Obvious Questions

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*Alex shows you where the new hiding spot is and where the girls are

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*Alex shows you where the new hiding spot is and where the girls are.*
Y/N- thank you, Alex *You kiss his head and squeeze his hand.*
Bucky- we need to figure out the best way to go and get them.
Alex- just be careful, please?
Steve- we will, we will make sure they are safe.
Nat- Steve I need you to get Joshua from the orphanage. He should be here.
*Steve nods*
Steve- I'll head that way and see what I can do.
*Alex watches as you all talk and make your plans. He is overwhelmed at how much you all love each other. How you support one another and will do whatever needs to be done to protect your family.*
Y/N- Bucky you go and get the girls-
Bucky- by myself?
Y/N- well yeah, I should stay here with Alex-
Alex- I'm fine, you can go with Dad. *You all look at him and then back at Bucky. He nods and looks at Steve and You.*
Bucky- okay, well y/n you heard him. You come with me and maybe Steve we can drive you as well. *He agrees. Steve says goodbye to Nat and Matthew. You and Bucky say goodby to Alex and then y'all head out.*

*Bucky drives down the road and this over everything they've read and what Alex has told them. Some things don't seem to add up. Maybe he's thinking about it too much, he should just relax and be happy that Alex is okay. Bucky is lost in thought as you take his hand. He is snapped out of it and he smiles over at you.*
Y/N- doesn't that sound like fun? Bucky?
Bucky- yeah, what? Sorry.
*You smile*
Y/N- I was saying that once Alex is up to it we should get all the kids together. Maybe go to the park and have some snacks. No pressure and they can play-
Bucky- I mean that will be good for the Little's but what about Alex? He's 16-
Y/N- well Morgan will be there! And Peter and Kate.
*Bucky nods and smiles*
Bucky- okay, well that sounds good. *He squeezes your thigh and you blush a little. Steve just stares out the window, listening to you talk about future plans. Bucky and Steve know you're just taking cause you can't stand the silence at the moment.*

*Bucky pulls up at the address that Alex wrote down. You get Ben and put him in the wrap on you. Bucky grabs a gun out of the center console and you just smile. He pulls another one out and offers it to you and Steve. You both decline. You tell him to put it back and he grumble but he does. You follow behind Bucky as he walks into the abandoned building, Steve walking behind you.*
Y/N- okay, Alex said they would be in the back and under the stairs.
*Bucky nods and makes his way there. You hear shuffling and little whispers*
Bucky- okay this is creepy
*You hit his arm and he smiles.*
Y/N- Everly? Carson?
*Bucky shoots you a look and you shrug*
Y/N- what? They need to know that we are friends- family.
Steve- It's safe, you can come out!
*Bucky sighs and joins in*
Bucky- Alex is safe, we can bring you to him.
*Very slowly you see two little heads peer around a doorway. They slowly walk out and stand together. One with dark brown hair and green eyes. The other with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. They both look at you three and then they smile. They run over and just jump in your arms. They smile and cry, you are taken aback at the sudden acceptance but you push it away and hold the girls tight. They pull back and hug Steve and Bucky, you just watch as they smile and look so happy. You try not to cry.*
Y/N- Everly? Carson?
Y/N- let's go get Joshua and then we will go see Alex and Matthew, yeah?
*They nod and hold hands as they walk to the car. Everly takes Bucky's hand and smiles up at him. It's a sweet gesture, one that seems off in some way. Again, Bucky pushes it away and wraps an arm around you.*
Steve- okay, let's go see if we can get Joshua.
*The girls get buckled up in the back and they just ooo and aww at Ben the whole way. You pull up to the orphanage and Steve runs in. About 10 minutes later he comes walking out with Joshua and all his stuff.*
Y/N- they just- wait really?!
Steve- apparently Tony had called and explained how he is my son. They already had papers establishing parental rights. *You smile and Steve just looks at Joshua. He is so happy and giggly, happy to see his sisters and meet Ben. Bucky meets Steve's gaze through the mirror. They share a knowing look as Bucky drives away.*

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