Christmas pt12 A Christmas Miracle

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Y/N- okay, so you know how I try to get everyone some type of super personal gift every year? *Nat and Steve look at each other* Steve- yeah? *You take a deep breath and Bucky rubs your back and holds your hand

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Y/N- okay, so you know how I try to get everyone some type of super personal gift every year?
*Nat and Steve look at each other*
Steve- yeah?
*You take a deep breath and Bucky rubs your back and holds your hand.*
Y/N- if you want... I think I've- we've *You motion to Bruce and Tony* found a way to help Matthew.
*Steve and Nat look more intrigued*
Nat- what do you mean?
Y/N- by using Steve's blood or your blood, you could give him a bone marrow transplant. He would get the benefits of the serum without having to take it.
*Nat looks at you in disbelief. You're a little scared that she's mad you would even suggest this. But then she starts to tear up and she gives Steve a hopeful smile.*
Steve- how would it work? Would he grow bigger as well?
*You start to explain but Tony stops you*
Tony- he would still be little but he would t be on the edge of death every time he runs after his brothers. *You 4 shoot him a look and he shrugs* hey, it may sound harsh but that's his reality now! But if you do this then it doesn't have to be.
*Steve and Nat don't know what to say. He just hugs her. She pulls back after a moment and looks at you*
Nat- y/n, thank you. But I don't want my child experimented on.
Steve- wait Nat-
Nat- No steve
*Bruce walks up*
Bruce- Nat, listen. I wouldn't be backing this if I didn't know he would be 100% safe. It's a blood transfusion from his own parents, it's as safe as it can be.
*Nat eyes him and looks at Steve. The Hope in his eyes says it all and that's why she's scared. They both have so much hope and no way to know it will work.*
Nat- he will be sedated. I don't want him awake for any part of it. Not even after the fact, we will wait till we see his body duplicating the serum in his blood. Understand?!
*Bruce and Tony nod*
Tony- we promise.
*Nat nods and then looks at Steve*
Nat- when do we do this?
Tony- it's up to you- well we have to wait for Shuri to be ready but once she is, it's up to you.
*Nat takes Steve's hand and squeezes it.*
Steve- okay.

*you all watch movies and eat way too much junk. The kids are in bed early and you start wrapping Christmas presents with the others*
Bucky- I thought you said we weren't going crazy this year? *He twirls a wrapped box in his hand*
Y/N- I wouldn't say this is crazy.. *You look around.* it's just 5 gifts per kid.
Bucky- yeah... times 9 kids!
*You laugh and poke his side.*
Y/N- stop it's not that bad. We are almost done.
*You wrap the last gift and then gather them up to place around the tree.*
Nat- hey y/n? Bucky? How do we want to go about Christmas with the girls?
*You look at Bucky and he shrugs*
Y/N- together sounds like the best option. Or else one parent misses out
*She nods and Steve walks in*
Steve- I think we could have Everly over with us and you two have Carson. We do a couple presents and then the girls switch and do a couple more. Then we could maybe give them the big gift together.
*You nod and agree*
Y/N- yeah, that's fine by me. Bucky?
Bucky- yeah, seems like the best way for everyone to have some time with them.
*You smile and pulls him close. This situation with the girls could have pulled your two family's apart but you 4 fought hard to push away any jealousy and put the girls first. Now your families are stronger than ever. Bucky smiles down at you and kisses your nose.*
Bucky- alright, well if all the presents are done let's head to bed cause you know these kids will be up at the first crack of dawn.
*Steve laughs and agrees. You all head to bed.*

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