I've Been Reading

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*The kids file around the table and sit down

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*The kids file around the table and sit down. With all of the kids there is no room for some of the adults. You sit at the bar and Bucky sits with you. Steve and Nat go outside on the patio. Sam holds Jackson so Yelena has somewhere to sit with Charlie. Bucky serves you a plate after getting the kids squared away.*
Y/N- it smells so good! *You look down at Ben in your arms. He's Cozy and he's giving you his "you put me down and I will scream face." You fake cry and Bucky chuckles as he walks around to sit down. He kisses your cheek and gets you a bite of food and feeds you. You close your eyes and make a sound eerily similar to a moan, thankfully only Bucky heard you. He laughs and takes a bite as well.*
Bucky- you okay or are you flying solo without me know? *He teases and you blush*
Y/N- its just so good! *He gives you another bite and this time you keep your noises to yourself. Bucky offers you some wine.* Umm, is there any milk in the fridge?
Bucky- I'll look *He does* yeah, little mans got 4 bags. Enough for the night. *You smile and nod. He pours the wine and you take a sip.*
Y/N- so good, I've missed you. *You kiss the glass and take another sip. Bucky just laughs. He helps you eat as you hold Ben, he's as happy as ever to have his mama all to himself. Bucky tries to sneak a couple kisses but Ben is not happy and he makes it known, then Bucky is caught by all the kids who yell and are grossed out.*
Bucky- oh hush! *He teases and kisses you anyway. Ben whines and clings to you. You laugh and pat his back, he instantly stops.* now that's just not fair. *You laugh and sit back as you wait for everyone to be done.*

*Nat and Steve sit outside. She sees this as a good time to talk.*
Nat- hey Stevie?
Steve- yeah Tasha?
Nat- I want to be honest with you.
Steve- okay?
Nat- when you called y/n "mama" the other day- I was really hurt by that-
Steve- oh Nat, I'm sorry-
Nat- let me finish, please. *He nods and she goes on* I was hurt because I don't like the idea of you having a kid with her. And it's not y/n, she's a great mom and will be an amazing step-mom- it's because I never thought we'd have children that weren't fully ours. I never thought we'd have to share custody with our best friends. I have a kid with Bucky! I love the kids, I do but I'm not happy about the situation around it. I know we can get through this, it will just take some adjusting. We've been through harder things than this... I just needed you to know how I'm feeling right now. *Steve gently smiles and takes her hand. He kisses it* how are you feeling?
*He sighs*
Steve- I don't really know how to put it into words yet. But when I do I'll come to you. *Nat smile and kisses him. They sit out there for awhile, just watching the sunset.*

*You pull Bucky to the side to talk to him while the kids eat.*
Y/N- hey, we need to talk.
Bucky- about the girls?
Y/N- yes- how did you know?!
Bucky- because I know my wife. We talk through everything, it's one reason why we have such and great relationship. *He kisses you and you smile*
Y/N- well I want to be honest. I don't like that you have a kid with Nat
Bucky- I don't like that you have a kid with Steve.
Y/N- really?!
Bucky- yeah! I mean I love those two little girls. They are so sweet and incredibly smart. They are a mix of our girls. I just wish one was all ours and the other was all theirs. *He shrugs as he crosses his arms and leans against the wall.*
Y/N- Is it weird to say I'm glad you feel that way?
Bucky- No, not at all. Look I made you a mom, right? We had Grant and then the others and I made you a mom. I strongly dislike the fact that another man now has that privilege as well. *He takes Ben from you as he starts to wiggle around too much. He whines for a moment and then he stops, accepting his fate. You smile and rub his little head.*
Y/N- well I don't like that someone else gave you the privilege of being a dad again. *You cross your arms.*
Bucky- look this is just growing pains. It's gonna be hard but we've done harder things than this-
Y/N- hey I said that to Nat! *You smile and he laughs*
Bucky- well great minds do think alike. *You smile and lean against the wall.* we will get through this and I think our relationship as well as our friendships with Steve and Nat will grow stronger. If we focus on the kids needs while also expressing how we truly feel about things then I think we will be fine. *You nod and he hugs you. Ben clings to your shirt and you laugh. You take him back and you two go to find Steve and Nat.*

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