bucky. *Bucky pulls back and looks at you.* and Winter was a good man in his own way. The Winter we knew would have killed Kang for no reason. Winter didn't take Kang's life lightly. He was going to kill us and so many others, that's why he took that step-
Bucky- yeah, and I couldn't. Y/n you were stabbed because I didn't end him when I had the chance.
Y/N- Did Winter even give you a chance to "avenge" me?? *You ask already knowing the answer. Bucky sniffle and shakes his head.* exactly. Had Winter been locked away and not able to break free I know you would have- *Your voice breaks* you would have died Avenging me. You said you couldn't be the man I needed, that you weren't enough and Winter was? Winter gave me the man I needed. *You pull him close* Bucky, in that moment I didn't need my Husband to go and die avenging my death, I needed him to hold me in his arms while I died. Winter stepping in and killing Kang gave me what I needed. He gave me you when I was the most scared and being in your arms when my final moments, well what I thought were my final moments, when that came, I was at peace. With you, in your arms, holding me into eternity. Winter allowed you to be the man I needed.
*You wipe a tear from your eyes.*
Y/N- When your body was so beaten down and you couldn't go on anymore Winter took over. He knew he needed to step in or we would all die alone and scared, Bucky believe me when I tell you, you did not fail me- *He looks away and you pull his face back* and you did not cause Winter to backslide. *Bucky's tears fall as he sighs and leans his head back.*

*Winter stands in front of him, his room back to the way it was before. Bucky is quiet for a moment.*
Bucky- I'm sorry I couldn't finish it.
Winter- don't be. Look around *He does* does this look dark and sad to you? *Bucky shakes his head* I'm okay, you didn't undo all the hard work, I'm not going dark. In fact I have never felt this good. And I have you to thank for that. I was able to help save my world- I could never thank you enough for that.
Bucky- Your world? *Winter smiles*
Winter- y/n. All these years I've watched from behind your eyes as you saved her. The love and thankfulness that flows from her in those moments- anyway, I got to see it first hand, well from the eyes of Odette, but still. It was everything. So no, I'm not mad or hurt, I am incredibly thankful. *Winter gives Bucky a hug and Bucky opens his eyes again.*

Bucky- you are our world, y/n. You and the kids. *You tear up a little and kiss him. Curling up against his chest you whisper quietly.*
Y/N- while I was dying, I had a dream. *You look up at Bucky.* I knew I would be okay because I saw our future, Bucky. And it is beautiful. I held our grandchild while our- *You look up at him, he smiles softly* while our twins played in the snow with their brothers and sisters. *Bucky's eyes get a little misty and his soft smile turns to awe. He pulls you close and kisses you, leaning his forehead against yours.*
Bucky- so Ben isn't the last.
*you shake your head 'no' moving his with you. He lightly laughs and kisses your nose.*
Y/N- like I said, we still have a lot of life left to live.
*Tears fill Bucky's eyes as he smiles. You lean in and he kisses you sweetly. He wraps his arms around you and pulls your hips closer. Your arms wrap around his neck and as your hands drift down his back, dancing along his muscles. He moans against your lips and you smile in response. His hands slowly move down your back and ghost your ass below the water, a breathy gasp escapes you as Bucky's hand find purchase on your ass. His tongue claims your mouth as he squeezes your cheeks, pulling them apart slightly as you feel his hardened dick brush between them. You slowly start to flick your hips back, acting like you were riding him, he groans into your mouth as his dick slides between your ass cheeks. It feels so good as his tip catches your rim with each slow, hard pass. His Abs create friction against your clit that has you drooling and aching with need. Bucky moves his hands down to guide his tip right at your rim, he gives the slightest amount of pressure against it and then starts to ever so slightly move his hips. It feels like you have a low vibration right on your rim and that coupled with the friction on your clit and Bucky sucking on your tongue for a moment, which is something he's never done before, you cum. Your back arches and you whimper into his mouth as he is back to kissing you. He kneads your ass and guides your hips as he works you through your high.*
Y/N- Bucky *You moan as you finally come down.*
Bucky- I here, Y/N. I love you so much.
*A few tears fall and you kiss Bucky gently*
Y/N- I love you too, Bucky. You're my world, too.
*Bucky kisses you and lifts your hips, you feel his tip at your entrance. He pushes in and bottoms out. He kisses you and then kisses down your neck and he buries his head there. Bucky starts to thirst up into you as you flick your hips back and ride him. You both are grabbing each other desperately, your nails digging in slightly across his back and his arms wrapped around your upper back and one around your waist. He keeps you close and your movements short, slow, and hard. Your bodies grinding against each other in the still hot, bath water. He leaves open mouth kisses up your neck till he meets your lips again. He speaks against your open mouth, both of you gasping for air and on the brink of ecstasy.*
Bucky- cum for me, y/n. *His voice is strained, he is holding back for you to cum first.* god, I love you- please baby, cum. *His brow furrows as he gets closer and closer. You lean down and lick his neck and nibble on his ear as you speed up your hips.*
Y/N- you first, baby. *pleasure washes over his face as he cums deep inside you. Gripping you even tighter as he pushes deeper, you can feel him painting your walls with his seed.* thank you *You whisper as you fall over the edge and join him in bliss.*

*The next thing you remember is laying in bed with Bucky, neither of you bother with clothes as you lay in each other's arms. Slowly kissing one another as your hips move as one, getting off on each other's bodies. His hands grope and palm at your breast and ass as you sling one leg over his leg and ride his thigh. One hand plays in Bucky's hair as the other lazily strokes his dick, keeping him hard and on edge till he is ready to tumble over. You cum on his thigh as he kisses your neck, your head thrown back as you cry out in pleasure. He cums in your hand moments later and paints his chest and yours. You get cleaned up again and end the night right back in bed, this time Bucky is feeding you and himself pizza for dinner as you lay in his arms, both of you thinking up baby names for your future twins as a romcom plays in the background.*

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